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Issue #1271: Soaring rates, begging and bitcoin's relative strength

Issue #1271: Soaring rates, begging and bitcoin's relative strength

Oct 10, 2022
Marty's Ƀent

Issue #1271: Soaring rates, begging and bitcoin's relative strength

Last week we discussed the fact that credit default swap spreads for sovereign nations are becoming completely detached from their historical averages. In that piece we highlighted that rapidly rising rates will begin to have a material effect on the interest payments on sovereign debt. Our friend Lawrence Lepard did some rough calculations on the exact impact this type of high rate environment will have on the amount of money the US government will owe their counterparts in interest payments alone if rates continue to rise. At this rate, interest payments will be about 3.5x what they were in 2020. Of course, this won't happen right away as a lot of these tresuries need to mature. However, if you take a look at the maturity calendar a considerable amount of these treasuries are due to mature over the next two years.

via Lawrence Lepard

While interest payments on the US's sovereign debt may not balloon to $1.2T immediately, they will begin to increase materially in pretty short order. This all happening as tax revenues are all but certain to fall dramatically as Americans attempt to deal with a real inflation rate that is screaming far beyond what's reported via CPI and as capital gains tax revenues dry up as most will probably have to report losses on their stock portfolios and home sales. Anyone with a lick of common sense and rudimentary math skills can see that this problem is about to have a material effect on people's confidence in the US government's ability to pay its debts and, by extension, overall confidence in the US's ability to be the "leader" of the Western world. No matter how much the DXY rallies.

Not only that, but everyone who has become wholly dependent on the easy money gravy train that left the station in 2008-2009 are literally beginning to beg for the Fed to reverse course on their hawkish policy. In the last three weeks alone we've seen the UN, the IMF, and ARK Investments Cathie Wood come out and ask the Fed directly and indirectly to reverse course.

via WSJ
via ARK Investments
via ARK Investments

Very weird times we find ourselves in. Everyone from the UN to the IMF to large asset managers is coming out and admitting that their way of being is wholly dependent on the gravy train barreling down the tracks at full speed. They have built their worldview around a dependence on central planning and free money flows that push up the prices of the assets they own and lull the world into a false sense of security. Markets have been forced to quit their heroin addiction cold turkey and the withdraw shakes are more violent than anyone could ever imagine them to be. The world is wandering into uncharted territory.

As the heroin addicts beg their dealer to give them their fix, bitcoin is quietly showing relative strength in the background.


As those in the mainstream continue to poo poo $18,000-$20,000 bitcoin after a ~75% fall from highs attained late last year, the nascent peer-to-peer digital cash system seems to be developing a stable base as everything around it begins to crumble at an increasing pace. This is something to keep an eye on in the weeks and months to come. Who knows whether or not this relative stability will continue moving forward, but if it does while everything else continues to crash it would be a massive signal that there are likely more and more individuals out there recognizing the value prop bitcoin provides as a monetary good that is divorced from the whims of the central planners who have lit the world on fire.

Could the decoupling be upon us? We shall see.

Clip of the day...

Greg Foss explains why bitcoin is the best risk-adjusted trade in history at the moment. Subscribe to the TFTC Clips channel to get high-signal-bite-sized pieces of content.

Final thought...

Can't believe I didn't try pork rinds for the first time until earlier this year. Supreme snack.

Sleep soundly at night knowing your bitcoin are secured by multisig.Unchained is running a "Drain the Exchange" campaign through September 8th. Use the code 'TFTC' for $50 a concierge onboarding.
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