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The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

Do we need inflation? Should we be thanking the Fed for everything they steal? One of the biggest barriers people have to replacing paper money with gold or Bitcoin is the idea that inflation is necessary. Central banks, and the academic economists they pay, have been very successful at convincing

by Peter St Onge
The Case for Fiat

The Case for Fiat

The fiat system is immoral and evil. It corrupts and robs; enriches the wealthy at the expense of everyone else; and allows the ever-creeping growth of government surveillance and control.

by Peruvian Bull


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The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

Do we need inflation? Should we be thanking the Fed for everything they steal? One of the biggest barriers people have to replacing paper money with gold or Bitcoin is the idea that inflation is necessary. Central banks, and the academic economists they pay, have been very successful at convincing

Sep 28, 2023
by Peter St Onge
The Case for Fiat

The Case for Fiat

The fiat system is immoral and evil. It corrupts and robs; enriches the wealthy at the expense of everyone else; and allows the ever-creeping growth of government surveillance and control.

Sep 23, 2023
by Peruvian Bull
BRICS: A Ghost Power?

BRICS: A Ghost Power?

Between August 22-24th, the coalition of countries known as BRICS met in Johannesburg, South Africa for their 15th annual summit. BRICS, standing for Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa,

Sep 12, 2023
by Peruvian Bull
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