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The Emergence of Bitcoin: An Austrian Renaissance

The Emergence of Bitcoin: An Austrian Renaissance

Given the current global economic backdrop of soaring debt levels, excessive deficit spending, emergent inflationary pressures, and financial uncertainty, the principles of Austrian economics appear strikingly relevant.

Oct 2, 2023
by Brian Cubellis
The Fiat Endgame is Chaos
Marty's Ƀent

The Fiat Endgame is Chaos

What we are witnessing now is a scenario so perplexing that it is completely borking the "irrational longer than you can stay solvent" trades.

Sep 29, 2023
by Marty Bent
The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

The "Deflation is Bad" Myth

Do we need inflation? Should we be thanking the Fed for everything they steal? One of the biggest barriers people have to replacing paper money with gold or Bitcoin is the idea that inflation is necessary. Central banks, and the academic economists they pay, have been very successful at convincing

Sep 28, 2023
by Peter St Onge
449: Death Athletic: A Dissident Architecture with Jessica Solce
TFTC Podcast

449: Death Athletic: A Dissident Architecture with Jessica Solce

Jessica joined us in the studio to discuss the documentary about the saga, Death Athletic: A Dissident Architecture, the importance of the battles that Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed fought, how the battle still wages on, and the very essence of freedom in the digital age.

Sep 27, 2023
by Marty Bent
Bitcoin, Scarcer Than You Think

Bitcoin, Scarcer Than You Think

The 19th-century gold rush serves as a compelling analogy for bitcoin's supply-demand dynamics and its ultimate use as a medium of exchange.

Sep 25, 2023
by Jonathan Kirkwood
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