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Issue #1262: The content monetization via LN wave is here

Issue #1262: The content monetization via LN wave is here

Sep 14, 2022
Marty's Ƀent

Issue #1262: The content monetization via LN wave is here

Last March I wrote a piece that called out the Web 3.0 meme and the convoluted schemes shitcoin projects were/are attempting to thrust their tokens on content monetization. In that piece, I highlighted Sphinx as an application built on the BP/LNP stack that was proving that content monetization would likely happen by injecting bitcoin via the Lightning Network into different content mediums. Well, here we stand 17-months later and the trend has accelerated dramatically. I figured it'd be a good time to check in on this particular vertical and highlight some of the cool projects being built.

Podcasting 2.0 has, in my opinion, the potential to be the first "bitcoin killer app" outside of using bitcoin as a sound savings vehicle. I've been using it for almost two-years now with TFTC and Rabbit Hole Recap and the amount of sats being flowed and number of people streaming them has only been increasing since we first added Lightning Network public addresses to our RSS feeds. More apps have integrated Podcasting 2.0 into their services.


Podcasting 2.0 is just the tip of the iceberg though. The model has stoked inspiration in builders across the world and we are beginning to see more and more applications and tooling come to market that will make content mediums of all typed monetizable via the Lightning Network. Alby is a browser extension wallet that makes it easy to pay Lightning invoices as you surf the web. Mash is a toolkit that content creators like myself can leverage to monetize written, audio, and video content as well as user interactions as they engage with certain features (think likes, voting, comments, etc.). Wavlake is a company working to bring the Podcasting 2.0 model to the music industry (among other verticals). Allowing musicians to post their audio files, sydicate them out to users, and have users stream value over Lightning as they listen. Giving those musicians the ability to split payments to everyone else involved in the production of their art automatically.

These are but a few of the companies that come to mind when thinking about the explosion of activity going on in this particular corner of the bitcoin economy.

What's so exciting about all of these applications and tools is that they will begin to allow creators and their audiences to experiment with new business models that were never before possible before the emergence of the BP/LNP stack. For instance, Fountain has incorporated a podcast clipping feature that enables listeners to get paid for clipping certain sections of podcast episodes. If other Fountain users like a particular clip that you have clipped they can boost you for the work of surfacing that micro-content.

Creating revenue streams for listeners is a very untapped design space that should breed some mind bending experiments. Not only can listeners get paid, but this particular mechanism introduces an organic avenue through which to surface the best content. Instead of depending on some black box algorithm to put content in front of you, the curated content will be user generated and driven by the value assigned to it by the network of users within the app. Since real value (sats) is on the line, the cream should rise to the top.

I love that most of the traditional Silicon Valley VCs and everyone else enamored with the extremely complicated world of "Web 3.0" are sleeping on these developments on top of bitcoin. There seems to be an inability for these types to back anything or build anything that doesn't have a rent seeking token attached to it. The signal lies in everything discussed in this rag and all of the other projects like them that haven't been mentioned. There is real, concrete infrastructure being built out that will have longlasting staying power in the bitcoin economy while the "Web 3.0" types get completely distracted by the shitcoin flavor of the month.


Clip of the day...

Why it doesn't make sense to rehypothecate bitcoin with Parker Lewis. Subscribe to the TFTC Clips channel to get high-signal-bite-sized pieces of content.

Final thought...

Need to get back in the gym.

Sleep soundly at night knowing your bitcoin are secured by multisig.Unchained is running a "Drain the Exchange" campaign through September 8th. Use the code 'TFTC' for $50 a concierge onboarding.
If you don't have Braiins on your ASIC you're leaving sats on the table.
CrowdHealth BTC is now accepting memberships starting June 1st and later. Use code TFTC during sign-up and the first 1000 members will receive a discounted membership of $99/ month for the first 6 months.

Spread the signal,
earn Bitcoin.

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