Forbes’ Steven Ehrlich Interviews Ten31 Co-Founder Jonathan Kirkwood
Jonathan Kirkwood is a cofounder and managing member of Ten31, a venture capital firm that exclusively invests in the bitcoin ecosystem.
Jonathan Kirkwood is a cofounder and managing member of Ten31, a venture capital firm that exclusively invests in the bitcoin ecosystem.
One thing that needs to be done to make this happen is to help those building out AI products to realize the massive benefit incorporating lightning into their APIs can have on their businesses.
You freaks may not realize it yet, but this is pretty massive.
The early success stories of Fold and Strike are a call to action for businesses and entrepreneurs globally to acknowledge the overwhelming potential benefits of incorporating bitcoin technology into their strategic framework.
By leveraging these networks, Civ Kit is providing the market with the ability to create robust escrow and reputation solutions, which are two of the core pillars of marketplaces.
I look forward to seeing the growth of the PDK project.
Securing bitcoin is a very serious matter that should not be taken lightly. Take your time. Do your research.
Roman's fate seems to be in the hands of a well connected group of individuals who are incentivized to make Chainalysis look like an omniscient crime fighting machine.
Jonathan Kirkwood is a cofounder and managing member of Ten31, a venture capital firm that exclusively invests in the bitcoin ecosystem.
One thing that needs to be done to make this happen is to help those building out AI products to realize the massive benefit incorporating lightning into their APIs can have on their businesses.
You freaks may not realize it yet, but this is pretty massive.
The early success stories of Fold and Strike are a call to action for businesses and entrepreneurs globally to acknowledge the overwhelming potential benefits of incorporating bitcoin technology into their strategic framework.
By leveraging these networks, Civ Kit is providing the market with the ability to create robust escrow and reputation solutions, which are two of the core pillars of marketplaces.
I look forward to seeing the growth of the PDK project.
Securing bitcoin is a very serious matter that should not be taken lightly. Take your time. Do your research.
Roman's fate seems to be in the hands of a well connected group of individuals who are incentivized to make Chainalysis look like an omniscient crime fighting machine.
No matter what comes of this, I think it is encouraging to see bitcoin beginning to experiment with alternative communications protocols like Nostr to create some redundancies so that bitcoin is as robust as possible.
If bitcoin, or any of the affinity scams created in its wake, strive to be pillars of the global economy at some point this century it is imperative that the boring, un-sexy things that people don't find particularly interesting are taken care of.
Luckily for us, bitcoin is here to de-fang their ability to debase our savings and self-fund their sadistic war mongering across the world.
Each individual making these decisions independently, at the same time, all across the world. It really is a beautiful thing. Truly free markets for block space with real-time, dynamic pricing signals.
Two very different approaches characterize our current moment in monetary evolution: FedNow and bitcoin.
To any of the freedom hating governments out there reading this on our dirty corner of the internet, good luck!