Don't look now, but things are accelerating.
I'm not going to lie, it's been a bit harder than usual to write over the last week and a half. I've sat down in front of my laptop at many different tables, titled an article, and failed to successfully write an article a half a dozen times since Monday of last week. The series of events that have unfolded since July 13th have been a bit surreal. Donald Trump, the former President of the United States and current nominee of the Republican Party, was mere centimeters away from having his head blown off in 4k ultra high-def in front of millions of people around the world. Luckily, for his sake, the sake of his family and the rest of the country his life was spared.
Since then Trump announced that JD Vance will be his running mate. Vance has been thrust into the limelight by the backing of Peter Thiel, other Silicon Valley tech moguls, and conservative backers who are fed up with the uniparty status quo. He is a young outsider from Appalachia with a background in law and venture capital who is sure to connect similarly with individuals in the Rust Belt who have been kicked to the curb for decades and a business sector that is tired of the government overextending its reach via burdensome regulations and a Malthusian bent that favors degrowth and asinine energy policies over human flourishing.
Meanwhile, the Democratic party has successfully orchestrated an in-your-face coup against the sitting President, the American people, and a democratic process that is supposed to be the bedrock of this country. It has been abundantly clear for multiple years (I would even argue that it has been clear since well before the 2020 election) that Joe Biden is not fit to serve as the President of the United States. He has been in a rapidly accelerating mental decline that has been obvious to anyone paying attention. He hasn't been able to articulate a coherent sentence or walk properly for well over a year. And yet, the mainstream media and many in Washington DC were consistently telling you not to believe your lying eyes. He is totally fine and anything that alludes to the contrary is some right wing conspiracy attempting to discredit an incredible man who is putting the country back on the right track.
Despite all of this, over the last 72 hours that same media-political apparatus has moved in haste to push Biden out of the race via a very suspicious resignation letter that was sent out via a picture on Twitter that had no official White House emblem and an oddly unfamiliar signature from Joe Biden. Almost simultaneously, Janet Yellen and Antony Blinken were given unprecedented unilateral control over anything having to do with America's efforts to aid Ukraine.
And to top things off the Democratic party has let the American people know that Kamala Harris is the new Presidential candidate for the party, all of Biden's campaign funds have been transferred to her, tens of millions of dollars have been raised overnight, and the media, the democratic politicians and Hollywood have all aligned within a day to put their full weight into convincing the public that she is the most well equipped person to take on Donald Trump. "The Career Prosecutor v. The Career Felon" is the line they've decided to run with. The gaslighting over the last few days has been remarkable to watch play out.
When you consider everything that has played out over the last ten days it is hard not to believe that the powers that be wanted both Trump and Biden out of the election. The abject absurdity of the sequence of events that led to the attempted assassination of President Trump make it very obvious that the Deep State tried to take him out of the election. There is literally no one in the world who can convince me that some 20-year old incel with no Internet footprint got within 200-yards of the most controversial American political figure of all time and was able to take multiple shots at his head without the help from the Deep State. And, at this point, I'm pretty convinced that the incel wasn't the only shooter. Chris Martenson did an incredible analysis of the audio from that evening that makes it pretty clear that there was more than one shooter. The incel seems to be nothing more than a patsy.
My jaw is on the floor
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 19, 2024
This PhD did a scientific analysis of all bullet audio signatures from the Trump assassination footage
CONCLUSION: Raw Audio evidence proves there were *at least* two shooters firing different weapons in two locations to kill Trumppic.twitter.com/SLTpCrjAd9
We are currently living on a different timeline than the Deep State expected us to be on. Donald Trump is supposed to be dead and the country is supposed to be in a state of chaos. Well, a more chaotic state than it is already in.
This new timeline brought with it a vacuum that was immediately seized upon by the aforementioned emergent conservative tech elite who have seemingly convinced Donald Trump and his inner circle that it is time to pivot the country in a starkly different direction. Out with uniparty Republicans who cannot get anything done (and likely don't want to get anything done) and in with business people who are chomping at the bit to revitalize America via sound economic, immigration and international relations policy that is looking to unleash American ingenuity and entrepreneurship so that the country can get itself out of the morass that has been created by an insatiable woke administrative state that is hellbent on inserting itself into every facet of American life.
There are many questions that remain unanswered and there are still many risks that lie ahead of us. I discussed these questions and risks with Tom Luongo on TFTC. I highly recommend you check out this episode to get a better perspective at the war that's waging behind the scenes.
We're in uncharted territory and it is undeniable to me that we are currently living in a Banana Republic ruled by people with no regard for the American people or their political will. Unfortunately, it seems that those in charge of this Banana Republic are still very skillful when it comes to the art of propaganda. It has been incredible to watch how quickly the mainstream corporate media and the democratic party was able to upload the latest NPC malware and begin getting the brainwashed to begin reading from the latest update to their script.
I have no idea how the power structure is going to act over the next four months. As Tom explained during our conversation, they no longer have anything to lose and everything is currently on the table. Their failed assassination attempt has made it clear to anyone who hasn't been successfully brainwashed by the media and political classes and many who were woken up by the bullets that flew past Trump's head that they do not care about the will of the American people. They have a plan for all of us and they will do what needs to be done to see that plan through.
I pray that these people are removed from positions of power as swiftly as possible.
In the meantime, I am more motivated than ever to make sure these people have as little influence over my life as possible. It is more important than ever to ensure bitcoin's success. The more facets of our life that we can remove from the control of the state, the better. And money is the most powerful tool we leverage as humans.
I'm about to land in Nashville for the Bitcoin Conference and I look forward to having many conversations with like-minded individuals and many others who have different perspectives about how we can build our way out of this chaos.
We're going to win.
Final thought...
Going to be a long but incredible week.