Dave Collum explores the harsh realities of inflation, geopolitical dynamics, and political corruption, suggesting that hidden forces, including complicity in child trafficking, shape global power structures.
In this episode of TFTC with Dave Collum we dive into various critical topics, beginning with a discussion on the understated severity of inflation and its detrimental impact on the working class, suggesting that federal policies contribute to distorted economic realities. Dave the accuracy of official metrics like the consumer price index (CPI), positing that nations like the U.S. may have been in a hidden recession for years. We also discuss global geopolitical dynamics, particularly the Japanese currency market's influence on global finance, and touch on political and corporate corruption, including high-level complicity in scandals such as child trafficking.
The podcast episode is not just a discussion on economics and politics; Dave paints a picture of a world where truth is often stranger and more disturbing than fiction. We traverse through the stark realities of economic hardship felt by the masses, the skepticism toward official narratives, and the potential for deep-seated corruption in global power structures. Dave prompts a reflection on the power dynamics shaping our world, suggesting that what's presented on the surface might just be a façade for more complex and darker forces at play.
0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Truflation is BS
8:42 - Hardware collateralized debt
10:31 - Deflation and money supply
14:13 - River & Bitkey
15:36 - Yen carry trade and US buybacks
19:07 - Compounding valuations
25:32 - Narrative control and war drums
31:58 - Kamala’s campaign
38:13 - The assassination memory hole
41:41 - Elon
46:45 - Propaganda whirlwind
57:48 - Dark and disturbing networks
1:20:59 - Free speech
1:27:45 - Trump’s second term
(00:01) but but this this DOD intelligence guy and I was factchecking him all through the zoom call and he is everywhere he'd talk about Rumsfeld i' Google him and rumel and there they'd be together I said let me ask you a simple question is the Clinton Foundation trafficking children and he said absolutely this RP of tftc was brought to you by river it's the best place to buy Bitcoin go to river.
(00:31) com tftc see and enjoy this episode how hard has inflation hit you it it hit me hard it's hitting me hard who do you blame for it I blame the federal government at this point if a workingclass mom who works as a pargal cannot buy a $2 bell pepper because it's now five imagine a mother living on food stamps imagine a mother who's making minimum wage trying to feed children they're killing us without killing us if you if you understand that they're killing us without telling us they're killing us they're hurting
(01:08) people in ways that they can't help themselves it's either feed my child or or how about feed my children and I don't but I have to go work apparently inflation is only 1 and a half% people aren't feeling it yeah it's almost non-existent it's insane at this I mean this is why we started with the cold open because we were talking before we hit record you were tweeting earlier that you're in a pissed off mood because somebody is running with the the White House Bureau of Labor Statistics
(01:43) line that inflation's only one and a half% it's been tamed well well I also was a little pissed off because there's some smart people who seem to be signing off on the true flation metric and to the extent that it comes in looking like the CPI then then I know it's [ __ ] what is the true fation metric for people who are unaware of it well I haven't dug into the the the protocol so I should be careful but but let us it's it it is now an inflation metric for I think it's a CPI for those who are
(02:20) embarrassed to use the CPI so I think I think it's a reconstructed CPI so that you can pretend like you're not lying your ass off that that's that's my best guess someone has figured how to and I've even seen you know sort of ravings about how great it is because it how how close it tracks the CPI and I go well the reason we need a true flation metric is because we need one that doesn't track the goddamn CPI yeah and so so I mean the cpi's got so many holes in it that it's it's
(02:54) outlandish it's just a pack of lies and and and it it you can see it in the protocols right it's not the answer that's a pack of Lies it's the protocol so they you know like they um they measure the cost of housing by by using the Oar metric owner um owner come I give it to me owner equivalent rent and that literally is a survey in which they ask you how much could you rent your house for and unless you are Melody W or someone you have no idea so it's a stupid survey I wouldn't know how
(03:27) much I got to rent my house for and and no no one can you know if you wanted to do that just ask Airbnb right how how are rents going right um which I wouldn't support that either but it would be closer and so they use Oar and then they use all the honic adjustments that the boson [ __ ] artist came up with years ago that said you know everything you're buying is better which by the way everything I'm buying is worse I it's all just sacks of crap you know breakes it can't be fix fed it it's
(04:01) you know you you know you're you're uh you try to get help from someone at any any organization you can't find someone who knows what they're talking about try to get health care try to get anything everything just sucks so then I saw someone posts the 1.5% inflation rate which then gets the market all jacked up because then they say oh now the fed's going to lower rates and therefore we're all going to be saved and and that turns out to be [ __ ] Even If the Fed lowers race are not all going to be
(04:33) saved but um but you know I look at something like you know um John Williams Shadow stats which is I think itself has been probably vilified Enough by the mainstream that people shake it off but then you go to the chapwood index and it's just like John Williams and so here's the question I like to ask people so let's say inflation is not 1.
(04:58) 5% or 2% or 3% like they've been saying lately and let's say it's got another four or five% on it which if you asked that black chick who you just had on the screen she would say at least that right she said a bell pepper is not $2 it's now $ five right now I can see I used to buy sliced turkey for you know four and change a pound and now it's in in my in my grocery store and it's not some it's not some fancy schmancy thing it's just tops is now 13.
(05:29) 99 a pound for all the sliced turkeys all of them are 1399 aound it seems high because I've seen it cheaper than another source but you get the idea and um and and so so if we assume that inflation is running much hotter then here's one of the implications the GDP is inflation corrected which means therefore one could make the argument that since the GDP is running somewhere between sort of two three three and a half the one could argue we've been in a recession for years and and you saywell that can't be because well they say that because the
(06:05) idea is that recessions only last like a couple of quarters what if our economy has been shrinking for years what if what if the fact that Nidia is three trillion dollar has nothing to do with our economy right what if what if all these metrics that people use to measure our economy is are totally missing the fact that every that everything's getting pounded relentlessly and and so so I was pissed about that and now you got guys who were talking about serious players we were talking about we could go into
(06:36) def FL I go what's going to deflate give me something that's going to deflate and then invariably is going to be an asset so I think in the tweet I referred to it is you want to you you you're GNA call for the FED to save your fat assets and um and and and you can make the argument that's a form of deflation when your Nvidia goes from three trillion to 500 billion which I'm confident it will I just saw huawei's about to take Nvidia to the cleaners nvidia's vender financing it's a scam operation best I
(07:10) can tell and the guy's got a history of it the CEO's got a history of NE and they're yeah yeah he's one of those guys where you go look in the past dude pay attention to what he was doing years ago they've got there's rumors that there at least 35 independent companies buying from them their vendor finan so what are they doing they're selling chips to these guys lending them money to buy the chips meanwhile meanwhile uh one them's a cannabis company for example they have no reason to buy chips what are they
(07:42) using for for for for collateral they're using the chips so now you can see that we're just whizzing around in circles here and then and I'm not sure about this number but I heard 5,000 AI startups now maybe it's 500 but it wouldn't U is 5,000 because anyone who can write code has probably got an AI startup at this point they're selling chips to these companies they don't between the 5,000 here here's the analogy you like they're about as valuable as the bottom 20,000 cryptocurrencies and and and uh and and
(08:20) and so they're all going to buy chips and then they're all going to go bankrupt and then there's going to be no market and then the big boys like Microsoft stuff they're going to say well you know kind of a downturn we don't need any more chips for a while we need to sort of sit on our cash and then Nvidia is gonna have no customers yeah that's the end of Nvidia the hardware collateralized debt uh is a lesson we learned in the Bitcoin mining industry in 2021 and it's not a good lesson that right tell me about it tell
(08:52) me about that tell me about that there was a bunch of lenders that came out and basically offered these lines of credit that were that were using the mining as6 the the computers that mine Bitcoin as collateral and the industry quickly learned once the bare Market came that that was a shitty Deb instrument because the price of the hardware is tightly correlated to the price of Bitcoin so the price of Bitcoin shocked I'm shocked and they probably were not getting unlike the smart guys who are probably not getting super cheap energy
(09:33) right the right the right miners are parking their you know mining operations sitting off Iceland or something right I mean they're they're so these guys are paying you know pay if these miners are paying you know New York City New York City utility bills they're gonna have trouble making money too so yeah and it was expensive debt too it was from like 12 to 15% depending on who you went to oh that's guaranteed to collapse in yeah it wasn't necessarily like the vendor rigor remu that you were
(10:08) describing with Nvidia however I mean it is similar enough where if the scenario that you laid out all these AI startups go bust and can't pay their bills that's going to flood the market with Hardware that needs to be sold off to payb investors and the collateral in those GPU backed dead instruments is going to go to zero people are going to get margin called and the bottom line this this will take us to a big big big issue soon but the bottom line on the the inflation story is that it really comes down to
(10:43) the fact that that what people are calling deflation is is simply taking the froth out of markets it's just Tak that that's their definition of an inflation a deflation go we're going to go into deflation go yeah the piece of [ __ ] you you own right now is going to go to zero I'm not willing to call that deflation I if you're watching and look at the money supply here's one for you you probably know this but your audience may not if you actually plot the S&P corrected for inflation and instead of using the CPI
(11:14) which we know is a sack of [ __ ] you simply use the M2 money supply which is a pretty goddamn good metric for how much money is out there right and and I think the FED stopped reporting it because maybe they saw that it would get embarrassing at some point um but if if Ron Grace did it and if you plot the S&P 500 for 100 years corrected for the M2 money supply it's gone down it is down if you correct it for inflation using the empty money supply and then add in treated as a as a total return package where you include um where you
(11:56) include dividends it's compounding it 3.9% which happens 3.7% which happens to correspond almost exactly to the number in 1999 Buffett said is all you can expect to get now now take away taxes take away fees take away all the frictional costs you're back to not making any money and they say but say but people but people say well I've gotten Rich wait till they squeegee your ass out of the Market the next time and you go you know I really haven't gotten Rich right now you feel rich because you're at the end of a uh you're at the
(12:37) end of a 16-year boom that's fed driven that's money printed driven yeah in the it's probably going to get worse right I think what happened in Japan last week many people yeah Jeremy SE go come out and be like you need to cut rates by 75 bips now and then another 50 bips next month speaking of [ __ ] speaking of [ __ ] not realizing that it would just exacerbate that that unwind of the carry trade and so walk that back did you see end walk that back I did not see that I did not see the walk back yeah he
(13:17) had to walk that back because a lot of people said Jeremy you're just blowing it out your ass that was stupid don't do that he called you know 150 basis points in 15 seconds sort of Great Cuts I'm going and that's because the market has dropped what 8% even guy adami went out there and said this is just stupid this is just ridiculous now if Jeremy seagull had a half a brain which I don't think he does um and he could see turbulence inside the credit markets and he wants to make that case then I'm at least willing to listen
(13:59) to him but if he's talking about how you need you 150 basis point cut because equities have dropped after a a completely unfounded Roid Rage then Jeremy seagull should retire he should shut up this episode was presented by river river is the best most secure place to buy Bitcoin in the United States go to river.
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(15:38) on in Japan it feels like the FED needs to Hold Steady for at least so how leverage does the Japanese how do you measure the leverage of the Japanese scary trade so so in a nutshell is my understanding is that Japan did two things first of all they raise rates by chicken [ __ ] amounts of basis points 15 basis points I think off of zero M and and and on the one hand you go that's not a lot that's not exactly you know whacking the investor but at the same time but coming off zero means that the they increase the the the the
(16:13) interest on Japanese debt by Infinity so there's that multiplier prob and then they sold $ 34 billion doll worth of debt into a market where there was no Market previously so so they were buying every shred of the Japanese debt being issued and so that Japanese bonds don't trade they just they just go straight from from their treasury to the bank of Japan and and literally supposedly there were days where a single Japanese Bond did not trade that's how that's how broken the Japanese debt Market is and
(16:49) then so now of a sudden who's going to buy those well there's guys who have levered the [ __ ] out of every possible investment using the Yen carry trade and all of a sudden the bank of Japan just said sorry it's over how much Leverage is the the carry trade represent I was looking for that and I could you know what you find you find [ __ ] plots that go back 12 months it's I mean it's got to be astronic high I would imagine yeah like like enough to destroy the financial system yeah mean on that topic of government that I
(17:30) it's getting creepier in the US too I mean you had the I'm told Yi cures inverted right now you had the 10 30-year auctions are actually absolutely piss poor last week you have the treasury opening up the the buyback window for the first time since 2001 I ear oh yeah they open they opened it back up in March so they're essentially admitting like there's no demand for this [ __ ] so we'll buy it from you own and something like 17 or 20 trillion dollars wor the debts going to roll over real [ __ ]
(18:02) soon yeah and there's going to be no buyers Russia's not going to buy it from us I'm told China's not going to buy it from us I think it's possible the Arabs are not going to buy it from us because we're sitting there supporting the the the one country in the Middle East that they'd like to bomb to Oblivion so I think we have lost and you know who's going to buy that de the answer is the Fed yeah The Fad yeah it's a crazy time right now like all this is going on like the economic
(18:41) side I wonder if it's coincidence or somewhat intentional but leading up to the election and everything going on with that like for you know we've been doing this for five years now this is and it's probably true every time we record but this is the most chaotic time well it is true it's like saying the markets are an all-time high well tomorrow they'll be higher yeah um the average person doesn't know what valuation means I I find it frustrating so I'll post something about valuation and they'll say well that's
(19:18) because you know they're debasing the currency I go no no because valuation is where you divide the price by something that is also being debased earnings Book value you name it right GDP it's it's all being [ __ ] around with by debasing the currency yet the valuations are still going up they've been compounding at 3% a year for 40 years they're not supposed to compound valuations are not supposed to compound why is that because you just hit a natural limit of growth that well the valuation tells you what your
(19:53) return's going to be so if it's a let's let's use PE I hate it because they rig them but let's use it because it's mentally easy um if the PE is 10 it means your price get a 10% return that ignores growth and all sorts other [ __ ] but if it the price to earnings ratio means you're going to get about 10% of your price on earnings right so it's kind of a 10% Revenue stream if you want to keep it real simple if it was a bond it would be trivial right if was had the bond had a PE ratio of 10 you you could
(20:21) Bank on how much you're going to get delivered to the to your bank account and so if if if if you wan to you know increase the valuations by a factor of three then you got a plan on it decreasing the expected returns by a factor of three and so if the valuation is now let's say Cas Schiller is normally around 12 which is a better better metric than just PE um the K Shiller PE is is is is uh nor historical Fair values around 10 11 12 somewhere in there and and it depends on if you include the last 30 years is the problem
(21:02) so so valuations have gone up so much in the last 30 years that now what people think are historical averages are not historical averages that's what drives me completely so what I do is to me set valuations I will take any metric and go back as far as I can in history and up to about 1995 say that's historic and then in 1995 actually the number I come up with is 1994 to be precise the value ations took off they all took off every metric took off and you can see things like corporate debt take off and you can see
(21:36) all sorts of things that correlate with that uh the the uh Michael Green says that's when passive investing sort of took off but I it it sure as hell as a Tailwind interesting and I haven't yet figured out why this could corate but it was 1994 when the when China um unpegged uh pegged the pegged the uan to the dollar and I'm thinking why would that cause the valuations to take off but China grew at an extraordinary rate so they basically exported deflationary pressures to us but during that time period
(22:20) valuations have gone up by a factor of um um by a factor of at least factor of three 200% people have trouble with that math but um and then the question is of what happens if over the next 40 years they compound negative 3% to get back to normal by the way in 1994 they were at the top of the valuation Channel that's why I picked 94 that's when they left the channel so they were 50% overvalued in 94 what do you think it's going to take to get to that reversion to the meme because it seems like like everybody is
(23:01) po committed to number go up like stocks need to go up real estate needs to go up like there is no willpower to try to correct things and get back to proper valuations well there the very fact that they have to go up probably is what's setting us up for them to not go up right there's a famous oh Silas Marner quote that says often times aite is something has not happen as the reason it won't happen when it means it's imminent paraphrased and uh it's like the earthquake we haven't had a bad
(23:38) earthquake in California in a 100 years why are you worried about earthquakes they go because we haven't had a serious earthquake in a 100 [ __ ] years right that's the reason I'm worried about earthquakes and so in the when the valuations when the market gets so hyper financialized and Hyper priced I it's going to take it some guy sneak eing while you know and the whole thing's going to come down it's not going down in a crash it's going to start coming down and at some point they will no longer be able to V
(24:12) bounce it back up the the last 40 Years of valuation climbing is this series of V bounces where it keeps recovering keeps recovering keeps recovering and you have corrected nothing like like the they're talking about the crash earlier you know couple months ago month ago whatever I'm going 10% is a crash you you'll see I saw articles you know three months ago that said you know uh so and so it's such and such a mega Bank says that the markets could go down 10% between now and the end of the year and I go they could go
(24:45) down between now and and lunch right what kind of crazy prediction is that that you know what that means whoever said that is a 20-some sitting in a cubicle and he's never he or she has never ever witnessed a bone crushing bare Market a soul ripping bare Market we are due for a soul ripping bare Market because all the guys who know what they look like they ain't working anymore they're done retired shoved all their Savings in the Bitcoin and a gold yeah yeah yeah could be could be could be I'm hoping um and so so so
(25:24) again I I I did wake up grumpy when I read that article and and and I'm getting getting sold this 1.5% inflation rate well the other thing that's really infuriating about um let's let's be generous and and appease these people with um the idea that inflation is actually 1.5% the conversation around is completely disingenuous because it's still 1.5% still one five 1.
(25:55) 5% growing on a base like you didn't bring prices down at all and they're trying to and by the way no one gives the fed the authorization to aim for a positive inflation rate nobody gave them that authorization they just took it no we've we've talked about this before but it Bears repeating like it is textbook double speak like we're going to create price stability by targeting 2% rate of inflation instability instability yes yes that's right that's right it's uh it's uh I'm trying to think of an analogy
(26:27) there there are things where you can by creating if you go to draw a line underneath underneath a sentence if you actually put a little wiggle in the line it's easier than if you try to draw the straight line because then then you get the wobble that goes out of control so sometimes I don't know that's a dumb metaphor um so the bottom line is is that that that that we've been lied to about our returns we we've gotten good returns recently but at the cost of being sent up to sort of a Red Bull
(26:58) level Swan Dive moment in our future we have pulled appreciation forward now we've pulled 40 40 Years of appreciation forward easily I think my prediction is 40 years from now with normal economic growth no serious catastrophes um we will and it's the Assumption we regress to fair value we will not move a dollar it'll take us 40 years get the fair value assuming we don't have any catastrophes the kind that really moved markets not just catastrophes happen all the time they're normally not relevant yeah and that's that's what
(27:43) worries me with this economic backdrop is that they'll try to incite a catastrophe if you will um recent weeks bringing back the Iran bombing Israel rhetoric which has been around for decades now at this point obviously got things popping off in Russia still Israel um and then the rhetoric here in the us alone like leading up to this election it's well the ex divisive our foreign policy WS seem to not respect the dangers of War they they just I I think in the olden days during the Cold War we had cold Warriors who
(28:27) understood what war was about and now we've got people who think that every war is going to be one where we have a thousand casualties and they have five million they think that's what war is going to be every time no we're so far I mean what was the story out of the Cold War era like there was I forget it was on the US side or the Russian side but you had somebody in a nuclear submarine with their hand over the butt and and they decided not to hit it yeah some guy was told to hit it and refuse I I know the story I don't know
(29:02) the details yeah it seems like we're Far Cry away from that like there it seems like if somebody was told to hit the button today they'd do it pretty yeah and the other thing is there's other ways to do it right so so you know we could have our grid taken down down to to Rubble I'm confident by um by China Russia Israel um and who knows how many other countries and I only mention Israel not because they'd bring us to Rubble but because the Israeli tech industry owns our grid right so they they actually
(29:47) probably have a better grip on our grid than anybody but fortunately I do believe they want to be allies but China you know I've got a friend who runs a prepper community used to be a bare market fund manager David Ty he's been calling me recently and um he runs a prepper Comm me with the Navy Seals and the MREs and the you know solar panels and you name it right the the the real sort of get out of Dodge prepper community and he's moving out of the country lovely right which means he doesn't trust his own prep Community to protect
(30:29) his ass that's what that means yeah if he can't trust if he's prepping can't trust it it's not a good sign where's he going he's not sure yet he he he called me from Argentina said this is a [ __ ] show down here um he was I think he was going to Asia to look at places like New Zealand you know with bucktooth AR out of power maybe maybe maybe the crackhead bucktooth ardern out of power oh I talked to a Canadian intelligence guy the other day and he said that um Christa Freeland does have some serious drugs in her
(31:14) system wouldn't be surprised well if you watch her if you watch her you know when I do podcasts I wiggle I can't help it you're sitting there still and it's like your it almost looks like your screen is frozen and mine is not um I'm I'm not a crackhead for the record um but I play one on the internet um and and you watch Freeland you watch ardern they they actually look like junkies they look like Hitler jonesing in the 1930s you know yeah and and I I think that and zalinsky right yeah I think there's I think
(31:52) there's a lot of drug addicts out there with their with their hands on serious Weaponry yeah do you have any hope that the tides can turn like do you have hope in this uh election season seems like culturally oh no not the election season no no I I wouldn't want to bet on Trump at this point why not I would have well because I'm watching what they're doing with Camala I went I went down to our Cafe in the building and there's a black chick there I occasionally talked to and I said okay you're my window in the black community
(32:29) are they going to vote for Kamal and she said no chance she said I can't do it I just can't do it and and I've talked I've talked to a lot of people on this topic and and so I believe that Cala can't legitimately get anywhere near the boat she would need to win but I'm watching the media build this super structure of belief that looks completely fraudulent to me oh it is well but I think they're teeing us up for her winning and US supposedly believing it yeah I mean it it's more actually
(33:10) reminiscent of the 2016 election compared to 2020 in terms of like the polling leaning up the prediction markets the really well you can run the prediction markets too by the way H how many different kind of bets can you make in a prediction market so so what is it that sets up a bet in the prediction Market can you set up a new bat in the prediction Market how do you set up a betat in the prediction Market who sets it up I think you I think you can uh I'm not sure a poly Market does it I don't know if it's user generated bets or
(33:39) they're making the book well let's just put it this way it's like crypto I'm gonna take you back to crypto right so we want to find in the prediction markets the equivalent of Bitcoin or maybe ethereum and what we're seeing in the prediction markets are potentially one of the 29,000 shitcoins which you make you create and then you run them and all of a sudden there's the prediction Market this is oh by the way Cal is winning because some guy dumped a thousand bucks into that prediction Market that's trivial to do yeah I think
(34:26) I think the one most most people are setting poly Market I think the last I checked there's like a 70 mil in the contract for that that particular prediction peanuts yeah by the way if you know you're going to rig the election then it's also a good bet right right that's true so they're gonna make money but they need it to look like it was legit so we're seeing like Time magazine's picture of did you see the Time Magazine cover with Camala yeah it's it's it's just Camala is the most
(35:04) offensive [ __ ] I've ever seen in politics I'll take I'll take U I'll take uh Maxine Waters over her but she's now being sold as like this incredibly stately creature who doesn't cackle who doesn't speak like Dr Seuss wrote her [ __ ] speech for her who isn't the daughter of a an overt Marxist Professor like who herself is an overt Marxist who doesn't have an overt Marxist running mate and as turle said today I think some of the [ __ ] being dumped on wals is not correct and I I said that in
(35:48) a podcast the other day I said I I you want to get the story straight because I don't think everything they're dumping on him is right but there is some [ __ ] he did that was bad as it comes to leaders too like just um personality trait wise like you mentioned the cackling like Tim Waltz is just yelling at people the whole time yeah they don't seem like competent patient uh levelheaded rulers um and and you know besides Trump which he certainly set a different bar for for what a leader can look like
(36:28) and so I'm Trump adjacent where I can I I I have gotten past his idiosyncratic personality and just listen to his message and he seems okay to me but before that you know even Hillary right she she she could fake being a solid leader Obama was fine Clinton was fine Bush I didn't trust Bush Jr he wasn't fine to me I mean I voted for him once not twice because he killed a lot of people and got us in a horrid War but but but his father was fine Reagan was fine Carter was fine not Harris I don't think she has the
(37:09) personal fortitude to stand up to anybody no which do you think the Democratic party wanted this situation or do you think this is just pure panic well the signs came out quickly didn't they they printed them fast yeah we're not even sure whether Biden got told that his his campaign was being disassembled when it got disassembled so the Twitter feed disappeared and various things got dismembered and it's not clear to me that anyone in the B Administration signed off on any of that and then they said look we' just we've now torn your
(37:53) campaign down to the studs now you have to sign off that that's my guess is what happened well he basically admitted that in his latest interview earlier this week didn't he I I don't know I listening to Biden talk now doesn't make sense to me um rather I'd much rather read about how the Secret Service had nothing to do with trying to kill [Laughter] Trump have you seen a talking head question that narrative by the way one laying none I Fox News should be jumping on this a little bit maybe not the talkers during the day
(38:35) where it's really just blah blah blah fing space but the big gun should be saying look we gotta be we got to be interviewing some of these Secret Service agents and saying who who C who who pulled you away from your position who who who did that right because if you had to bet your net worth on on was that a lone gunman or or a complex hit you'd have to go with the head you would have to yeah I mean it's it's not even being discussed I mean Chris martinson's analysis of the audio files like
(39:11) it's John cin there's so many there's so many it seems obvious there was more than one shooter and I don't think that incel 20-year-old um acted alone if we know the only thing you can't explain is why they missed that's the hardest thing to explain I mean that's I mean you've got a lot of people calling it divine intervention and that's like Russian kamalan failed assassination attempt it seems like we're in a chaotic vacuum power vacuum right now and right which many people been talking someone someone
(39:50) the the Press should be talking about this and all you hear is them talking about who should be fired I go let me see if I got this right they murdered one guy they hurt other people and they tried to assassinate a former and potentially future president and you guys are debating who should be fired what kind of crazy [ __ ] is that the answer is this is just limited hangout crap yeah and it's all been swep it's already been memory old like they Absol talking about it at all there's not going to be a Waring commission report
(40:20) on this one and Cheeto got up there and started lying right away my guess is Cheeto got told what to say I think they said look you're going to go up there and you're going to tank the interview and then we're going to fire you and there's money in the camans shut the [ __ ] up Lois Learners doing okay too don't worry about it but but it's Banana Republic it really is and it see I mean what are your thoughts on the elite theory that people have been talking about is going back to that power vacuum
(40:59) that seems to have manifested over the last couple months you have Elon Peter teal the PayPal Mafia Tech Elite small Tech Elite if you will sort of throwing David guys like that yeah yeah seems like and it's being positioned as um people have actually built stuff to productive class um who have built things and actually know how to get stuff done they're looking at the US the competence crisis the Deep State controlling everything and saying all right this is our chance to course correct here but they are part of the
(41:36) deep state in my opinion yeah I think musk musk because he's you know esberger boy did you read his biography by the way I've not not yet it's actually pretty entertaining um it's probably a little you know oversold but they sure make it look like a whack job so um but but you know if I had read this biography 20 30 years ago might have changed the way I did chemistry for example I mean I had to change the way I went about problem solving and stuff like that because he has this don't take no foran approach
(42:14) which is kind of jobs likee but he also had this incredible ability to clear problems out of his way that stop most people and you know he say you know say how much does this cost and they'd say it's 1.5 milon he go that's insane and you go down to Walmart and buy a couple of refrigeration units and rip out the guts of it and put it in and say that'll do it you know that sort of thing so he stopped buying all those parts for SpaceX from the the the military contractors because he said they're all
(42:46) profoundly overpriced made no sense so he figured out how to make a rocket on the cheap it's very impressive story actually and um he wanted a scooter when he was a kid and he asked us dad and his dad said no and he just stands there staring at him just spooking the [ __ ] out of him right he like is this kid going to like stab me in my sleep or something what's going on here and uh and then the next day he'd do it again and finally his dad said [ __ ] it here's your [ __ ] scooter and then he went to some hacker
(43:16) conference or something as a kid and his dad didn't want it so Elon went and raised the money independently of his dad he goes to the conference and he walks his dad goes to pick him up at the end of the conference and there he stand there with a bunch of big swinging dick coat heads and he walks up and he's he's just banging away with these guys like there's no tomorrow and and one of the guys turns to his dad said you gotta buy him a better computer right and and so he just doesn't take no for an answer which now
(43:47) it's possible therefore that his apparent embracing of anti-de State Free Speech it may be a ruse but it may be his Asbergers I mean it may be it's just him him being uncontrollable yeah that's the I mean I've had a lot of conversations about this on both sides of the argument one by the way everyone talks about my [ __ ] mugs this is only 20 ounces you know why I have this mug it looks like a pot I've never tipped it over tipping over a a 20 ounce coffee on your desktop causes trouble I've never
(44:26) tipped it over a low low center of gravity yeah it's the structural Integrity it's not the uh no no no it's just it's just I can't tell it's a huge I got the first one I ever got there was just like this came from a convenience store it had you know some logo on it and [ __ ] I go I gotta get a couple more of those I went on went on H Amazon and found them yeah they don't tip over I uh don't worry about me you just humor me see that'll tip over that [ __ ] will tip over yeah right especially you done it a few
(44:59) times yeah the kids mainly mine doesn't mine do I I have the dog problem they'll run right across the the coffee table and knock [ __ ] over wiped out a computer on me completely wiped out a computer yeah the uh oh back to like Elon and the like I've had and I'm still trying to form like exactly what I think's going on because it is utterly confusing chaotic and oh there's a great metaphor there's a great metaphor for it and I heard it oh it was it was from Calis that that that parody um the parody um phone call
(45:41) to waltz where she says you know when your when your GPS device starts randomly rerouting you repeatedly and I'm going oh that's brilliant because when that happens and you're sitting there going and it keeps just changing the root and [ __ ] you're all confused I go they're Rew in our root now it's like this random you know you think you understand something and then within 24 hours your mind is just fried Again by something yeah and you can never get on your feet you can never get sort of a
(46:13) firm foundation on what's going on no I mean the last few week like I after the assassination attempt I was like there's no way this guy loses and then you see the the media and the rhetorical campaign behind Cala and you see the polls you're like oh [ __ ] and you talk to some people and they're like yeah I'll vote for Cala even though they never liked her before in their lives or understand anything even though she got the same number of electoral votes as I got yeah yeah exactly and then so it's
(46:46) like bearish and then you have like Trump's back on Twitter this week he does a SPAC with Elon last night and the emotions are shifting the other way and the hack job the hack job that took place right the the yeah I can't remember what you call it but yeah where they where they basically bury the servers with [ __ ] distributed denial of service attack yes yes yes yes yes and um and but you know it's not like elon's not GNA have that fixed in about I don't know how long did it take to fix that I think less than an
(47:24) hour yeah yeah I mean he he there's no way he was going to let that stop it no well that's the other now you have like Nations you have the not even a nation state like an unelected governance body in the European Union like sending a letter like don't do this interview because it could cause Strife over here yeah you look what's going on in the UK France other areas like it seems like people are pissed off the Borg the Deep state knows it and they've turned the propaganda up to 1,000 and that's like on some people
(48:01) it's obviously effective um particularly older people I think um but I think many people are beginning to see through it like this is complete utter [ __ ] or or you're at the wrong layer of the onion and and we think we can see through it and we're being handed uh there's these guys I was on a a zoom call with a bunch of guys they that they hold it twice a week and they had this guy who's one of these the guy shows the guy shows a video of how you can influence the audience and he he he he shows a bunch
(48:38) of [ __ ] and he talk to him and he says he he he says here you can draw this figure on this whiteboard and he says oh he could draw this or he could draw this he does some examples and then he says and then he says each you audience members you have a you have a a Sharpie and a whiteboard under your under your your your your chair this is a well-known TV show this is not some off off off Broadway thing I recognize the host etc etc and uh he says no I want you to draw something simple I just drew a bunch of things that are simple draw
(49:11) something simple and uh and he says don't show anyone what you're drawing and then he he he pulls he draws something he holds up his card it's a star it's just a star and then he says to the audience hold up your drawings it's like 95% stars and it turns out he fed them the subliminal thought to get him to to draw the star and it was unbelievable and you go oh my Lord and that's what the internet's doing to us it is feeding us and and you think you can defend against it you think you're
(49:51) smart and you you don't realize it's it's really subtle [ __ ] it's just slight changes in wording and stuff in in in in headlines you're you're getting headlines that are different than my headlines it's all being shaped yeah they're AB tested or you're fed a certain headline depending on your your social credit score and your your background score on the internet right right right right right and and it's and you think you can see the scams but the scams are at a much different
(50:26) level when it's like who's running the scams right like who is because that's that's what I think a lot of people questioning things like I am right now is like who's running the scam and is this person or this group of people that are saying that they're going to come in and tell the uh tell the scammers to to scram or they scam they're all doing it together it's like well ultimately it's got to go to the top of the food chain the top of the food chain has to be the the money
(50:58) right it's got to be the money now a lot of things that happen like fiser vaccine stuff they say oh it's for the money go no no no no no not necessarily at that level I'm talking about you know the corporate corporate power structure sort of money but I don't think it's you know fives are trying to make another hundred million or something like that I don't think I don't think it's that it's the moneyed interests who are controlling the uh the population um for example I look at
(51:27) Facebook where's Facebook's Revenue come from I don't think it comes from ads I don't think it comes from the crap they say they come from what I will tell you is if the pentagon's missing $4 trillion do I bet you if some of that went to Facebook a social engineer yeah yeah what do you think yeah what do you think happens you think they rig the election and Cala gets in yeah probably what does that mean for us are we going to be Mal contents that need to flee the country well because we won't
(52:10) be able to stand watching Camala be president so we will suffer HDs Harris you know what's that derangement syndrome yeah I'm getting old I'm starting to lose my ability to recall [ __ ] if if I'm demented in a couple years some would say Dave that ship is sail but but if I'm demented to the point by traditional metrics um I will have recognized it because it's it's just names don't come back to me things like that so it's it could be just loss of neuroplasticity which happens in Old AG
(52:53) you know why old guys drive down the road with their blinkers on just click recently they can't hear the blinket they're deaf no they can't hear the the clicking so I have hearing aids which I never wear but but one day I when I got them the day I got them it was surreal I was in the DMB and I was hearing all these conversations I go I'm not supposed to be hearing all these conversations and I could hear that that the keyboard's clicking and I went outside and I could hear the raindrops landing and I think it was actually
(53:27) hyper corrected in the sense that I think it it I have the sense that that my hearing might have been above Norm with these hearing aids and um by the end of the day I was exhausted I mean really really rung out exhausted because my brain had been so bombarded with with what I was hearing and I don't even know where I went with that except for the fact that um we were talking about har Harris derangement syndrome is going to set in for us yeah um she will be truly repulsive and which makes me more sympathetic to the people who hate
(54:11) Trump because because if you hate Trump if you hate his policies if you're not tolerant of what he's trying to achieve then he would be really repulsive to you right the fact that I can stand what he stands for makes me be able to ignore the trumpess of him but if I hated what he stood for then I think he would drive me bat [ __ ] and so we're going to suffer Harris Arrangement syndrome if you happen to not like her I she she does talk like Dr Seuss I think she's got the IQ of a walnut I mean I think she's really
(54:51) stupid I I think she's made that abundantly clear through all of her media engagement M over the years like going back to Trump Arrangement syndrome that like do people actually like that's the other thing like the media which makes me think that maybe there is hope that if he were to get in office things could change because like the media is essentially rewiring people's brains to believe he has particular stances and particular issues that simply aren't true like but they've been doing that
(55:18) since day one you know the charlott phille you know Nazi story and and the the I sniffed out and wrote about before it became known that the whole Russia collusion steel dossier was [ __ ] I I figured that out independently and I was piecing I can't imagine how much effort I put into only at the very end just find out it was all fake and I go I knew it but I I did piece it together before Mueller report told us now you can also read the Mueller report and you can f it's it's like the Bible or something
(55:53) you can find anything you want in there and and and so so um and I remember when they used to testify against Trump and the the the the hearings and in the morning it would be people just Landing punches on Trump and in the afternoon it would be those same people saying I don't know anything and I realized that what that did is it handed CNN their talking points it handed Fox their talking points point so CNN got the morning and fox got the afternoon and so we don't have a media our our only hope now is you know
(56:38) Glenn Greenwald and Matt taibe and guys like that Walter Kar and people bloggers guys with substacks um that that's our hope and and the problem is the average person doesn't have that the average person doesn't have time to have that they need to be able to just turn on the tube and watch it for a few minutes and figure out what happened that day I had a interesting anecdote because I completely agree and trying to figure out how to normalize this activity I have a good friend whose parents were completely like MSNBC brainwash and he
(57:16) went back home like uh a year or two ago and like was sitting with them there watching MSNBC and he's like do you guys actually believe this stuff they're like yeah it's the news and um he slowly but surely he like took his mom's phone downloaded Twitter and then like followed like five people for her and like just gave her the phone he's like if you're going to watch MSNBC make sure you read the tweets from these people as well to get another another position and he went back like six months later
(57:43) followed a few more people and like within two years like she's like holy [ __ ] MSNBC is brainwashing me right well so my wife is starting to see it so now she's asking me to buy a couple more guns and things like that um yeah I've been chasing this pedophile story and one of the Hallmarks of the uh the Freemason pedophile story is it is black and white checkerboard flooring turns out the pedophile guys and I don't even know if it's real but it's all over the Internet and she now notices the
(58:14) black and white checkerboard floors in the movies and stuff and they're ugly floors so you go why why would they use such an ugly floor for that scene and and then one of the uh I think synchronized swimming teams had had an eye on their shoulder was the all knowing eye and I'm going holy moly that's a little weird the satanic theme of the closing ceremony was disturbing more disturbing than the opening in my opinion very much more very much so more disturbing like the gray I I felt down a a Twitter Thread about it last night it
(58:50) was like overtly satanic worshipping like you cut off the head of Nike and the um and they had guys who were tumbling for example as you know I used to be a gymnast and the guys who were tumbling weren't even any good they looked like they had trained some football players to do some poor tumbling passes and they were awkward and and the whole thing and there was that satanic creature whatever that was supposed to represent Now by far the worst ceremony was not neither of the two in this Olympics the worst
(59:24) was the London opening ceremony in 2012 have you ever seen that uh it's a satanic theme is that the one with the uh they had the hospital beds and stuff too like yeah predictive programming it's super super creepy where the kids are in their pajamas and the beds looking horrified these demons are running around the infield you know tormenting the kids and there's this big demon in the middle and satanic symbolism around the perimeter it is beyond creepy and and what I don't understand like the guy who who who took the fall
(1:00:05) for the opening ceremony right the and and you know they said well you know he we he had artistic license this and that no someone cleared that sucker it wasn't just some guy who did it they say oh I wonder what he's gonna do today tonight right they cleared it and and um it seems to me those ceremonies should be really pretty universally acceptable right they really should be glorious very artistic you know if China did it it would be just phenomenal phenomenal choreography and stuff and it would just
(1:00:42) be so impressive that they could get you know a thousand Chinese chicks who you'd pay 50 bucks to carry their groceries for them you know hot doing something in perfect synchrony right and and instead we're getting these [ __ ] themes and I don't I don't know why no one should sign off on those no speaking of the PED Rabbit Hole you've been falling down like you know did you end up you never released the second part did you no it was a third part but I'm I'm working on it um it turns out it's been simmering in the
(1:01:19) crockpot I did a podcast with Nick Bryant the other day which was interesting because he's the guy who busted that open the Franklin Scandal story in a book now the Franklin Scandal story was busted up by someone else but no one knew about it he wrote the book and he's very detail guy and so I did a podcast where I essentially interviewed him we did a three-hour podcast for an hour and a half we talked about finance and geopolitics and stuff they said well you have questions for me let's flip this now and so the part two
(1:01:50) it turns out um I asked him questions about this stuff and he's a DE guy to the point where if he doesn't know the answer he doesn't want to speculate and the problem is what they kept doing is funneling the discussion back to things like Franklin and stuff like that and I knew about that because he' written about it and I wanted to take him into places like pizz gate and stuff like that and he said well you know the emails are very strange but I can't find the Smoking Gun and I'm good at that and
(1:02:19) I'm bothered I can't find the Smoking Gun and I'm going well those emails look like The Smoking Gun to me but um but there's more smoking guns right for example if you could get a hold of Anthony Weiner's laptop pizzagate would either blow up completely into a a scandal of unimaginable proportions or that whole story would be devastated shown to be just a Roose it would be one of the two Sydney Powell Trump's lawyer said that if you could get Weiner's laptop a lot of people would go to
(1:02:50) prison a lot of people and and she was talking about I think the perversions on we laptop so so I've been chasing it but it the problem is it's very hard to distinguish fact from fiction too I'm scheduled to have a chat with a guy who if you saw his videos online you'd go there's no chance I would listen to this guy but I have and even he he wears a latex mask he he muffles his voice over so sounds like this crazy guy like this but he says sh I go he knows a lot and then the other day I noticed in his
(1:03:28) Twitter feed he's now been talking about his role in various scops and stuff I go so he started out saying I'm a victim now he's talking about his role in some sort of scop world you can be both by the way right so they when they when they get these kids and they they groom them some percentage of them end up being organ donor some percentage end up just crackheads in the sex trade and stuff like that after they're done abusing them as kids some percentage end up getting sort of um promoted into the
(1:04:00) into the network as as functional members of the network and so that that could be him and he he has agreed to talk and he said he said we we can have a chat without all the without all the Hollywood crap that I do on my videos I'm hoping to talk to this guy find out that he's completely rational and I've got his phone number and stuff we just haven't had the talk in a part because I don't don't want to blow it and have a shitty talk and then find out I should have asked some 20 other questions I hadn't thought of so
(1:04:31) I'm kind of holding back um but but I've been slowly you know I asked a a DOD intelligence officer one day I was on a zoom call with him and this guy was UN unquestionably legit at some level right you never know when you're being lied to like I like I think it was last night I was on the phone with a Canadian intelligence guy right and I'm positive this guy's legit but but this this DOD intelligence guy and I was factchecking him all through the zoom call and he is everywhere I mean this guy is omnipress
(1:05:04) out there and he'd talk about Rumsfeld I'd Google him and Rumsfeld and there they'd be together and um and I asked about the trafficking and and he starts talking about Epstein I said no I I Epstein may be a big part of the problem but I'm interested in the weirder darker stuff that the things that is not being talked about in poite company I said let me ask you simple question is the Clinton Foundation trafficking children and he said absolutely now I gave a talk to this Dr Zoom group sort of going over what I had
(1:05:38) learned in this very unprofessional very sort of stream of Consciousness kind of presentation and after two hours the CIA guy showed up and and I was told he was coming I go wait a minute he's coming and and and and he and the guy runs and says yeah I've known him for 25 years years I called him said asked him if he could get over here so he shows up he's an old guy now he shows up he hadn't been listening to my podcast and they said tell us about trafficking and he did this like 10 15 minute synopsis it's like it was like an
(1:06:13) answer key for me I nailed it it was almost as though he had listened to my whole podcast and then they started asking us questions and they'd say Dave what do you think of this and I'd answer and then they'd go to him and he go that's pretty much right and now he said the problem is that you won't root it out of the system very easily because he he said for some reason 18 to 20% Which is a pretty precise range of the CIA involved in trafficking that's a big number yeah and the fact that he felt
(1:06:48) comfortable being an xcia agent well so the so the thing about xcia I'm not positive if he either worked with the CIA or was in the CIA and I couldn't he's he's he's actually an author out there he's got a book out there and if I read his book I'd probably it's but his book SM AG on it so I wasn't sure I cared um but and I wasn't convinced his information he had now was fresh I got this feeling maybe he'd been retired for too long or something um there was something about him that told me that
(1:07:25) he'd been been s sort of on mothballs quite a while um but you got guys like Carlo vagano in the Vatican number three in the Vatican calling out the world leaders for trafficking and stuff like that so the the world's a [ __ ] up place that's a pretty safe statement vagano I think it was vagano but it might have been the under Secretary of the UN of the United Nations one of them said that uh pedophilia is the currency of geopolitics that's exactly what my angle has been it's this idea it's I don't care that there's perves
(1:08:01) out there I care but but it it doesn't get me anywhere so when someone sends me some article or something where there's a guy's a perve it doesn't mean anything to me it is the networking of the perves and their influence outside this network or in this network so that the upsteam story is obviously a network um but there's others that's the problem there's others and and um so so it's it's the influence of that crap on decisions being made by important people that don't make sense like why
(1:08:40) would Biden open the borders I was said all about makes no sense and you say I to get voters makes no sense just make them up invent them dead guys you don't need that why would you let foreign agents by the thousands which there's no question they came in there's no question I don't need to I don't need to have stats here's the stats if we're letting four million people come across the border randomly enemies of the United States are going to be shoving their Guys across that border and if they're not
(1:09:15) they're so [ __ ] stupid we don't have to worry about them but they're not that stupid so you can bet that there is a ton of undocumented Chinese these are not we've got tons of you know Chinese born people in the country these are guys who are not on a radar we've got guys from all the major hot spots in the world who came across that border and these are sleeper cells and it's some point right now what I think we're seeing is stories about you know some illegal immigrant raping a bunch of
(1:09:48) girls I think that is those those are the guys who are sort of Around The Fringe causing TR because they're problems right these are not good people but um but if I were importing exporting people to the United States on purpose right if I were China if I were Iran if I were you name it um I'd tell these guys behave yourself because the Border still open we're still getting people across and and it the [ __ ] might start hitting the fan if we actually close the borders because then they'll say okay
(1:10:29) now it's time to strike yeah I mean it seems pretty obvious that there's something very off with the the Border situation and I mean there's been it makes no sense that someone would open him up I I don't care how much they pay him it just makes no sense it's it's it's so it's so treasonous so do you think that current Administration has been corrupted by this network that you've been all they all have been corrupted now I don't think everyone's a pedophile but I think there's enough
(1:11:12) let's say let's say a 100 congressmen I'm going to guess it's mostly congressmen I think the women tend not to be pedophiles um not necessarily true but but probably um let's say 100 are compromised those 100 are going to be leaning on their friends to achieve what they've been told to achieve yeah no I mean it seems Seems like it's pervasive too because we've I mean obviously sure you're aware of the Sha P Diddy Combs debacle from it went away pretty fast didn't it went away
(1:11:52) fast but um pattern recognition videotapes throughout the house blackmail yeah drugging influential people at parties um so one of the things you find when you start digging into this [ __ ] is that Hollywood is corrupted from head to toe but it's not just Casting Couch crap this is not just pervs who want to bang some 17year old this this this is seriously corrupted and and you end up you end up finding out that Nickelodeon that all those kids were getting abused on Nickelodeon you end up finding out that you know there's pedophiles who
(1:12:32) work for for Nickelodean who then get hired by Disney Disney has got darkness in its closets the corporation has darkness in his closets and and it it actually started you know I remember thinking about the fact that Walt Disney was able to buy up all this [ __ ] land in Florida and once you're trying to buy up land people know it you're not going to be able to buy it right I mean you really got to do it on the side and and you find out that Walt had shell companies that were that were funded and run by
(1:13:06) the CIA to to help them buy up the land and who knows how many people got whacked and I knew there had to have been some serious dealings for Walt to get Disney World set up but Walt turns out to be a a Freemason and I never know what to do with the Freemasons but but but Walt supposedly was a complete perve himself and and so so maybe that you know Disney from the get-go was founded upon compromise people and I do believe that you know there there are whole divisions I think within the CIA who are funded to help Hollywood make movies that they
(1:13:48) want to have made now the image is okay Top Gun and you know things like that but but I think it's way darker than that and by the way you can see China's influence in movies too China has the same sort of thing in us-based movies and so you will see movies where China is treated very favorably and there's no question that that China influence that plot but I also think that Hollywood's one of their charges is to fictionalize reality I call it take all the things that we think might be true and there
(1:14:23) will be a movie about that topic Eyes Wide Shut um you know born identity you can go through a whole list of them and I think it's so that we anchor our thinking on fiction so that you find out MK you think MK Ultra and you go oh yeah that's just Matt Damon born identity it's like no no no it's Jolly West working out of Harvard doing weird ship with with students and and turning their brains into Jello it's not just born identity right yeah it's it's like a combination of predictive programming like limited
(1:15:04) hangout and like if you believe in like the Satan Satanist like luciferian tilt to it like they have to be overt with their messaging and sort of rub it in your face well so one of the one of things again this Dr Zoom group we had a guy who's who's kind of an expert on messaging and he said and he said look you can't just go through the front door you can't you can't take some virgin pair of ears and brain and start talking up start talking about bathat and molok and these guys it just it'll just shut them down immediately
(1:15:37) and so you kind of have to weade them into the shallow end of the pool and and what what has looks very unproductive to me is to go back deep into um go back deep into the Freemasons go back into Satanism go back but but you can focus a little bit on Satanism in the present where it in it is visible in the present so Marina bramic you know there's a great example where where you know here's this overt Satanist who has dinner parties feeding people cadavers being written up in the Atlantic monly right and and and she's
(1:16:21) and and you're sitting going oh you know and you see these pictures of her her dinner parties there there's literally these cadav meals and and you you can't help but Wonder okay it's said to be food made look like cadavers first of all who would eat that [ __ ] right who in their right mind would go to that dinner party who would be caught dead in there the answer is Hollywood and some people in DC as the emails oh yeah absolutely absolutely so then you're thinking okay so she's an overt Satanist she's got the goat skinn
(1:16:51) goat's head pictures I mean she's there's pictures of her with the Clinton right you know there's just there just and you go okay I'm too deep on this this is crazy and then you find out above the fold ABC news that zolinski appoints are in charge of all the schools in Ukraine you know he just put a Satanist in charge of all the schools someone explained that to me yeah and you find out that you know the woman who was twice jailed in Haiti for child trafficking who twice got bailed out by the Clinton Foundation
(1:17:27) now works for Amber Alert you want to find pedos you just look at any major organization that's in charge of supposedly combating it that's where you'll find the pedos they none of those organizations are legit probably that's my hunch they're certainly if you look at their board of directors and stuff you go oh boy that doesn't look right and some Hollywood Elites you know that I track some of things that they put on Twitter off off to Russian trafficking sites and stuff you you you can make
(1:18:03) those connections yeah and um and and then the question is is this ruling the world is this running the world vagano you know Arch Archbishop vagano says yes and now they've excommunicated him supposedly they did like last month I believe I know talking there got a little got a little awkward there you had that that scandal with Instagram where they were overtly enabling people to to use coded messages to facilitate trafficking um who knows of that Wayfair thing from a few years ago that was so odd and and by the way the CEO of
(1:18:44) Wayfair was in charge of various child organizations he was he was prominent in the you know orphans for whatever you know he so it it it it fit the p it fit the pattern Yeah by this $50,000 Bureau what with a with a kid's name on it yeah but then again are we getting are we getting are we getting faked out is this the this The Superficial I'll let them argue about this for a while right let while they're arguing about who should be fired for Trump's attempted assassination they can argue about
(1:19:20) Wayfair you know I may maybe that's just not the story at all but if you read the Franklin Scandal that's a case where I think they lost control and and in the Franklin Scandal the story is not about just the trafficking Network that really is not the interesting part of the story this the interesting part is what the authorities did when they had to try to wrap it up so the FBI comes in and crushes them and when the FBI crushes the people trying to uncover a child trafficking Scandal you know there's there's filth
(1:19:55) right to the very core of the system so I had dinner once with the former head of the of the CIA he was the biggest douchebag I've ever met I think John Deutsch yeah he gave a talk what was the topic I can't remember but he's a former MIT chemist which by the way MIT seems to be a little bit of a hub of deep State along with Harvard so Bost appears to have a strong strong sort of deep state tie so the MIT techies um seem to have connections that you would not be proud of being part of if everyone knew so Epstein focused a
(1:20:39) ton of his energy on MIT in in Harvard and you got the the Stanford internet Observatory which I think they said they just closed down but it it was notoriously known for being you know um censorship Central right and um by the way I'm reading a good book by Jonathan Turley about the Battle for free speech goes all the way back to the founding of the the the Republic and our images that Free Speech has been sort of a core principle the whole way and that's just not true not even close the founding fathers couldn't
(1:21:19) agree on it Adams was a douchebag um uh Jefferson actually seemed to be pro- free speech until he was in power and then of of sudden he started stepping on people with anti-sedition laws uh Madison appeared to be the only real purist Andrew Jackson was a complete [ __ ] I mean he was a serious bad guy Lincoln stretched the definition of free speech and then you get to World War I and all of a sudden woodro Wilson these guys really went bat [ __ ] on people who didn't support the war they used to have in a number of times in
(1:21:53) history debates about whether you could defend yourself against a sedition law anti- sedition law by showing what you said was factual and there was a debate about whether that was a legitimate defense and so so turle I'm not done with the books so but I know where he's heading you can feel it being teed up for January 6 and things like that you can you can you can feel him saying okay here is the historical backdrop and I'm going okay I I I can smell the finish of this book and I the good news is that you will I I think I'll be able
(1:22:31) to draw the conclusion that we've been here before this is not new and we somehow survived the bad news is if you list the turle a little bit on this book tour the book's only about three weeks out I think he conveys that he's not sure we're going to pull out of this one he's nervous and he's brilliant he is abs he should he should be on the Supreme Court he is he is one of those guys who you go that guy's that guy's qualified to be on the court yeah no and I'm not sure if
(1:23:06) this was a clip taken out of context but you had Tim Waltz that clip I think it was on MSNBC a couple years ago but it resurfaced last week saying I don't know free speech um like Absolut conclusion yeah I've had some the problems with The Stolen Valor arguments I I think some of that's I still think some of that's not legit because he was in the the he was in the um the U um the National Guard for 20 some odd years and apparently people in his unit are now coming out saying he's a douchebag but you know
(1:23:47) that's politics too and um but but he was in the national g for 24 years something like that and he left him and ran for Congress I'm going that's a pretty good cover story and then if you're as much of a douchebag as Waltz you could easily imagine that in 2005 you might be going you know I'm gonna be sent to Iraq and I don't believe this war is valid yeah I would like and and one can in retrospect say anybody could have made that argument because that war was not valid but you can imagine liberal putty head like
(1:24:19) Waltz would would actually have particular problems so if he said look I've been thinking about running for I'm getting the [ __ ] out of here that's not stolen Val now he has accepted credit and made statements about you know being in bogram Air Force Base when he wasn't and [ __ ] like that so he's do a share a lying but a politician Who Lies there's a shocker so yeah I mean that's been the frustrating thing about I mean it's typical an election season presidential election season specifically it's all
(1:24:53) counter character assassination attacks where it's like can we talk about policy or at least pretend to well that's what I want to hear I want to hear Dr Seuss start talking about policy and now some of her old clips are coming out I'm just worried they're going to make a good enough case that Kamala or cameltoe or whatever her name is um is strong enough that when they rig the election we're going to have to accept it because it'll they will have built a they will built a cover story that's is
(1:25:24) good enough because I I I personally think that she wouldn't get more than 20 million votes no but I mean we've already seen that happen before right right and um and so I I by the way did you see the the CEO smart madic just got arrested I did see that for and it was for foreign intervention intervention foreign elections I go but that's the same voting system from 2020 so so then by the way what people don't understand is is that Dominion is owned by a company in Beijing Dominion voting is owned by Beijing and so you know that
(1:26:10) yeah it's a series of shell companies that goes through UBS and ends up in Beijing yeah that's not good news is it no the spart Matic headline was they were ex simply essentially accepted money directly from like an incumbent party and rigged the election but they rigged an election yeah and and by the way that's the same guys who say they didn't rig an election in 2020 well you know I'm sorry but that seems to be a problem maybe the Republicans are playing hard ball and they got them they got them arrested for
(1:26:46) that knowing that they're going to have to make that case um I I just will be surprised if Trump can get the election now at first I thought there's no chance Kamala can catch him and the DNC looked like was in such a state of disrepair but the speed with which they're now creating this Buzz using AI to make her crowds look real and things like that um I'm just worried that that they're going to do it and I'm just well yeah I mean less evil watching watching politics I'm just going to have
(1:27:26) to stop watching and that'll that'll be my sanity retainer it's probably good uh it's probably good decision anyway regardless of what happens but uh I'm guilty of it just as much as you are so so the question is the question I guess my optimism on Trump was is that he would get in there the first term that he was there he was too busy trying to get reelected and so he was and he was fighting them the whole way the second term he's going [ __ ] you I'm not getting reelected anyway so I'm going to do what
(1:28:04) I want to do and I think that if if he wasn't already committed to trying to achieve something that would make him great I think almost getting assassinated might have given him a kind of a resolve that might be on a whole another plane and so I could imagine him wanting to say okay the gloves have now come off now I have two opinions that are in terrible conflict of what Trump should do when he gets in there one says look just push by all this [ __ ] and try to get something done the other says go round up the bad guys and hang them and
(1:28:42) I I don't think that latter view is the best move but it's the one I'd love to see yeah and I don't I don't think he would do that but hopefully I don't think he would either thank he almost acts like he doesn't give a [ __ ] they tried to shoot him right it is it's sural hilarious character he like they tried to kill me they missed it was ter I was down there I duck the bullets that were flying over my head I I popped up told everybody to fight did you think it was fake when it
(1:29:12) first happened did you think it was fake no fake when it first happened I thought it was a pellet gun because I was on Twitter as it was happening and now we're hearing all sorts of sketchy [ __ ] about Crooks like he had been to the shooting range 48 times it happens to be the shooting range where where NSA agents and various FBI guys train and I'm going you know if I went to a shooting range the odds of picking that one is not very good no and you had like especially in Pennsylvania in Pennsylvania if this was
(1:29:45) in Virginia I'd say okay maybe and I think you had the her Heritage Foundation find some phone metadata that it was corresponding with somebody whose GPS was pinging right next to an FBI office that's right that's right what they did is they actually looked at where his phone was getting pinged by ads and they said okay let's look at all the devices where there are ads going into his home and all the the the the device where the ads are getting pinged into his workplace which of those devices are in
(1:30:18) both places which pretty much narrows it down to him and that's those devices are also getting pinged by you know right at the FBI headquarters and Sh like that so but none of this will matter it will not matter I hate that we have to end this because I can keep going for another hour but I have to hop on a call let's catch up right after the election um hopefully we're pleasantly surprised hopefully that'd be good Dave it's always a pleasure always fun tell tell me when you post it okay probably Friday maybe tomorrow okay I'll
(1:30:54) let you know okay see you then all right thank you sir