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Issue #461: Bitcoin is a weapon

Issue #461: Bitcoin is a weapon

Apr 12, 2019
Marty's Ƀent

Issue #461: Bitcoin is a weapon

Piggybacking on yesterday's issue I thought it would be a good idea to share this post from our friend Hector Rosekrans, in which he explains to us how Bitcoin is a weapon because it unlocks the power of asymmetric cryptography.

Using his personal experience as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Navy, Hector does an incredible job of explaining the systems and tools which have shaped the current landscape of modern-day warfare. Meatspace warriors have seen weapons change the playing field throughout history, with the AK-47 being one of the most effective tools for enabling asymmetric warfare in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Just as the AK-47 enabled the rice farmers in Vietnam to stave off the strongest army in the world, Bitcoin enables individuals the world over to participate in taking over control of commerce. A very big change for we humans.

Hector is much more eloquent than I am, so peep his post and grow your know.

Final thought...

Back to good vibes. Channel that anger into focus.

Enjoy your weekend, freaks.

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