The free market is the only market.
I'm adding to the dumpster fire that is Bitcoiners commenting on the launch of Grin, a privacy-focused altcoin that went live this week. Let me be clear, I have no problem with individuals in a free market collaborating to bring something to the market.
I do not think there was anything unethical about the launch, in fact, it is fairer than all of the launches one witnesses in this wasteland of a "space". However, I do not think Grin will have any lasting longevity because you can't manufacture serendipity, which is what every altcoin created in Bitcoin's wake has attempted to do since Namecoin.
2/ In Debt, Graeber attempts to provide anthropological evidence that contradicts the theory that barter came before indirect monetary exchange.
— Yassine Elmandjra (@yassineARK) January 17, 2019
4/ But upon deeper inspection, there are holes to Graeber's logic.
— Yassine Elmandjra (@yassineARK) January 17, 2019
I was a bit apprehensive to share this 🔥thread with you freaks because our boy Yassine has been getting an abnormal amount of tick in this rag, but I simply can't deny you freaks the high qual content you deserve. Definitely check it out if you get the chance at any point today, as Yassine does a good job of debunking some weak ass claims from David Graeber in regards to the history of barter and it's place in the pecking order of a monetary continuum. I have a feeling this thread won't be the end of this debate though.
Final thought...
GTA Miami Vice was a weak ass game.