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Peter St. Onge

Central Banks Hedging “Collapse” With Gold

Central Banks Hedging “Collapse” With Gold

This year's surge in gold acquisitions by central banks has been a remarkable 34% increase compared to the previous year, propelling their holdings beyond the pre-Nixon era levels—a significant milestone given the historical context.

by Staff
"Four Pillars of Civilization" Under Attack

"Four Pillars of Civilization" Under Attack

In the grand scheme of history, we've only just begun to unravel our civilization. I'd date the start to the Progressive era a century ago, when totalitarian socialism gained the upper hand by making a devil's bargain with liberal democracy: give us control and we will let you sit on the throne.

by Peter St Onge


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Central Banks Hedging “Collapse” With Gold

Central Banks Hedging “Collapse” With Gold

This year's surge in gold acquisitions by central banks has been a remarkable 34% increase compared to the previous year, propelling their holdings beyond the pre-Nixon era levels—a significant milestone given the historical context.

Dec 12, 2023
by Staff
"Four Pillars of Civilization" Under Attack

"Four Pillars of Civilization" Under Attack

In the grand scheme of history, we've only just begun to unravel our civilization. I'd date the start to the Progressive era a century ago, when totalitarian socialism gained the upper hand by making a devil's bargain with liberal democracy: give us control and we will let you sit on the throne.

Dec 10, 2023
by Peter St Onge
Our Coming Zombie Economy

Our Coming Zombie Economy

In short, the productive economy was whipsawed during the boom-bust, and now in the recession it's starved.

Oct 28, 2023
by Peter St Onge
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