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Climate Realism

Debunking Climate Migration Narratives
Climate Realism

Debunking Climate Migration Narratives

Revealing data debunks the widely held belief of climate-driven migration towards cooler U.S. regions with current demographic data showing a persistent trend of people moving to warmer southern states.

by Staff


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The Global Boiling Delusion | John Ruddick
Climate Realism

The Global Boiling Delusion | John Ruddick

The podcast episode features John Ruddick, a member of the New South Wales Parliament representing the Libertarian Party. Ruddick offers a unique perspective on climate change, which he terms "global boilingism," equating it with a form of religion for those who have abandoned traditional faiths.

Feb 9, 2024
by Staff
Sea Level Data Tampering By NASA
Climate Realism

Sea Level Data Tampering By NASA

The examination of sea level rise data reveals alterations in the historical record, which have shifted the narrative from a lack of acceleration to a rapid increase in sea level.

Feb 7, 2024
by Staff
Global Warming Ideology Wrecked Science | Jeff Reynolds

Global Warming Ideology Wrecked Science | Jeff Reynolds

In this fascinating episode of the Tom Nelson Podcast, the rise of citizen journalism and its impact on democratizing information was discussed with guest Jeff Reynolds, senior investigative researcher for Restoration of America.

Feb 6, 2024
by Staff
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