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End of Week Musings

End of Week Musings

Aug 16, 2024

There is a lot to digest in the world right now. The Presidential race in the US is heating up as the number of days before the election melt away at a quickening pace. The EU and UK have turned into complete totalitarian hellscapes as they throw people in jail for voicing their opinions. Financial institutions that once decried the dangers of bitcoin and told people to stay away from it have disclosed large allocation to bitcoin ETFs.

I've found myself caught in a vortex of chaos with all of the headlines flooding in over the last week that it has honestly been hard to sit down and write. So I figured that I spend some time this afternoon to just fire hose you freaks with my perspective on some of the things going on right now.

The overt censorship, intimidation and force being inflicted on the British people is something that is quite frightening to watch play out in real time. The citizens of the UK have been bombarded with immigration, both legal and illegal, that has completely thrown a wrench in British culture and the wrench is beginning to do material damage to the engine of Britain's historically civil society. The event that set off a chain reaction of protests was the murder of young children by a migrant. From my vantage point, it seems pretty clear that the British people who have taken to the streets to protest the government's immigration policy have a very good reason to be doing so.

The fact that the government has leaned so heavily on its hate speech laws to imprison individual British citizens who are expressing their thoughts is absolutely disgusting. I don't care how vitriolic or idiotic their thoughts may come off to some people. They have an inalienable right to express them. An infringement on free speech by the UK government is not a promising sign and everyone in the US should take note and act with extreme vigilance moving forward. There are certainly people who share the same political persuasion within our government and they would move to push forward similar laws in a heartbeat when they think they have the opportunity.

Speaking of which...

The Harris-Walz ticket, if they get elected, would accelerate a move toward overt socialist policies that will be paired with similar infringements on free speech that we're seeing out of the UK as they attempt to stomp out dissent from their objectively insane policies. Kamala Harris hasn't done a genuine interview with the press since the Democratic Party successfully coup'd Joe Biden out of the way. All she's done are teleprompted stump speeches on the campaign trail. And let me tell you something, the policies that she is beginning to campaign on are objectively insane and anti-free market. We'll focus on two here; her promise to get tough on "price gouging" and the fact that she wants to give $25,000 to new home buyers to help them make a down payment on a mortgage in a real estate market that is running away from the Average Joe.

In an attempt to mask over the fact that the Biden Administration's economic policies, in tandem with Trump-era COVID stimulus (which was extended way too long by the Biden admin), have unleashed the worst bout of inflation the country has seen since the 1970s Kamala is making it a point to go after the greedy checks notes grocery stores for price gouging. This is one of the more disgusting tactics we've seen from the left over the last couple of years as the economy deals with the ramifications of their insane economic policies. The thought of punishing struggling businesses with historically thin margins is infuriating. Even if there are some grocery chains that are price gouging, it isn't the government's job to step in and price fix the market. Other grocery stores should see that as a way to compete on pricing. And if the grocery industry is hyper centralized, the government should reduce regulations to make it easier for people to enter the market. And they should focus upstream and completely gut the USDA, which thrust insane cost on food producers via the regulations they set forth. A price gouge law is the first step to overt price fixing, which has quite literally always ended in economic disaster.

To make matters worse, Kamala's attempt to appease voters looking for easy handouts is also guaranteed to backfire dramatically. To be so stupid as to think that handing anyone who meets a certain criteria and wants to buy house $25,000 will make housing more affordable should be an automatic disqualification from the presidential race. We've already seen this play out with student loans and college tuition prices. If you give someone free money to buy a particular good or service, the people producing that good or service are going to raise their prices. Why wouldn't they? It's free money.

Moving along. All of this comes at a time when it is becoming abundantly clear that Americans are in dire economic straits. As is evident from the data below:

Americans have historically low savings at the same time that they're going into historically high amounts of credit card debt. This is a recipe for disaster. I highly encourage anyone who is struggling financially to deeply research bitcoin and how powerful of a savings tool it can be for individuals and businesses alike. The government isn't going to save. Especially if it's led by Kamala Harris. You need to save yourself and bitcoin is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you do just that. The Biden administration seems to have missed this memo as is evidenced by the fact that they have been selling large chunks of bitcoin. Presumably in an attempt to drive the price lower to undermine Trump's commitment to use bitcoin as a strategic treasury reserve asset.

To end on a somewhat rosy note, it seems that Wall Street is aping into the bitcoin ETF after years of trashing the nascent peer-to-peer digital cash.

This disclosure from Goldman was paired with a disclosure from Morgan Stanley as well.

Free speech is under attack. Overt socialist policies are being floated by the leading presidential ticket in the US. And the "smart money" is piling into bitcoin despite their historic disdain for the asset. Should be a wild ride between now and November.

On a rosier note, Unchained has extended their free bitcoin IRA onboarding for another week. Get on it if you haven't already and tell them TFTC sent you.

Final thought...

The world would be a lot calmer if everyone learned to surf and bask in the glory of the ocean.

Enjoy your weekend, freaks.


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