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Issue #785: Bitcoin basics threads

Issue #785: Bitcoin basics threads

Jul 21, 2020
Marty's Ƀent

Issue #785: Bitcoin basics threads

Quick rip today as I am extremely busy.

There is never a bad day to brush up on your Bitcoin basics. Luckily for you freaks, Danny Diekroeger has been BEASTING Twitter threads explaining everything from how Bitcoin addresses work to how the difficulty adjustment is calculated to cryptographic hash functions and much more in a very digestible format. Below are links to all of the threads he has written so far. If you have been meaning to learn more about some of these concepts but have felt a bit intimidated, Danny's threads are a great way to get introduced to and develop a base layer understanding of these concepts.

Grow your know. Enjoy!

Final thought...

Thawing a brisket. Wednesday is for slow cooked meats.


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