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TFTC - These 10 Companies Control The World To POISON YOU! | Courtney Swann

Oct 21, 2024

TFTC - These 10 Companies Control The World To POISON YOU! | Courtney Swann

TFTC - These 10 Companies Control The World To POISON YOU! | Courtney Swann

Key Takeaways

In this episode of TFTC, Swann reveals that just ten companies control the global food supply, prioritizing profits over public health by selling healthier versions of their products abroad while offering U.S. consumers items laced with harmful additives. Lax U.S. regulations, particularly the "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS) rule, allow these ingredients, such as artificial dyes and preservatives linked to health issues like hyperactivity and cancer, to remain in the market without rigorous testing. This centralization of the food system not only limits competition but also exacerbates health crises, including obesity and chronic diseases, ultimately leading to higher long-term medical costs for consumers.

Best Quotes

  1. "We have 10 companies that own the entirety of our food system in the UK."
  2. "An American company is creating cleaner, healthier cereal for kids in other countries and then they're creating a toxic version of it for here in the United States."
  3. "You're either going to pay for it at the grocery store or you're going to pay for it significantly more later at the doctor's office."
  4. "In places like the UK, Australia, they're banning these artificial food dyes... Here in America, we get artificial dyes that are made from crude oil."
  5. "We will pretty much put anything in our food supply generally recognized as safe, and it isn't until it's proven to be guilty that we take it out of our food system later."
  6. "Our food supply is hyper-centralized... 10 companies control the entirety of our food system."
  7. "They can't patent things that were made in nature, so what they do is they try to copy them, patent them, and then put a high price tag on it to make money."
  8. "The reason why [these companies] put artificial dyes in foods is because they know kids are more attracted to the brighter, neon colors."
  9. "If you're not making time for your wellness, you are going to be forced to make time for your illness."
  10. "Parents are letting their kids drive the car, and I don't understand why... their frontal lobes aren't even fully formed yet."



This episode exposes the harmful practices of the global food industry, where corporate greed and lax regulations jeopardize public health. The hosts urge consumers to make healthier choices, demand systemic reform, and support local farmers to push back against profit-driven companies. They stress that the food we eat significantly impacts our health and society's future, but there is hope through consumer action, education, and holding companies accountable for the risks they impose.


0:00 - Intro
0:44 - Kellogg's and GRAS
6:19 - Fiat food
9:30 - Obesity and Ozempic
12:10 - Bitkey
13:05 - Food Pyramid and farm subsidies
18:24 - MAHA
22:18 - Corporations aren't handling it well
24:22 - Nutrition's effect on the mind
28:31 - Predatory marketing and parent responsibility
34:31 - Exposing corruption
38:10 - Bitcoin defends you from fiat food
40:08 - Policy change and accountability
46:45 - Bad economic incentives in modern medicine
56:40 - Raw milk, cow farts and other psyops
1:03:15 - Go cancel Kellogg's


(00:00) we have 10 companies that own the entirety of our food system in the UK the reason why they banned these is because they found that they cause hyperactivity in children we're overdosing people on it they are knowingly poisoning us at this point you're either going to pay for it at the grocery store or you're going to pay for it significantly more later at the doctor's office an American company is creating cleaner healthier cereal for kids in other countries and then they're creating a toxic version of it for here
(00:25) in the United States where is the outrage Not only would they not speak to one of their employees held a sign in the window that said get off our lawn and the reason why they're doing this is [Music] because courney thank you for coming in thank you so much for having me I'm very excited to be here I'm very excited you're here it's been uh you a crazy week for you this has been such a wild week it's been a wild month if I'm being honest I don't think I've ever flown so much for this movement which is so cool
(01:00) well it's a very important moment as my this is the first time I actually got to give you prop shout out the first time my wife has ever felt compelled to come in and sit on an episode recording she's here a big fan of yours and like we were saying we've been very passionate about um the sort of idea behind your movement good healthy high quality food particularly for us and our children and I think what you guys are doing this week particularly going at Kelloggs is very important because most people are
(01:29) completely unaware of the arbitrary nature of what Kelloggs is producing for particular people and particular countries versus other countries yeah well first of all thank you also for sitting in this is so fun this is actually how we got connected was through your wife so I'm super grateful um yeah so for people listening that don't know what's going on right now so um Vonnie Hari also known as the food babe is a close friend of mine and we spoke at the Senate a couple weeks ago and at the Senate she announced that her
(01:58) and Jason karp who's the found founder of Hugh kitchen one of the founders um amazing chocolate bars they announced that they were going to um create a petition for Kelloggs to take their artificial food Dy and BHT out of their cereals here in America because what is happening right now is Kelloggs an American company is creating cleaner healthier for you formulations of their cereal for kids in other countries and then they're creating a toxic version of it for here in the United States which to me is crazy because they're already
(02:31) creating this formulation for other countries and the reason why they're doing this is because in places like the UK Australia they're banning these artificial food dieses and you know what they're using instead of the the artificial food dieses they're coloring their cereal with carrot juice watermelon juice and blueberry juice but here in America we get artificial dieses that are made from crude oil and then they're also adding a preservative called BHT in there which is banned in a lot of other countries because it's
(02:53) being linked to stomach cancer it's crazy yeah so this is is this what we hear about like red what is it red dye y six or yeah it's like red number four yellow number five blue number four I think there's a bunch of different ones and what were you going to say is this USDA regulation that's allowing this is this oil Lobby trying to use byproducts for their crude oil to get it into the food so they can I'm sure that's absolutely playing a role in that the the two main issues is one it's
(03:20) cheaper for them to do this here and legally they're allowed to because uh there is a concept in the United States called grass which is generally recognized as safe and what that means is that we will pretty much put anything in our food supply generally recognize it as safe and it isn't until it's proven to be guilty that we take it out of our food system later which is crazy and then you look at the UK it's generally recognized the safe like generally we think it's safe I don't know about you but I want to
(03:49) definitively know that it's safe before we put it into our food supply and that's exactly what they're doing in the UK it's the exact opposite they wait eight like up to 8 to 10 years to introduce a new product or ingredient into their food supply because they want to actually do the research before they put it in there to find out if it's going to harm people but here we put it in and then we find out later that it's harming people and you know how hard it is to get out of the food supply after
(04:13) that we saw this happen with um trans fats otherwise known as hydrogenated oils we found out later that those were absolutely detrimental to our cardiovascular system and food companies were eventually required to take it out of their food but also when they announced it I don't remember the exact year but they had like five years to take it out of their food so it's crazy and that's what I am curious to find out is like how do we solve because you think about like something like Kelloggs all these large food companies they have
(04:42) these uh basically Supply chains these manufacturing lines and they definitely have a process where like just taking it out is probably not as easy as one would like it to be but is do you think Kelloggs is going to be forced to solve this problem or is it competitors cuz that's what we've no competitors who are frying things and things like avocado oil or beef Tallow just alternative products cete which just got bought by Pepsi funnily enough uh yeah are you worried about that like you know it's nuanced for me
(05:15) because we're so concerned about affordability and accessibility in this country and the way that we get those products to become more affordable and more accessible is they get the you know they get the distribution through Pepsi Co so a scale yeah so I'm kind of conflicted um I know the founders of cete I've known them for a long time and I love them they're such a lovely family and I'm really stoked for them and I think what's going to happen is it's going to make these products more
(05:41) accessible I know a lot of people are concerned that they're going to change the ingredients they're going to make them worse so I do know that it's in the contract with PepsiCo that they're not allowed to touch the ingredients for life but you know there is concern that they're going to start sourcing from you know cheaper and and different um like it'll be the same ingredient but will it be as high quality we don't know and you know only time will tell so I get it I'm kind of on the fence where I'm like okay
(06:04) it's going to be more accessible people will be able to get it more like we'll be able to find cete at convenient stores and you know 7-Elevens which I think it' be great but we do have to worry a little bit about the quality so we'll see yeah yeah I mean this is such a big overarching problem because predominantly this is a Bitcoin podcast and Bitcoin what we really go after is like centralization of the money supply like central banks governments controlling money has led to a deprecation in the quality of our monies
(06:31) globally Bitcoin is a distributed sort of response to that and um once you see it with money uh you see in other areas of life and food being one of them that's one of the massive problems in the food industry right now it's hyper centralized um whether it's via Pepsi Kelloggs when it's the four meat packing conglomerates that run most of of that y we have 10 companies that own the entirety of our food system just 10 of them it's pretty crazy yeah and the when it comes to like the solution of
(07:01) this problem I mentioned I had Sam from Shir Tail Creek Farms on yesterday reer a farmer servicing the local Austin area and I guess the question I have based off of this is like that is direct to Consumer but the consumer has to make a conscious effort to go out and seek that and you mentioned earlier costs is a big thing that people have to be conscious of and so it's just weighing the tradeoff of how do you find quality food at an affordable price particularly in environment like today where inflation's
(07:29) High people are struggling yeah I mean look I tell people all the time you first of all it's about education and understanding how dire the situation is unfortunately the situation that we're in right now if you're not making time for your Wellness you are going to be forced to make time for your illness you just are like people I mean just look around you the Obesity rates are rais rising like crazy cancer is skyrocketing autoimmune disorders cardiovascular disease like you name it I mean probably everybody
(07:58) listening knows a handful of people that are dealing with all of this stuff right now you know and so unfortunately it's on us that we have to protect our health and become the CEO of our own health and a lot of that requires making sure that we're sourcing high quality real food and another thing that you know I like to remind people of is that look there's no such thing as free lunch you know like you're either going to pay for it at the grocery store or you're going to pay for it significantly more later at
(08:23) the doctor's office and people don't like to think about that and a lot of people like to you know Kick the Can down the road and deal with it when when the time comes but I'm telling you the time will come it's not like if it's going to come it will come if you're not paying attention because unfortunately has gotten so bad that we can't afford to not pay attention to it anymore no it's not even arguable I think it's a fact it's going to cost you more down down the line in healthcare costs oh for
(08:49) sure I mean if you just look at like I mean OIC is more like an elective thing for well I don't know if I want to say it elective if you have diabetes but I mean those pens cost like $1,200 a month you know so it's like are you going to spend that on high quality organic healthy meats and real food or are you going to spend that on medications and are you going to put that back into the Health Care system and spend significantly more money you know on surgeries and pharmaceutical drugs and all these other things not to mention
(09:17) not to mention you talk to anyone who's sick and who's going through something really major like cancer they would do anything to not be in that position they would pay any amount of money to be well yeah you know and you mentioned OIC is that an example I've heard both sides of the story of OIC wovi all the other um similar what is it GD uh GP uh uh gp1s gp1s uh is that another instance of something that's been introduced to the market we maybe don't have enough back tested data to understand how it
(09:51) actually affects us so those ones are really interesting I actually have a really good doctor friend her name is Dr Tina and she started diving into the research of this and what these GP ones they're peptides that our bodies actually create her argument which I I think is a pretty strong argument based on the science and the data that she's been looking into is that what's happening specifically specifically things with like OIC and wovi is that we're overdosing people on it because essentially they're getting this dosing
(10:18) pen and everybody gets like the same dose and she said that they're getting way too much so she's arguing that if you get a really small amount of gp1s and she's saying get it from a compounding pharmacy because also you know with these big pharmaceutical companies we don't know what kind of preservatives and other additives they're adding in that's a big concern too and she also thinks that that's probably part of the issue as well um and she's a huge advocate for getting really small doses of these gp1s just to
(10:44) stimulate the metabolism help help people get back on track um and you know what to be honest I kind of agree with her because we are we're at this place right now where it is such a mess so many people are so overweight so many people are dealing with diabetes that it's not going to be as easy to turn this ship around without some sort of at least a little bit of like an intervention if it's if you've gotten really too far and this is coming from let me be very very clear anybody that doesn't know about my message I am
(11:15) number one for always and ever an advocate for cleaning up your diet and eating a whole real food diet I not here advocating for any sort of um you know a pill for an ill like that's not what I'm saying but there are some people that are so far down the road that may be doing a small dose of a glp1 just to help them get back to a more balanced weight I'm I'm not super opposed to it yeah yeah kick because the problem is massive I mean you mentioned the diabetes the severe obesity you look at childhood obesity it's approaching 50%
(11:46) oh yeah it's approaching 50% and Americans uh adults are at close to 74% now it's and you think about the small time frame that that's happened I mean I encourage people listening to go back and Google photos of people in the going to say you get 70s beach pictures and then you fast forward today the CNN like bottom half of the body roll Clips it's it's it's unreal and it happened so fast sup freaks this rip of tftc was brought to you by our good friends at bit key bit key makes Bitcoin easy to use and
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(12:45) a pass phrase again bit key makes it easy to use hard to lose it's the easiest zero to one step your first step to self- custody if you have friends and family on the exchanges who haven't moved it off tell them to pick up a big key go to big keyworld use the key tftc 20 at checkout for 20% off your order that's bit keyworld code tfc2 the other thing that's really I don't want to say nefarious but uh disconcerting as an American citizen is the fact I mean you go back to the 70s what was introduced then the food
(13:15) pyramid proved to be a pretty objectively terrible advice um yeah forward through time all these preservatives all this crap they're allowed to put in our food I mean one can make an argument that the regulatory environment that's been directed over the last 50 years is actively poisoning American citizens and you know what else happened around then too was the lowfat diet movement and that really destroyed us too because we need good healthy fats turns out they're imperative and they also keep us at a healthy weight which
(13:44) is really interesting um and I oh I was going to say something else and it totally left my brain so but another thing that happened have you read Matthew Lex Fiat food uh no I actually even I haven't even heard of that book no it's uh so Matthews investigative journalist he read the Fiat standard which is the book right next to that and in that um in the Fiat standard they have a a chapter called Fiat food and basically the thesis of the Fiat standard is when we went off the gold standard that's when
(14:13) we saw um a bunch of negative externalities introduce themselves into the economy not sure if you ever heard of the site WTF happen in 1971 um but you go back you look at charts Health economics quality of life uh birth rate all of that 1971 uh many people have different Arguments for what happened safe and Matthew are making the argument that uh it was because we went off the gold standard and the argument that Matthew specifically makes is when we went off the gold standard the government was put in this position where uh food cost were
(14:49) the most uh the most sort of important cost in in everyday Americans life at that point in time and to make it seem like food costs weren't going down they introduced the food pyramid and began loosening regulations so that you can get all this cheap uh preservatives and cheap crap into our food system so it looked like food prices were staying flat to going down when it reality high quality foods like uh quality beef eggs quality chickens high fat foods were going up but that just wasn't being included in CPI and in the food pyramid
(15:25) so they're actually actively pushing people towards this crap so that they could hide inflation when they RI this off the gold standard that's crazy you also think about too so a lot of people probably don't know this but are we have cheaper food that's more accessible um because we're paying subsidies to Farmers and we're paying them so what that means is we're using our own taxpaying dollars so it's not even that we're not paying for it we're just paying for it in a way that we're not
(15:50) seeing we're paying these um to Farmers to grow specific crops like corn wheat and soy and that's why when you pick up almost any packaged food you'll see on the label it says uh contains corn wheat and soy and it's because we're paying subsidies to make these seem cheaper but they're not actually that much cheaper because we're really just paying for them a in a different way yeah if it's not even I would AR not argue but I would imagine it's not even fully tax taxpayer funded it's probably partly
(16:19) funded with tax dollars but they probably just issue treasuries um W raise cash and then funnel it there as well and so that's where that's why um I love the intersection that the show has with individuals like yourself and others in the the health conscious and the food conscious um part of the world because that's what we've been saying in this at the Bitcoin Commons like bitcoiners like we recognize that we messed up the money and money has these negative externalities all throughout every area of our life and food is
(16:50) something that's very that we're very passionate about as well um here in the Bitcoin Community healthy food and I think there's synergies to like line up say this problem's massive and it's partly because they messed up the money like you can go subsidize all this crap cuz you can just print money out of thin air so I don't know too much about this subject and I wish I could speak more about it but my fiance is like very very into this and he had me watch a documentary recently oh my God I wish I
(17:18) could remember what it was called and they were explaining this to me and I don't even know if I could explain it back because I It's A New Concept to me but essentially like how we're just how we're like printing money and doing like IUS between like the treasury and someone else Federal Reserve yes exactly so Federal Reserve monetizes the treasury's debt the treasury can issue debt raise cash and then um the FED will always be there to buy the bond so the FED can create money by the bonds and it's a it's a whole
(17:48) racket but we don't have to get deep into monetary economics but you're right it is cool to see the parallels of it it's um I I always say something similarly to what you said a minute ago ago is that food was the first thing that opened my eyes to this to the corruption of what was going on and now I just see that it's copy and paste in almost every industry in the United States in in some way or another the corruption is really deep it's uh it's a problem when you have centralized forces
(18:15) you can't centrally plant an economy you can't centrally plant money food Healthcare um it centralization ruins everything in my opinion but getting back to like it it does feel like despite everything we've just said there is extremely positive momentum in the right direction like the the noise that yourself uh Dr means uh his sister uh others have made particularly on Capitol Hill a few weeks ago people are connecting with it like my wife was saying right before uh we started recording she's seeing friends in her
(18:49) Circle that would never talk about this stuff actually sharing it and saying oh my God I can't believe this is true and that's one thing that is exciting I don't like to get two political Bel leading up to this election the fact that Maha has become a theme is something that I just extremely thankful for yeah oh my gosh I'm so excited about this whole movement I feel like I have been waiting like 15 years for this to happen I mean and I feel like I've been just like screaming into a void and
(19:18) nobody has been listening to me I'm like you guys this is really bad we need to pay attention to this you know I mean when we have 77% of our young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 that are in eligible to serve military that's a national security issue this is a really big deal and nobody has been talking about this on a political platform until this year so when RFK came out and aligned himself with Trump and we don't have to go political I'm happy to go as political as you want but we also don't have to
(19:47) because I know it can be very divisive but I am here for one specific movement and that's the make America healthy again because like I said this to me is the most pressing issue that we are dealing with right now and there is basically one person talking about it on a political stage yeah it's crazy that there's not more and it's such a a stark jux toos to the last time I can remember Health being uh sort of front and center in the political stage is when Michelle Obama uh labeled tomato sauce as as a
(20:20) acceptable vegetable a healthy vegetable that could be injected into our Public School lunch system I want to talk about that for a second because Michelle Obama was this hero right where everybody was like oh she's trying to get kids healthier and let me tell you that she sold us out and I was pissed off about it because in the very beginning I was fully on board with her I was like yes like she was talking about the food and she was saying that we need to get all the preservatives out and there's a big issue here we're
(20:50) eating a lot of processed foods and then all of a sudden she kind of disappeared for a second and then she came back and she was like it's all about moving our bodies and then her movement was sponsored by I don't remember the exact Brands but it was you know Kelloggs and General Mills and and of the that kind of Nature and essentially what happened is big food who has a lot of money and when I say big food I'm talking about these big conglomerates that I mentioned earlier like the 10 companies that own
(21:14) our food system got a hold of her messaging and they said no no no no no no no no no we can't get our these kids to stop eating our processed foods so we're just going to tell everybody that it's actually that they're not moving their bodies enough and they need to be more active I'm not vilifying getting more active but we need to start at the source which is the food and her whole movement was co-opted by that and now she just released a like a healthier for you soda or something for children that
(21:39) has so much sugar in it sorry I am not stoked with her whole movement and it was completely co-opted by big food and and this is what we're talking about the the centralization of all of it these companies have so much money and so much power that they are lobbying in Washington and they're getting politicians and first ladies and presidents in their back pocket yeah well and that's the whole messed up thing about the interconnected systems because they can issue treasuries print money give it to these companies in
(22:09) subsidies and then the companies can then use that money partly to grow the [ __ ] food and then partly to give it to the politicians so they get their way they're paying for their campaigns and with this in mind like what has the response from big food been like to the noise that you guys have been making over the last month I mean for years but particularly the last month so we should talk about Monsanto in a second but I'll talk about specifically what's happening right now so with Kelloggs they have
(22:36) been definitely silent which is going to be very interesting what's going to see in the next couple weeks because um vonie Hari the food babe has done petitions like this before she went to craft headquarters in I think I want to say it was like maybe 2017 something like that and she only had a handful of people with her by the way when we showed up yesterday we had a thousand people with us thousand plus we had over 400,000 signatures from Americans that are concerned about these dyes and they all signed the petition and we showed up
(23:05) Not only would they not speak to us one of their employees held a sign in the window that said get off our lawn that isn't I mean this is a really bad look for them okay Boomer literally I mean craft y' craft opened their doors for vonie and at least let her in and she got to have a full-blown conversation with them and you know what actually they they ended up taking their dies out which was really incredible because there was so much pressure from the public K wouldn't even have a conversation with her this is what's so
(23:31) crazy to me now this is horrible but you know what Kelloggs would have done they should have done if they were smart they should have said okay we're going to entertain this and then you know tell her that we're going to take these out and we're listening to you and whatever and then they never do but they look like Heroes now they really look like villains which honestly I said yesterday this could not have been a better response because I think that if they had said like yeah yeah yeah we're
(23:55) listening and we're going to take it out and never did I mean that would have been that would have been been horrible right but now people are going to boycott them and I think they're going to be forced to do so I mean they're going to be forced to do it eventually cuz California just signed a law that they're no longer allowing these artificial dyes in their food at schools that's a doesn't happen often but props for props are do the state of California that's like the first good thing new has
(24:17) ever done I was really shocked by that actually I was like oh wow he actually did like one good thing but it it is astonishing that we have to fight this hard to get these poisons out of our food system I mean you're talking about the direct um health effects particularly like cancer inflammation autoimmune issues then you look at the education system too and and what's not talked about as most it's like how hyperactive this makes kids and you look at um testing scores throughout the years and they're
(24:48) going down and people are like what's going on public school system is getting worse it's obviously multifaceted of course problem and I think one of the biggest issues is the food and I've experienced this firstand in college I um volunteered at an inner city lacrosse program in Chicago and i' travel to the South side and west side of Chicago and spent two or three days a week after school with these kids for two years and that was like the one thing I noticed they couldn't pay attention and their
(25:16) food source they lived in food deserts so they're getting honey buns and sugary drinks at the gas station before they came to school and people are like oh why can't these kids pay attention it's like they're eating [ __ ] like I mean we're hopping them up on sugar and then we're ho them up on these dies which by the way in the UK the reason why they banned these is because they found that they cause hyperactivity in children we already know yes there's studies that show this and then I have you know of
(25:39) course this is anecdotal but we have the studies to back it up from the UK and then anecdotally I can't tell you how many messages I've been getting from moms recently that have said thank you so much for doing this I mean I had this one mom the other day that wrote me and she goes I know this sounds kind of crazy but every time my kid has this artificial die she comes home and she she was like it's like the Exorcist like she has these crazy tantrums and so many parents are starting to make these
(26:02) connections that their kids will go to a birthday party and they'll have all these artificial dieses and the candy and you know the cake icing and all this stuff they said they come home and they have full-blown meltdowns yeah and you think about the second and third order KnockOn effects it's been completely misdiagnosed where it's like oh your kid has ADHD we need to put him on Aderall starting at age 12 and then you have a whole generation of individuals Millennials specifically I mean Aderall
(26:26) was very prevalent with I was in high school and you've have you have a generation of adults now who've been on this amphetamine for for two decades yeah and what are the long-term effects of that what are the longterm health costs of that and it's like we're not striking at the root of the problem and you're trying to treat it with pills and um other other remedies and exct it's completely neglecting the core of the problem which is we we messed up the food which provides us with the energy
(26:58) that allows us to go use our brains to do things throughout throughout the world exactly isn't it mindblowing that it's taken us this long to even acknowledge and recognize that the foods that we're putting in our body have an effect on our brain and our overall health yeah it's like how I don't know I just it's mind-blowing to me that as a a society and a collective that we haven't figured this out sooner and I would argue that we on a large scale haven't even figured it out yet cuz there's people like
(27:26) myself that are fighting for this and then being called anti-science and over fearmongering and you know the whole slew of things how are people calling you anti-science what are the arguments they're making because the big argument right now and actually Kellogg just gave a statement yesterday to a news Outlet the big argument is that they are going by the laws and the regulations that have been set by the FDA and the USDA but like we've been talking about this whole episode I mean look there's
(27:53) this common misconception that people think that if it's on the Shelf in America that it's been vetted for and that it's safe I'm here to tell you it's just not the case the FDA themselves they have admitted they have admitted themselves that they do not have the manpower to overlook all of the additives that are in our food supply I'll give you an example in the UK they around they allow around 300 additives in their food supply we allow between 3,000 and 4,000 additives that are allowed 10x yeah and
(28:22) it's because we have this system called grass that I told you earlier that we're just like oh just you know let it in and we'll figure out later if it's bad mhm and a lot of these additives are intentionally put in to make these Foods more addictive 100% well and that's what's crazy about the artificial food dyes in particular they serve no value whatsoever outside of cosmetic they don't they don't preserve them they don't make them taste any better it's fully just to make them brighter colors
(28:51) and Kelloggs is also admitted that they've done studies on kids and the kids or gravitate towards the higher like the brighter more like neon colored food D so that's the thing is that it directly affects their profits because they know that the kids are going to reach more for the brightly colored stuff and that's why they put it in there yeah I mean it's very predatory it's incredibly it's incredibly predatory which I mean getting to the solution of the problem my wife and I um very focused on this like it has
(29:19) to parents have to take responsibility in some regard and really say no we're going to actively and consciously avoid this stuff and yeah be the adults in the room when uh the boys are reaching for the the brightly colored um things in the middle of the grocery ir and say no we we don't need that yeah and look I'm not a parent yet I hope to be one someday I can only imagine how hard that is I used to Nanny it's very hard I used to Nanny and I I I know a little bit about you know taking them to the grocery store and fighting
(29:49) with them because I'm like no your mom doesn't want me to buy this for you and also just knowing what it would do to their bodies I know that it's hard but again like you said you are the adult in the room and I don't understand what's happening with parents right now like I I'm not trying to like vilify or shame them but it feels like there's this thing happening right now where they're letting the kids drive the car and I don't understand why that is I don't know if parents are like scared that
(30:13) their kids are going to hate them or oh have you heard of the gentle parenting I was just going to say the gentle parenting I hate we we hate the gentle parenting yeah I'm not a fan of that at all you you sit down hey I know you're I know you're a little frustrated right now and uh I understand I I have compassion I feel for you it's just uh not the way I think I I prefer the French way of parenting which is like you are on this journey with me I the adults and but look you're the adult these kids don't
(30:41) know any better their frontal loes aren't even formed yet like your entire role as a parent is to protect your kids from being harmed that's literally your only role and you can't your kids don't know enough they don't know that they're being harmed by these products and I'm sorry unfortunately your kids are being harmed by these products and you have to be the adult in the room and you have to say no because that's your number one role as a parent is to protect your kids yeah and anybody listening out there
(31:08) doesn't understand humans we have the hardest job of this if you're an animal takes like what 6 months for your your your Fawn or your dough to be able to go out and into the World by themselves humans literally 25 years until your brain's fully formed I know it's and it's you know and that's one of the things you sign up for to be a parent and it's a the harder part of your role but let me tell you I had a mom growing up who was very on food and nutrition since I was a kid I was very fortunate
(31:39) my mom was making everything from scratch I mean I remember very vividly her cranking out homemade pasta on the counter and I'd be sitting on the counter like catching this like pasta that she made from scratch and I know not everyone has that but I was really upset as a kid with my mom because I had this one girlfriend who was getting Burger King I mean four to five times a week and this friend of mine has struggled with her weight her whole life she's struggled with health issues her whole life and I was so mad at my mom
(32:07) when I was little and I would get in fights with her and I'd be like I don't understand I want the dunkaroo and I want the Burger King and I want all this stuff but when I grew up and I realized how hard my mom fought for my health I mean I'm going to get emotional about it that's the best that's the greatest gift my mom has ever given me that's truly the best gift you could ever give your children so if your children are fighting you on it right now they one day they will be so grateful that
(32:29) they're not infertile like all their friends are that they're not struggling with their weight that they don't have Auto autoimmune conditions and heart issues because you actually protected them from this Annihilation that's happening in our food don't want to make her blush in front of a very proud husband that's our oldest's favorite thing to do is make pasta and meatballs with my wife um got his own he's got his own apron he's got his own set of plastic knives I love that he gets into
(32:54) it and get your kids involved because that's really how they will will be more excited about the food cuz if you get them involved and they're going to want to eat what they make yeah and it's important like the decisions you make I think that's what we're coming learn decisions you make in these early years the most formative years I mean particularly like ages 0 to six when their brains are forming as rapidly as they are like the decisions you make in these early years have a compounding
(33:19) effect down the line and they do people are just feeding their their children [ __ ] um and we're not Saints like we certainly have moments of weakness where it's like all right we're going to stop and in and out on the way home but it I think it's a balance and a tradeoff that you really have to focus on and put effort into exactly look I'm of the mind like I don't sit here as a perfectionist either I think some people see my account online and they think that I'm just like this you know rigid person about
(33:47) everything I'm not I eat out with my friends and I don't ask what the cooking oils are and you know like sometimes like you do the best you can my thing is like control the controllables control the things that you like 100% have control over and you have 100% control over everything that comes in your home so do that maybe do a thing where like you make sure that you're eating mostly whole real foods at home you're bringing in the best groceries that you can you're getting the highest Quality Meats
(34:12) you're buying you know whole real foods that way your body is resilient and then when you go out to eat you can have a free-for-all and go to In-N-Out and do that you know my thing is like just don't go to In-N-Out every day yeah cook as many meals as you can at home that way when you do want to go out and enjoy things with your friends or your family family you can your body is resilient MH and so with what's going on right now with Maha picking up steam what is your hope for the next 6 months one year five
(34:40) like how how like where do you want this momentum to go and and uh like what actionable thing particularly out of this Kelloggs event do you want to see or are you hopeful for yeah well I mean first and foremost I'm hoping that more Americans are waking up to what's actually going on because I think the corruption runs so deep in our government and our regulatory bodies that I have a little bit of hope I have a lot more hope if RFK is able to get into that office that we're actually going to be able to clean from the
(35:15) inside out um I'm actually incredibly hopeful with RFK junr on our side but I also think a lot of this is going to have to come from the bottom up where we're going to have to essentially squeeze the we're going to have to take away the profits from these companies MH you know this is something that I I love to remind people all the time that you as a consumer have a lot of power in this actually um Jason karp who I mentioned earlier he's the founder of hue chocolate so he's been in this world
(35:40) for a long time and he said at our Senate hearing he said you know if some of these companies lose just 5% of their sales because people are saying like we don't want to buy this anymore until you take this crap out they will change CU he said even 5% they're going to go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa because he said he's seen it before so if we just start demanding better from these food companies by saying we're not going to do this anymore we're not going to buy this anymore and we're not going to
(36:04) allow you to poison us anymore and you start putting your money into these amazing companies like that farm the farmers that you were just talking about or you know find local organic um farmers and ranchers that are actually growing real food and are creating food with love and with your health in mind we actually have the power to make a pretty big change in this movement so I'm hoping to see a little bit of both I'm hoping to see some of these Regulatory Agencies and bodies being held accountable um draining the swamp
(36:32) if you will getting these corrupt people out of there that don't care anything about our human health and that are just taking profit from all these you know large companies like Monsanto and b or Bayer now um and then I'm also really hoping to see a movement from the American people that are just like we've had enough we're demanding better for us yeah you think I mean some people are still uh have their head in the s a little cognitive distance but uh what the FDA was pushing between the years of 2020
(37:00) and 2023 you think people would wake up and say maybe uh they don't have our best interest at heart oh my God all they care about is profits literally it's all they care about it's the revolving Dory you literally have somebody go straight from the FDA to the board of fizer it's I just talked about that on on another podcast I don't think people understand how Insidious it is and I don't know if it's that I think maybe some people can't handle because it it really it's it's truly it's like
(37:26) evil and it's it's hard to understand that this is happening but it is like you said we saw it happening during Co and and you have to think about it from a corporation standpoint people don't know you as an individual person they're not seeing these as like human beings that their lives are being affected they're just seeing their numbers that are coming in you know and they have quotas that they have to meet they're seeing the quotas they're not seeing like oh you know you're your dad died from this yeah you
(37:54) are a cell and Excel a cell and an Excel spreadsheet to them um exactly not even a whole Cale you're just part of the number in the cell yeah you're just a number on a spreadsheet yeah and that's hard for a lot of people swallow and I get it but it's also like it's the reality of the situation you know no we're we're talking the same language we're sympatic exactly what we say you have to defund these people at the end of the day and if you can't do it via political means like literally going
(38:22) through the political process to get people in position to cut uh these agencies which I I am hopeful that it will happen this time around if Trump gets elected um like you said it has to be ground up too you have to attack from all angles attack from that angle educate try to work through the political process but then Grassroots that's why Bitcoin like if Bitcoin successful in replacing the dollar as a reserve asset they can't print Bitcoin to subsidize high fructose corn syrup and um the big fart industry uh it sort
(38:54) of defangs their ability to do that and forces them to make good decisions and allocate money appropriately yeah it' be really interesting to see what happens with all of that world with the Bitcoin and decentralization decentralization Banking and all that like I said I don't know much but my fiance is so into it and I'm like wow this but that's cool the connection you just made with the food is really interesting my fiance will be stoked to hear that the they had to keep inflation down so they had to
(39:22) put a bunch of crap in to make it a they call it a hedonic adjustments the FED does the Bureau of label labor cystic who creates the CPI they create these hedonic adjustments where in 1971 um they had a ribey in the in the basket of goods that was tracking inflation but throughout time the usonic adjustments in that ribey uh is now like ground beef or wow Kellogg cereal and so you have they're basically changing the quality of the goods in the CPI to make it look like uh inflation's lower but really if you want the highly nutritious
(40:03) nutritiously dense foods like those numbers have going astronomical yeah it's crazy yeah corne thank you for doing what you do thank you are you uh you've got you've got a busy schedule ahead of you cor I do up until this election there's a lot of stuff going on right now it's been really cool to see um there's been this little make America healthy again Coalition that's been formed and it was really um CI means has kind of been spearheading all this because he's uh he's Consulting with RFK
(40:33) Jr now about like certain policies that need to be changed and we have this little group of people with his sister Dr Casey means um will Cole uh everyone that spoke at the Senate basically like Brigham berer who's amazing um and then obviously of course RFK Jr and so we're hoping to really move the needle on all of this so we'll see what uh what policies do you think need to be changed out of the what are like the low hanging fruits oh oh my gosh well I mean I don't know if I can think of direct policies
(41:02) but I would say more in general what needs to happen is we need to have people in our regulatory agencies that are not corrupted and being paid for by big Pharma companies like fizer like you said there's this whole revolving door between fizer and FDA um that's happening across the board like we're seeing that with food companies with big Pharma companies with big agricultural companies um so I think in general we just we need to get the corrup people out of there and we actually need to get people in place that really care about
(41:30) our health and that are do you think we even need the FDA that's such a good question we've got we went through this with baby formula um Serenity kids the baby formula that that we used with our children and it's not FDA approved um but it's I think inarguably the most nutritionally densed not filled with corn syrup and um seed oils exactly they use a healthier oil they use a couple of healthier your oils and yeah it's it's like grass-fed milk so I do believe that we need to have an FDA but I believe that they need
(42:06) to completely be uprooted and their entire prerogative needs to be changed so like for example they need to be in charge of making sure that glyphosate isn't ending up in our food they need to be making sure that um genetically modified organisms aren't in our food like things like that where they're not regulating any I mean they don't even or like the frogs the water's turning the frogs gay oh my God it's so funny I know but you know what's crazy is that is true true it's was right again yeah it's a chemical
(42:40) called atrazine that's that's ending up in our our water supply and it's it's similar to like glyphosate and all these other chemicals that are ending up in our food um all it was half joking I mean it is true it's happening but no the other like accountability is what I want to say and like thank God I brought this up before um you left but like fluide last week they just come out they're like oh yeah we've been um we've been calcifying your ulos for the last 50 years it's pretty bad for you it's
(43:08) lowering IQs and like all right thanks for letting us know but what are the repercussions of just nonchalantly admitting that to the country oh yeah and they're just like oh anyways like and then they get a little slop on the wrist or you know maybe they don't get anything the government like who's nobody's holding them account accountable I know and it's so maddening because that's one of the ones that and that was the NIH correct I believe came out and admitted that I think it was the
(43:33) NIH and there was also a co co cokan report that just came out about it um a couple weeks ago but yeah I mean that it's that's crazy there's so and there's so many of these kind of things happening and then they're not even being held accountable at all even though like fluoride for example this is something I've been talking about for 15 to like 18 years and I've been called crazy been called a conspiracy theorist all this stuff like this is stuff that we know we we already know that it's
(44:00) harming people but it's taking so long for our regulatory bodies to get on and a lot of it is because there's so much industry funding that you know they're blocking like I'm I'm assuming I don't know but I'm assuming the American Dental Association probably has been trying to block this from coming out like there's there's Industries involved that don't want to have to change their ways yeah and it I mean it is a racket to it because you go to the dentist and you tell the dentist you're getting your
(44:25) kids teeth checked up you're like don't give them any fluorides and they're like what and they're like your kids are they lass you similarly like you're in the delivery room you're like I don't want my kid to get the the beot like 30 seconds out of the womb and they're yeah brow beating you and they're and that's the me particularly like on the big Pharma hospital system side there is this probably the dental side too there is this economic incentive to push this stuff on people which is again going
(44:51) into incentives and the uh interworkings between these different actors like the incentives are completely bored where it's not really they're not really incentivized to help the End customer the patient they are incentivized to enrich each other exactly like I said earlier they have all these quotas to meet um pharmaceutical drugs to to sell like doctors have a quota they have to meet every month with certain pharmaceutical companies and it's not in the best interest of our health and I was actually having a conversation with
(45:18) somebody the other day about this what makes me so mad is that this is stunting our ability to progress science forward right now because essentially what's happening is we're finding out things like for example that fluoride is actually lowering our kids IQs we're finding out that glyphosate is causing Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma but these industries have so much money that they're blocking this from coming out in the public so now they're blocking the studies from being made we're also blocking any sort of scientific um
(45:45) moving forward in order to to find new ways to do it better that's the problem is we're blocking all of this so we're not even able to one get the education out to people to let them know that they're being harmed and then two we're not funding anything to figure out like okay so now we know that this is bad how can we do this better without harming people you know like hydroxy appetite we can replace fluoride with hydroxy appetite and it remineralizes the bones and it works great it in in my opinion I
(46:11) think it works better than fluoride does I've been told this by dentists I know I'm not a dentist but this is what I've been told and then it's not harming your body like fluoride is I haven't was completely unaware of hydroxy yeah it's called hydroxy appetite so there's uh there's a bunch of different toothpaste companies that make uh fluoride free tooth toothpaste and they put this element called hydroxy appetite in there instead and actually if you want to find a dentist that uses it you can look up
(46:34) biological dentist and I don't I haven't looked in Austin but I've been able to find one in Denver I've found one in LA and they generally use hydroxy appetite over fluoride all right that's good to know yeah it's good to know and like think about where we would be as a society if we didn't have these poisons in our life I know people would be thriving well that like people would be thriving and we I think we just have to accept there's nothing we can do it's to us for the last 50 years but educate
(47:00) people make them aware of this and then paint a picture of once we get all this crap out of our lives like how healthy would Society be what would that do for health care costs what would that do for the ability um for young individuals actually develop a fully functioning brain and think clearly and not be hyperactive like what KnockOn effects does that have on society more broadly oh my God I mean think of all just think of all the Innovation that we could have you know be having like to come out of America but you know you look at also
(47:30) like we haven't even talked about this all but mental health like mental health is I mean it's really bad especially among teenagers and young adults right now and a lot of it is connected back to the food and and people don't want to admit it but look we have a direct connection between our gut and our brain and it's called Uh the Vegas nerve and it runs directly from your gut to your brain they say that our gut is our second brain and we we produce our hormones like serotonin the happy hormone in our guts also our immune
(47:57) system is about 70% located in our gut all of this is connected and for some reason as a society as a whole we don't want to recognize that and I don't understand why but it is it's hindering Us in every way possible I mean all of our young adults their kids their their brains are inflamed and no wonder they can't pay attention and it's hindering us as a society yeah it's like oh yeah mental problems here's an SSRI it's like like that's the best we can do and look I think there's a time and a place
(48:27) for them but I think that we're handing them out like candy and we're handing them out to people that are just severely inflamed and if they could just get their guts in order and eat a healthier diet many people may not even need it yeah and it is again going back to Millennials I feel like our generation particularly were fed all this as a solution now like looking around um a lot of individuals um that I know who have been on this stuff for decades and are trying to start families and are trying to wean themselves they're finding
(48:57) extremely hard it's not easy it has I and that's that's the problem you know like I I I never want to vilify anybody's path and I don't want to vilify you know modern medicine I'm so grateful we have it because we wouldn't be here without things like antibiotics right and amazing progress that we've made in that realm but we're also in other ways stunting ourselves because we don't know the long-term effects of a lot of this stuff and if if there's another way out and if we're able to
(49:23) heal our bodies in other ways without having these pharmaceutical interventions that come with side effects think about all the drug commercials and you hear them list off all the side effects I'm sorry there's not a single pharmaceutical drug on this planet that doesn't have side effects that's I mean we probably don't have time to fully jump down that rabbit hole but we're the one of two countries in the world that can actually Market pharmaceutical Us in New Zealand yeah and I'm hoping that will change too
(49:49) that's another thing you asked me earlier I'm hoping that will change yeah I mean that seems like a no-brainer yeah I mean and we could change that's the thing is so much of this stuff we could literally change overnight we could change it overnight yeah we just block Those ads from being able to be shown in the US 98% of the world has has that law in place literally and then people wonder why we're the most overly medicated country it's because we have direct to Consumer ads with big Pharma
(50:15) yeah you go oh I saw this on TV can I have that yeah sure why not I'm going to get a little Kickback on it so here you go and what makes me so mad is people are not being communicated with the fact that there are other ways out of this like there are other ways that you can deal with this kind of stuff obviously again there's always maybe a time and a place for it but so many people are coming in with so many issues and doctors are just handing them CA like drugs like candy instead of asking them like how's your sleep what's your diet
(50:45) look like maybe we should run some tests let's look and see if you have any vitamin deficiencies that's been one of the most amazing things about Austin is that there are doctors we've been blessed finding doctors that that approach Health this way and treating ailments this way and that's another thing that makes you whole there's a lot of black pills and dooming going on but there I there are is a lot of optimism a lot of white pills out there and I do think they're whether it's individuals
(51:13) like yourself our family making the conscious decision to eat healthier and live a healthier lifestyle I'm also seeing it like on the doctor front they're are definitely still a majority of doctors who are stuck in that hyper industrialized system that's GR grown up over many decades but there are doctors out there with consciences that are really not only providing a good service but marketing it too because more and more people are looking for it and so there's an opportunity out there if you
(51:41) are a doctor with a conscience to actually build a good business because people are starving for they're starving good information and good advice yeah and look I'll say about doctors I I think they all start out with really good intentions what happens is they end up in this system that's been Co opted by big Pharma and then their hands are tied behind their backs I'm actually doing a podcast episode with a guy um tomorrow his name is Brigham ber he's been on Joe Rogan talking about this
(52:07) actually because his world he comes from he was a drug rep um for I believe it was Eli Lily and he started seeing the inner workings of how just how corrupt you know our big Pharma is and our insurance companies and how like once you're well first of all you go through medical system the medical system um the schooling the majority of your education has been funded by these big Pharma companies so they're getting their education from the pharmaceutical companies themselves they're essentially being taught to treat symptoms with a
(52:38) pill so they they start to match symptoms with a pill instead of like oh that symptom maybe something's happening in the body and again I'm not vilifying the doctors for this but they they go in with good intentions and then they come out indoctrinated in this system that they're sometimes maybe not even fully aware that they're not helping their patients all right we could dive down a deep Rockefeller uh rabbit oh God the Rockefeller stuff is that's what started all this right I know they funded it
(53:05) back what in the 20s or early 1910s they co-opted the medical system and essentially they took out any sort of natural holistic remedy because they were like we want to cut all of this out they called it quack science and said we're just going to um we're going to start you know putting everybody on pharmaceutical drugs and I can't remember there's there's parts of stories that I remember specifically but there was something with um like crude oil how they were able to start creating is there I mean they had um Standard
(53:35) Oil Monopoly and they needed something for the the uh the byproducts of that oil production yep because I think this was also around a time when there was like you know they called them like the witch doctors and all that and people that there were people in that movement oil salesman exactly that that were truly harming people you know and so obviously everybody jumped on cuz they're like okay these people are harming people and you know they're they're selling them um tonics and [ __ ] that doesn't actually work but the issue
(54:05) is is that then we also took out all this wisdom that we this ancient wisdom that we've had passed down Millennia yeah that we've had passed down forever you know that that all of us are born with we have this innate wisdom on how to take care of ourselves and how to feed ourselves you know and also like I'm of the mind that nature gives us everything that we need you know think about just like think about like honey for example like this is a perfect example if you're dealing with allergies
(54:30) go get a honey from a local community near you and that will actually help treat your allergies that you're dealing with in your area that you're living in and it's things like that where I'm like we could never recreate that as humans cuz we don't even understand how that works it's funny you mention I was I'm from Philadelphia originally I was home last weekend for a wedding and had an allergy attack and asked my mom where I could get some local honey and explained to her that's why I wanted it and she
(54:58) was like are you crazy like no this is this is cuz I have it when we first moved down here Cedar fever hit me like a ton of bricks and going to the locals Farmer Market and finding local honey actually helped like I is that amazing yeah I don't I haven't had Cedar fever in a couple years wow I mean it's little things like that and we just completely rid the entire medical system of that and now we call that quack science and it's like how do people think that we got here as humans for thousands of
(55:26) years before we had all these medical interventions and again CU people come at me so hard for this I'm not vilifying modern medicine all I'm saying is that we need to find a balance in the middle of it where we need to recognize that you know the majority of pharmaceutical drugs they come from compounds that naturally occur already in nature that's how they start making their pharmaceutical drugs and then they make them synthetically so put a higher margin on that well and that's so that's the issue
(55:54) right there is that they cannot patent things that were made in nature so what they do is they try to copy them so they can patent them and then put a high price tag on it and make money off of it yeah that's yeah that's another whole part of the whack incentives is the the patents on this stuff and there's it does take a lot of R&D to make this stuff and get it to Market and so there is an argument like they invested the capital they should be able to charge for a certain amount of time to make a
(56:22) profit but again against the root of the problem that they're just trying to replicate things already naturally exist exctly in nature and they're preventing you from accessing that that's where the incentive is completely whack yep and then they create narratives around that it's dangerous and it's anti-science to go for the Natural Things raw milk the biggest s up is just milk it was just milk for thousands of years I know yeah that one's been a wild one to see because they are literally
(56:50) sending um I don't know what from what governing body it is is it the FDA that's going after them I think it's it's the FDA that's going after them they're going after these small local farmers in Pennsylvania um Amos Miller uh the I think it's the like attorney general office in Pennsylvania is going after him specifically you know what really pisses me off about this we have people literally dying from fenol every single day on our streets and they're more worried about people consuming raw
(57:21) milk yeah you know how many people have died from raw milk this year like one I don't even actually I think it's in the last like 10 years it's been like one person and well so I had a reporter covering the AMS Miller case and um they're trying to tie it to him coming from this farm and it turns out it was a 9-year-old woman um who had drank the the milk like two months prior and she died of something obscure in the middle of the night in Florida like a thousand miles away a couple months later and they tied
(57:50) it back yeah see but that's what I'm saying yeah it's we're in this weird space right now where we're ifying all of the foods that we've been consuming for thousands of years and blaming them for modern diseases and this is like for so obviously we're vilifying raw milk right now we're also vilifying eggs and butter and red meat and telling people that they're causing the modern diseases that we're dealing with and I just back to what I just said how are we justifying that we have
(58:21) all these people dying from Fentanyl and then our regulatory bodies are going after these small farms that are mad about raw milk and we're telling everybody that ground beef and eggs are less healthy for you than Lucky Charms and that eggs and ground beef are causing heart attacks and if they're not causing heart attacks they're causing global warming oh my God it don't even get me start the cow farts we got to we got to don't get me start we got kill all the cows I can't no it's it's our
(58:49) industrialization of our modern farming that's causing that and it's cars car I mean the the I think it's all aide I think we're going to be fine but coming after calarts for Global warms like they literally eat grass and produce more grass which pulls oxygen uh P pulls CO2 and create Co CO2 from the atmosphere creates oxygen for everybody it's uh it's insane it's like everything across the board that we've discussed It's a combination of don't believe Your Lying Eyes that good food is not is not
(59:21) actually healthy for you despite the fact that you're chiseled and you look good nobody's saying this to me but um the uh there's no corruption here we're we're looking after your health the FDA the pharmaceutical industry the food industry we're all looking after your health don't worry and uh when it comes to raw milk stay away from it it's uh don't believe you rely on eyes well exactly I mean meanwhile everybody Americans are fatter sicker and yeah they're fatter and sicker than ever yeah
(59:47) and they're telling us like oh no everybody's fine are you kidding me look around yeah all you have to do is look around walk down the street CNN bottom half of the body b rolls you need to look at it's uh it's crazy it's it's a and that's why I'm happy we have individuals like you out there fighting the good fight emboldening people with confidence like my wife and others to to be confident enough to speak out about this because they feel better educated and another thing we just need to like
(1:00:13) that's one thing we've learned in Bitcoin uh coming at the central banks and just ridicule them because they're objectively wrong they're stupid they're a detriment to the long-term health and quality of life of everybody whether it's um via debasing our savings by printing too much money or debasing our food by corrupting the incentives in the food system these people need to be ridiculed I mean there is a degree of Civility where people should come to the table and say hey these are the reasons
(1:00:43) why I think you should change your ways but there's also I believe room to ridicule these people because that humor really connects with people very well too so yeah I love that that's great and and there's a level of like holding them accountable and also if we ridicule them enough they'll hopefully be so embarrassed to be forced to make change you know yeah need R embarrass them shame them yes Courtney we're going to shame them bring shame back dude for real we need it yeah we need a healthy
(1:01:10) level you can't gentle parent with these these zealots and that are centrally planning our lives you need to you need to shame them we need to bring back bullying we really need to bring it back I'm probably going to get canceled for that but it's I mean look they need to be held accountable and and my thing is like where is the outrage where is the outrage for this like more than shame them we should be pissed off they are knowingly poisoning us at this point I would argue that I think that it started
(1:01:39) out with good intention I really believe that but they we now know what this is doing to us and now they are digging their heels in further and I'm pissed off about it and we should all be pissed off about it we should be it's um I'm going to hold my words cuz I have some thoughts on what should happen to these people but I won't uh won't say it on air no I'll just end like i' I've said this story many times on this podcast but I myself I had crazy autoimmune issues particularly eczema for the first
(1:02:08) 20 years of my life and I had topical creams and steroids it helped to no avail and it was very embarrassing like particularly in the fall winter would flare up and basically my all arm all the way up to my armpit would be riddled with eczema and it wasn't until I changed my diet in my early 20s cut out red d I was a big Gatorade Drinker like cut out literally cutting out Gatorade and cheese for 2 years um just going to water coffee and the occasional drink on the weekend um solved my Eczema I haven't had eczema in 13 years that's so
(1:02:39) incredible people need to hear stuff like that too I have a similar story I had a eczema under my eyes and I had this weird it was actually never diagnosed but I had some sort of I think it was an e like a different form of eczema on the back of my scalp and when I went gluten-free it completely went away and it has never come back yeah yeah it it plagued me it was something I was very self-conscious about for first two decades of my life and I mean that's it sucks and then you go to the dermatologist they give you a bunch of
(1:03:05) creams but I'm sorry that's not going to fix the internal issue it's an internal issue and then like the creams will like discolor your arm and stuff like that if you put them on enough yeah have like pale spots in your arm oh sucks Corner you're a busy woman you got to get going this was a pleasure thank you so much for having me I really loved this conversation it was super fun yeah thank you uh to action for anybody what should they be doing yeah I would say first of all help us cancel Kellogg so we're trying
(1:03:32) to turn this into a budlight situation I'm not normally for cancelling let me be real I'm actually a huge hater of cancel culture but in this case I actually believe that if they're poisoning us we need to do something about it so if you want to join our Coalition um you can go to my Instagram page I have a ton of resources as far as like how you can get more involved in this movement I mentioned earlier the thing with c means he just started um a little Coalition where people can get more involved they sign up for emails
(1:04:00) and we can actually like connect you with senators and you can call your congressmen and so there's many different ways that people can get involved um help us cancel Kelloggs right now you can go and share some of the videos go and create your own videos if you want um share with your community sharing your stories and let's get the word out that they don't have our best health in mind right now um yeah and then go to Real foodology uh at on Instagram and then I'm also on I have a real foodology podast podcast if you
(1:04:26) guys want to listen and follow along there yeah that's how you can get involved get involved freaks peace and love


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