Thought of the week from Marty Bent: Bitcoin is slowly becoming embedded into some of the largest industries in the world. This is very good, but it's also to be expected. Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology. If you're reading this, you're early to the revolution.
Thought of the week from Matt Odell: Payjoin usage improves the privacy of all bitcoiners by breaking the common input ownership heuristic - when used at scale you can no longer assume all inputs belong to the sender when analyzing bitcoin transactions. The main caveat being the receiver must be available to accept the payment since data needs to be exchanged off chain. Small merchants using BTCPay Server are ideal candidates - their storefronts are already online.
There are now three wallets with payjoin integration, although they are currently incompatible with each other: Joinmarket, Samourai Wallet, and BTCPay Server. Blockstream Green Wallet, Blue Wallet, and Wasabi Wallet are preparing integrations based on BTCPay's implementation.