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Peter St Onge

Daily videos on Economics and Freedom | Economist at Heritage | Fellow the Mises Institute | former MBA professor, ex-bartender | Videos & articles at

What a Gold Standard does to America

What a Gold Standard does to America

What would America look like it we return to the gold standard? Would we return to the stone age, would innovation end as Wall Street bankers and government’s paid economists claim? It's easy to talk about the catastrophes unleashed on humanity by paper money. The permanent inflation,

by Peter St Onge


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Our Coming Zombie Economy

Our Coming Zombie Economy

In short, the productive economy was whipsawed during the boom-bust, and now in the recession it's starved.

Oct 28, 2023
by Peter St Onge
What a Gold Standard does to America

What a Gold Standard does to America

What would America look like it we return to the gold standard? Would we return to the stone age, would innovation end as Wall Street bankers and government’s paid economists claim? It's easy to talk about the catastrophes unleashed on humanity by paper money. The permanent inflation,

Oct 19, 2023
by Peter St Onge
The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

Do we need inflation? Should we be thanking the Fed for everything they steal? One of the biggest barriers people have to replacing paper money with gold or Bitcoin is the idea that inflation is necessary. Central banks, and the academic economists they pay, have been very successful at convincing

Sep 28, 2023
by Peter St Onge
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