The CPI Comes With Insane Assumptions
It is safe to assume that the government is overtly lying about the true level of price inflation throughout the economy.
It is safe to assume that the government is overtly lying about the true level of price inflation throughout the economy.
The capstone for the week came late Friday, when ratings agency Moody’s downgraded its outlook for US sovereign debt to negative.
With runaway debt, massive amounts of unrealized losses on the balance sheets of banks, and sticky inflation it hasn't impossible to think that we are well on the way toward a hyperinflationary event in the US.
The inflation-is-prosperity fallacy has been internalized by the ruling class.
People aren't confident in the US economy at the moment and are actively offloading US debt as a result.
This is an alarming trend that, if it is real, signals tough times ahead.
It is safe to assume that the government is overtly lying about the true level of price inflation throughout the economy.
The capstone for the week came late Friday, when ratings agency Moody’s downgraded its outlook for US sovereign debt to negative.
With runaway debt, massive amounts of unrealized losses on the balance sheets of banks, and sticky inflation it hasn't impossible to think that we are well on the way toward a hyperinflationary event in the US.
The inflation-is-prosperity fallacy has been internalized by the ruling class.
People aren't confident in the US economy at the moment and are actively offloading US debt as a result.
This is an alarming trend that, if it is real, signals tough times ahead.
History has shown that when the state steps in to run things that should be delegated to the free market things go terribly wrong.
As you take time to rest and reflect on this holiday I urge you to think about the effects government has on your quality of life and whether or not it deserves the influence it has.
Matthew Mežinskis is back on to discuss his Q2 2023 monetary base update.
All of this should be a reminder that one of the Fed's mandates is "price stability" and that their idea of price stability is a perpetually low (soon to be not as low) level of price inflation.
The negative externalities that emanate from central planning are very predictable.
As it becomes more clear that anything the government does to combat the economic discomfort that Americans are feeling has little or negative effect on their lives they are going to throw their hands up and join in on the plunder.