We explore how Nostr, a decentralized protocol redefining the internet, offers user sovereignty, content authenticity, and freedom from ad-driven algorithms.
In this episode of TFTC, Miljan Braticevic explores the transformative potential of Nostr, a decentralized protocol poised to revolutionize the internet by enabling user sovereignty, content authenticity, and freedom from ad-driven algorithms. Far more than a social media competitor, Nostr offers a user-controlled, censorship-resistant framework through cryptographic keys and an open-source ethos, likened to Bitcoin's early grassroots days. Tools like Primal 2.0 enhance usability with advanced search and custom feeds, reflecting rapid innovation within its vibrant developer community. By integrating seamlessly with Bitcoin, Nostr is fostering a circular economy, empowering users to earn and transact value, and positioning itself as a groundbreaking force for onboarding millions to decentralized technologies.
The podcast highlights Nostr's evolution from modest beginnings to a transformative force in internet infrastructure, prioritizing user control over corporate dominance. With tools like Primal 2.0 and seamless Bitcoin integration, Nostr is redefining digital communication and economic interaction. Braticevic envisions a “suddenly moment” in 2025, where Nostr transitions from niche adoption to mainstream recognition, urging early involvement before its potential becomes undeniable.
0:00 - Intro
0:34 - Nostr is more than social media
10:02 - Why Nostr is better
20:48 - Bitkey & Coinkite
23:08 - Building Primal with open source ethos
27:50 - Power user functionality
37:06 - Doomscroll algo vs custom feeds
44:51 - Zaprite & SOTE
46:24 - Nostr in the context of Elon's site
51:21 - Nostr/bitcoin symbiosis and snowball adoption
1:01:58 - Fountain/Primal and how Nostr promotes cooperation
1:07:07 - Why openness will outcompete centralization
1:12:46 - Bitcoiners are the best set of users for nostr to start on
1:21:08 - What will bring the suddenly moment?
1:26:19 - Get your legend status
(00:00) we might be at a similar stage of Noster development as Bitcoin was in 2011 2012 I think we do get a suddenly moment at one point in 2025 for Noster Noster will end up onboarding more people on bitcoin than all other methods combined whoever controls Twitter has the ability to post from everyone's account web companies have the incentive to spy on users collect as much data as possible and everything needs to be implemented on top of Noster it's chaos out there I was just telling you I got fed some doom on the X feed on
(00:41) the xalo I was an AER previously so I had no idea about it yeah big big assassination here in the United States uh United Healthcare CEO taken out in broad daylight Midtown Manhattan chaos it had a Logan and I doing our Bane or Bane voices perhaps you were wondering why you would shoot a man before he threw threw him out of a plane but uh I was I was trying to think of where to start this conversation I actually think um I was thinking about it last night I sent out a note on Noster um because obviously Primal 2.0
(01:22) is out there we're going to get to that but I think it's been about a year believe it or not this is on me hand up since we've had somebody on the show to talk specifically about Noster maybe a little less than a year and I think it's important particularly for this audience who may many of which are already on Noster power users but there is a subsection of this audience at least which is Nostra curious and not fullon in the ecosystem and I imagine still has this idea in their head that Noster is simply a social media competitor
(01:56) competitor to x Facebook whatever it may be and I think the time that I spent at nost regga earlier this year at the end of the summer really highlighted to me that there has been this tectonic shift in terms of where the protocol is where it's going and the expansive use cases that are coming to Market every day and so I think having you on the show Milan um you're immersed in the space I think to start for anybody out there who's not an ostr power user isn't on Noster yet um to to sort of quell this idea or
(02:35) squash this idea that Noster is simply a social media competitor what is the state of Noster as it stands today in your in your point of view well first of all thanks for having me on the show uh I'm delighted to be here um regarding Noster kind of what it is how it's perceived out there yeah I think probably the prevalent solution sorry the prevalent view that most people who are aware of Noster have about it is that it's like a Twitter competitor maybe a blue sky competitor or something like that uh and this is
(03:12) probably the way it's been talked about U mostly like out there in the media as well as the first breed of applications that was launched were very kind of social media Centric so that's kind of understandable that the majority of the people have that view but Noster is actually much much bigger than that uh Noster represents our opportunity to fix the Internet it's it's it's that big um and maybe when we think about it maybe it makes sense to frame the problem kind of frame frame the the situation we're in um where um the internet kind of
(03:56) started off as this equalitarian network where all the nodes are equal and users have agency uh but it has devolved into something much different in the past couple decades so um I would probably identify maybe top three problems uh that internet has today that Noster um has the potential of solving uh the first one is user sovereignty so uh given that uh the the internet has Devol into this situation where it's essentially controlled by a dozen big companies companies like uh Twitter SLX uh Facebook Google Etc a a handful
(04:44) of companies basically control the entire internet which means that all of our identities all of our kind of online lives and all the content that we post exist in these silos and all of our user accounts are controlled entirely by uh the owners of these uh silos so that's kind of problem number one that needs to be addressed you know this this isn't the internet we signed up for um so uh Noster gives us the opportunity to um to have every user control their own identity and their own content um the second one is one of
(05:27) authenticity so when you post something these like Legacy uh platforms like Twitter let's say I I'll pick on Twitter maybe a little bit but the same idea applies to all of them when you post something on Twitter and the users who read that content don't know and can't know that it is actually you who posted it uh you know it's kind of wild that we have heads of state announcing very important things or like uh uh prominent uh people out there where there's no Assurance whatsoever that they actually posted it you
(06:06) probably remember the funny episode we had with um Bitcoin uh the SEC exactly account either getting hacked or something else going on we don't know what actually happened but um the fact is that uh whoever controls Twitter so a company or maybe one person has the ability to post from everyone's account that's just crazy right so there is no way to um verify the authenticity of any content that's published on these platforms and this is going to be a bigger problem as we move along because of the proliferation of AI content and
(06:48) it's the Deep fakes and all of that like you and Matt talk about it a lot on on rhr uh where we're just beginning to have this like massive problem there and again Noster has a solution for this because all users all Noster users hold their keys and all content posted on Noster is assigned by those keys and you can cryptographically verify that it is the you know the whoever controls this key that posted this particular piece of content so that's kind of the second category of Brokenness if you will excuse me and then maybe the third one
(07:29) would be be just like the perverse incentives that exist in terms of how the the business models that have been deployed on these web Legacy web applications which are uh almost exclusively Advertising based uh which means that the user is not the customer the user is a product which is being farmed and sold to the real customers who are the advertisers and then each of these Legacy uh web companies uh have um the incentive to uh do crazy things like spy on users collect as much uh data as possible on these users so that they can
(08:12) provide a better product to their customers in terms of like better targeted ad advertising and so forth um and as far as the uh product and the service they provide to end users they incentivized not to uh provide the best quality content and the highest quality signal but they're incentivized to quote increase engagement to they're incentivized to get you addicted to kind of endlessly Doom scrolling like you mentioned before we started recording you were just Doom scrolling on Twitter and you you saw this news um and you are
(08:54) uh so so your interests are not aligned with the interests of the these companies that are serving these products so uh Noster is much more than uh like a social media Network kind of competitor it's the New Foundation it's a protocol that will enable us to rebuild the entire web on this new solid foundation where you uh where all users are sovereign of the network they control their own keys they can authentically uh sign and publish the content uh to to this network and then we have the opportunity to build the new
(09:38) breed of businesses on top of this open network there are uh that have the opportunity to monetize in different ways and we're starting to um you know uh to work in that space with uh Primal 2.0 uh uh releasing our uh premium tier uh for our user so we can talk about that more if you wish yeah I I think before jumping into the details the premium tier and why I mean it makes sense to to pay for the features offered via Primal 2.
(10:15) 0 I think going back to the note I mentioned earlier uh that I sent out yesterday and I really do think there are Stark parallels to early Bitcoin development and the the Vas misunderstanding of what Bitcoin was and had the potential to be at that point in time in Noster where it stands today I sent out the note Noster is worse is better um really uh hearkening back to gw's famous 2011 blog post about Bitcoin Bitcoin is worse is better and that's another thing I think when you get into the world of competing um social media protocols whatever you want to call them um uh
(11:01) people will point at Noster and say like this is this doesn't make sense like the the necessity for relays um and caching and this sort of distributed system that the protocol has uh sort of risen to isn't isn't um isn't efficient to facilitate uh this type of activity at scale and um you have competitors like blue sky which you mentioned uh the fety verse with mcadon has been around for a while and then you have newer competitors like farcaster on ethereum coming um and they would all look at Noster and say ah can't scale the way
(11:43) it's designed from a Primitives level is really not conducive to getting as many people on the protocol as use Twitter or other social media or other internet companies to date and what what would your response to to that that line of thinking be well yeah there are so many parallels to the early Bitcoin the early days of Bitcoin uh one of the uh kind of most striking similarities was that of course Bitcoin was dismissed right out of uh the gate by the highbrow cryptographers and the elite let's say the intellectual Elite at the
(12:25) time uh similar thing thing kind of happened to Noster early on uh but similarly to bitcoin we uh you know Noster is working uh and it's it's maybe one of those things that doesn't work in theory but it does in practice we are bootstrapping this network we have probably a couple hundred thousand users uh so this isn't a big uh number in terms of kind of in absolute terms when you compare it to the you know the mainstream networks even some of the upand cominging networks like blue sky but it is the only Network that is actually bootstrapping a
(13:07) sensorship resistant self- Sovereign protocol from kind of from the ground up and let's maybe dissect maybe dive into this a little bit more to compare Noster to all of these other networks that you mentioned just to kind of uh highlight the differences so uh in my view for a truly decentralized uh censorship resistant self- Sovereign Network to be bootstrapped you need multiple elements you need first of all users who hold their own Keys uh there's no other way so right away blue sky falls off uh Blue Sky uh you know has one
(13:47) service who holds everyone's keys right and in theory they're saying that people can stand up their own instances and you know you can uh kind of get uh different uh tradeoffs in these other instances we're not seeing any of that in practice we're not seeing that uh blue sky or the at protocol as they call it is actually being bootstrapped as a protocol this is actually uh a company uh that's you know a VC funded company that acts as a company would they go ahead and you know sign up users and they control everyone's accounts and so forth the
(14:29) second aspect of having a decentralized network like this is um the um ability to run any part of the infrastructure or the ability for anyone to run any part of the infrastructure here and in Noster we're actually seeing this uh play out there are thousands of people who are running relays and this is a permission as Network you don't need anyone's permission to stand up up a relay um and uh on top of that we have hundreds of uh development projects being stood up on top of this network where you have hundreds of client applications many
(15:14) different types of services that are being run U I think there's last time I looked there's like almost 40 different development Frameworks that are that are being that are built on uh to make um development on AER easier so this gives you an idea about the level of uh developer adoption of the Noster Network so when you look at the other competing networks there is um you know Mastadon fediverse which is uh which has been around for many many years uh you know the Bitcoin Community had an instance uh I think Bitcoin hackers. org run ran by
(15:55) nvk for a few years and um it highlights all of the um deficiencies of their approach where uh yes anyone can stand up an instance uh but the person administering that instance is the absolute uh has absolute control over that instance including all of the accounts that are created on that instance uh and it's a Federated model so you can kind of uh connect between a whole bunch of different instances to the extent that the administrators of those instances allow but if if you get banned by one instance you get you
(16:31) disappear entirely from the whole network and famously you know the the Bitcoin hackers. org instance got banned by a bunch of other uh instances and so forth so it was quite clear that the this kind of Federated approach essentially replaced one big dictator you know whoever is running Twitter with a bunch of smaller dictators and this isn't necessarily an improvement because uh you don't get as many eyes on on these kind of smaller dictators you don't get like as many checks and balances so these guys can rally do
(17:11) whatever they want so uh it's quite clear that this Federated approach is inferior to what Noster is doing when it comes to um other players you mentioned farcaster and and uh you know what's what's being stood up in the uh let's say altcoin land uh they do have some interesting characteristics for example I think other than Noster farcaster is the only Network where uh users indeed are holding their own keys so Props there but as far as I can tell there is no evidence that anyone other than people who running like a handful
(17:53) of big instances is actually running the infrastructure so people who are familiar with Bitcoin will be will kind of draw a very um astute uh comparison between the Bitcoin Network and let's say something like ethereum where uh bitcoiners run nodes there are tens of thousands of bitcoiners out there that the Run nodes and this is what uh makes the network resilient this is what makes it very hard uh to change the protocol and so forth whereas um such culture doesn't exist really in ethereum there's only a handful of big nodes that
(18:30) everyone kind of connects to that's why in ethereum you can have a road map and you can say on such and such date we'll do a hard fork and so forth so a similar kind of philosophy is is um I think present in the farcaster network so uh when you kind of assess the entire landscape it's quite obvious that Noster really stands alone as the only credible Network the only credible um Network that's being stood up in a truly censorship resistant kind of self Sovereign way where again users hold their keys and are running large
(19:14) amount of the infrastructure and again there are um similarities there with Bitcoin in Noster there are a couple thousand relays being stood up by just uh plebs out there uh and this is probably enough at this stage to keep the the network decentralized in the same way that it's enough for Bitcoin to have tens of thousands of economically active nodes uh if if you look at the the if you look at the Bitcoin Network this intolerant minority is really what keeps the network resilient um so this group of bitcoiners
(19:53) who hold their keys and run nodes and then you have the next level up where uh bitcoiners who hold their keys but don't necessarily run nodes those are mentioned those are probably numbered in millions I would estimate and then you have the next level up where with people who don't run nodes and don't hold their keys they maybe have an account on Ki base or maybe they own some Bitcoin ETFs or whatnot and that's a much larger group uh of maybe hundreds of millions of users and when you look at the entire kind of Bitcoin EOS system it actually
(20:30) functions quite well with this uh kind of order of uh different user types A very similar structure is being stood up organically on Noster and that's really glorious to observe and to participate in so freaks this rip of tftc was brought to you by our good friends at bit key bit key makes Bitcoin easy to use and hard to lose it is a hardware wallet that natively embeds into a two or three multisig you have one key on the hardware wallet one key on your mobile device and block stores a key in the cloud for you this is an incredible
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(22:35) off exchanges using coin kite Hardware MK4 cold card Q go to coin kite.com use the code tftc we have a code now tftc for 5% off at checkout it's been incredibly fascinating to observe for the last I think two or three years now for me and I think it's a testament uh the fact that it's gotten to this point of approaching solving the inherent scaling problems and usability problems that exist with these emergent protocols by buying into the open source ethos of building in the open making your software available to
(23:14) others to to fork and to build on to iterate on and I think Primal is a great example of that everything you guys have built has been out in the open and you've given it to the Noster Community look we've built here's why we built it this way so that we can have the usability efficiency speed that is necessary to reach feature parody with with other uh applications and use cases and products that people are familiar with and and let's touch on that too like just specifically on Primal the tools that you've built whether it's the
(23:48) caching system the client whatever it may be um and and why you thought it was important to not only build it in the first place open source it and put put it out there because you are running a company that's trying to profit and many people would look at this and think it's a bit counterintuitive because you're giving your company's quote unquote Alpha to the whole world right yeah so one of the early critiques of Noster was this whole kind of discoverability problem uh the the critique went along the lines of well
(24:22) it's since the architecture of Noster is such that clients publish directly to relays and then uh real don't talk to each other uh it's very hard to find anything on Noster you need to be kind of on the in theory on the same relay and someone as someone else to find their content and uh the Noster deniers uh were saying things like oh like who's going to you know how are you going to solve the discoverability problem um where uh in reality what happened is people buil indexers for Noster uh Primal at Primal we built an indexer that indexes the
(25:05) entire uh Bitcoin sorry Noster Network and in Primal 2.0 we uh shipped a very powerful advanced search capability to our premium users which I can say with a straight face that this is the most powerful uh search on any social media Network anywhere uh and you can really search by all kinds of different criteria you can create feeds based on those criteria you can save searches etc etc so what we're showing is that it's quite the opposite of what the kind of the initial misconception was not only is it that um
(25:45) it's not the case that Noster uh has a discoverability problem in fact Noster is the discoverability layer for all kinds of different content that's already published on relays and will continue to get published in in greater numbers um and as you mentioned we kind of as a philosophical stance as a company uh building on an open protocol like Noster uh decided that um that everything that we build the entire stack and and we build client applications as well as kind of backend uh logic and services the entire Primal stack is open
(26:27) sourced under the MI it license which means that anyone can take our code without any restrictions uh forkit run it themselves make any changes they wish they can do it for personal or commercial uses they can build products on top of it etc etc we think this is the the uh correct way to build on an open protocol and we are uh monetizing by uh running services for our users uh this includes clud the caching services and uh creation of custom feeds indexing services media hosting Services we have a hosted wallet as well um so this kind
(27:09) of integrated uh package that we uh deliver as a part of Primal premium uh we are excuse me hoping that um the users will find that valuable enough to pay the monthly fee for the premium service uh so this is the model we're going with I think having used Primal 2.0 for the last few weeks access to the beta playing around with it the last few days as a user the the service is such a step function Improvement in terms of like usability speed search is a big thing that's one thing um that I would credit with getting uh on X like actually made me
(27:56) able to use X as a quote unquote power user was the ability to search and searching X is not easy you have to know like the the functions to put it and you have to recall from memory certain words that were mentioned in certain tweets that you're looking for and as a power user of an app like Prim I'll search as a is a massive um function that that I need to actually be able to use it and want to come back and being able to find stuff is very important let's let's dig into like search you mentioned you can save
(28:27) searches like how important is indexing for taking Noster to the next level and making it easier for people who may been a bit afraid to use the protocol a couple years ago when everything was a bit jankier like what do you think the updates that you've made in Primal 2.0 particularly around search and custom feeds does for usability for the laymen who is not a protocol engineer willing to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work and of understanding exactly how this distributed Network in Noster actually works and how to sort of hack the the
(29:07) ways of of finding the data and the the events that you're looking for um I think that's a good point I think it we need to appreciate the uh trajectory of improvement of uh various Noster apps that exist out there Primal is one of you know just one of many Noster apps uh if you kind of rewind the tape a little bit couple years years ago Noster was basically unusable uh there were already you know a couple dozen apps maybe but it was very very hard to use a year prior to that you had to be a developer to to participate on the Noster Network
(29:42) so that at that point maybe there were maybe a couple dozen users on the network uh but uh the rate of improvement has been quite rapid you can see that um you know the um all of the Noster applications already let's say a year ago were starting to be uh quite usable and then um fast forward to today I think we're getting to the point where we're starting to reach and in some areas even surpass uh the Legacy uh kind of counterparts and this is crazy considering that this is only like a very short amount of time we're
(30:24) competing with companies that have seemingly unlimited budgets you know they were theyve they have had maybe a decade of uh development work behind them and billions of dollars of budgets uh to uh get to where they are today um Primal and some other uh Noster applications are in some ways uh have reached and in some a few ways have surpass the capabilities of these uh kind of Legacy counterparts so there's still a lot of work to do but it's kind of of uh what should be appreciated here is the trajectory the rate of
(31:03) improvement uh which is undeniable and for those out there who maybe tried Noster a year ago or even six months ago um you know it's you should you should try it again uh maybe you'll you'll see that like you'll see a marked improvement regarding your question about search in one of my conversations with Jack dorsy a little while ago he pointed out the fact that a Twitter read really uh started kind of hitting its stride after they were able to implement powerful search so he um underscored this as one of the kind of core
(31:41) fundamental uh features that are required for a network like this to grow so we um leaned into this we we put quite a bit of effort into indexing we reimplemented the entire kind of caching and indexing stack for uh Primal 2.0 and we offer now we like a 10 days ago or so we uh shipped 2.0 with uh crazy Advanced features search features so you can search by uh content type so you can search by you know short form uh Med text text Jal notes the microblogging notes you can search for long form notes which is um probably one of the most
(32:26) promising parts of Noster we talk about that later search videos um images sound Etc and for each one of these you can set a number of parameters you can say uh give me horizontal videos that are longer than 10 um you know minutes in uh that are longer than 10 minutes that have been Zapped by Marty and you get your feed um so then you can say search by you can keep expanding your search you can set the L list of users who uh potentially posted this content you can search uh set a list of users who replied to it users who Zapped it
(33:08) you can uh specify the slice of the network that you wish to be searched by default it's Global so it's just going to search everything but you can say search only within my follows so only the subset of the network of the uh that's posted by accounts by that that I follow or you can search by my follows interactions which is an interesting slice of the network where you can say um search all contact that people I follow have interacted with in any way uh so just by specifying that slice of the network in the
(33:47) drop-down you're kind of expanding your horizons a little bit more so you know you might follow a certain people but if you search by content that they interacted with it's it's still High signal content for you it's likely to be high signal uh but it's much you're costing a much wider net yeah I I think this is again going back to the fact that I consider myself a a power user because I know how to use search on all these different um platforms but on this protocol particularly what you've done with Primal like that is one thing like
(34:20) I actually did not like this when uh Elon decided to make likes um private and that was actually one of my ways in which I would try to find good content as I would go to accounts that I respected and liked I would go to their likes and say hey what is this person looking at today that's been taken away there but even so that that experience of getting to that content that I was looking for was very manual I had to go to the profile go to the the tab where it was like this person's like these tweets and then you scroll um
(34:53) being able to do this granularly is a a step function Improvement again on this particular use case within the realm of searching for content on the internet I agree and we put a lot of work into the UI for this so that it's not uh overburdened you have all of these options but if you don't set any of them the defaults kind of Mak sense so in just a few clicks you can create a quite a sophisticated search which essentially ends up being a feed and then if you if you like this feed if you find this kind of search uh to be useful
(35:30) you can save it and it saves it to your list of Home feeds and that this kind of leads to the whole feed Marketplace uh conversation which I'm uh excited to have yeah I mean let's I mean now my mind's going crazy cuz that's what we have a social media guy focused um promly on X we waiting for the ability to Share account private keys so I can get them into the tftc account but that is part of his job is Lally looking for videos um either being first to find a video that you clip and then post or searching Twitter for for videos that
(36:13) are pertinent to the themes that we're following and trying to highlight at tftc and and posting them and and just speaking with him like how what is your day to day like what is the process and it's it's very manual and so like the fact that on Noster you could easily be like all right I want um I want to follow these people if they post a video longer than 30 seconds put it in this feed and instead of going to search you just have it in the feed it's much easier to surface that content like you said each of those
(36:46) could be an individual feed that you could follow but this gets into the broader conversation around the algorithms and the feeds um that exist in incumbent social media platforms and how that is now changing with Noster you mentioned Doom scrolling earlier I mentioned it I was Doom scrolling that is one of the biggest um points of contention with the incumbent social media platforms as the fact that they own the algorithm they're the ones feeding you the information and the content that you consume um especially if you're on the 4 U tab but
(37:23) even if you're not they they found ways to to surface content to you and and as you mentioned whether like the the model as such is to get eyes engagement attention and they know how to hack that I mean choth poly papaa was worked at Facebook he said this very openly in the past that they literally have data scientists and psychologist who study what gets the most engagement and literally craft algorithms to trigger you to engage and a lot of the time um they're they're using what many would deem to be negative
(38:01) psychological triggers to to drive that engagement now Noster provides the opportunity to create a different type of algorithmic experience in terms of how you're interacting with content that's being populated for you right so there are two kind of big problems here uh with with the Legacy social media the first one is that they're not working for you their interests are not aligned with yours and um you know that's why they're incentivized in order to maximize their own profits they're incentivized to do crazy things that make you upset that
(38:38) make you addicted and so forth uh and they uh build their feed this way I say feed singular not plural because the second problem is you don't have any choice you typically in these platforms you get the feed uh for you and then um maybe on Twitter you get like your follows like you said and the the single kind of alternative to that which is for you but essentially there's no user agency here that's what's missing here the user is being farmed as a product um on Noster we are fixing that uh it's not so much that we don't want to use
(39:16) algorithms on Noster we do uh we just want to use algorithms that work for us we want to use algorithms that work for users and um since Noster is is an open network anyone can build an algorithm so this whole kind of story of how the Noster feed Marketplace came to be is quite fascinating and very illustrative of how things like this emerg on an open network so maybe a year and a half ago uh one of the most prolific Noster devs Pablo came up with this uh spec uh for dvms or data vending machines on atin where you can use the Noster public
(40:00) relay infrastructure to request some uh jobs any generic kind of computational job to be executed and then you get the results and there could be an optional payment associated with that so the spec itself is quite versatile it's quite powerful it could be used for all kinds of things uh so one of the types of things that can be used for is just to create a custom feed and when you create get a custom feed based on this DVM spec you publish a Noster event stating I've created this feed this is how you can access it uh so
(40:37) this was this was invented let's say a year and a half ago and uh a few of us uh kind of understood it and and really you know um saw the potential early on um but on an open network you know people have different priorities these types of things are not centrally planned they evolve organically so a few dvms were created and then you know not a lot happened in the next few months but then it kind of picked up from there where uh a few developers created a few DVM based feeds and then some client developers noticed those feeds and decided to
(41:21) integrate the the ability to access these feeds into their clients I think most notable examples of that are the coracle web client or um no strudel web client or also amethyst on on Android and back a few months ago we noticed that in P at Primal and we we were delighted we were like okay this is actually happening this kind of feed Marketplace is emerging naturally on Noster this is exactly what what we want to participate in uh let's lean in all the way and for Primal we leaning in all the way meant basically
(42:00) three things number one we rearchitecturing title is to get the feed picker and from there you can access the feed Marketplace so we let you browse all of the feeds that have been published on aser uh you can preview the content of the feed and if you like what you see you can add it to your list of feeds and then you can reorder the feeds that you wish to use on the on the uh Home tab in the way that suits you and you can put some sort of custom feed to be your main feed when open Primal that's what you want to see so there's this capability
(43:02) that in Primal by default you could be viewing non- Primal feeds right right there in the UI so we've done this throughout the entire app so the same kind of concept applies to long form reads feeds and so forth so um integrating this kind of feed Marketplace into the UI of the product was also a part of it and then the third thing that we did was since at Primal we build client applications but we also build and run services for Noster uh we decided that every feed that we create for Primal will also publish in the uh Noster feed
(43:42) Marketplace so that uh other Noster clients who support this DVM based feed uh Marketplace are able to access those feeds so we've done that already and uh we with the 2.0 release we've published all of our feeds to the feed Marketplace so now we have some users who are not even using the Primal client uh who might be using amethyst or no strudel or coracle or some other clients that I have I'm not even aware of uh who are actually using Primal backend kind of functionality through their uh clients so it's pretty wild to
(44:20) see how things like this evolve on a rap on a a you know dramatically uh open network like Noster this rip was also brought to you by our good friends at salt of the earth you got to be hydrating Freaks and while you're hydrating got to be getting your electrolytes this is the best electrolytes mix that I've ever come into contact with uh Pink Himalayan salt with calcium magnesium potassium sodium no sugar it tastes incredible my favorite is the orange and the pink lemonade going to drink so.
(44:54) com at drinks.com use the code tftc when you make your purchase and you'll get 15% off I'm telling you get on it freaks you're gonna love this stuff we were talking about this the other week too go because the big one of the big topics particularly here in the US it's been talked about many people have mentioned it on the Joe Rogan podcast specifically in the last couple weeks Mark Andre Mike Benz was on and they've they've highlighted this acquisition of Twitter and transition X by Elon Musk as this sort of Savior to free speech
(45:28) particularly in the United States but many would argue um even even further than the borders of this country and we were talking about there's there's credit to be given there obviously I think it's obvious that that the what's happening on X what's happened on X over the last year has been a net positive I believe for discourse but um there are still landmines that Elon and Company could run into not only from the censorship perspective but from user experience and that's the one thing that excites me about this feed Marketplace is that it
(46:04) is truly creating a more granular the ability for individual users to create a more granular experience to filter things for their exact use case like I am an autist when it comes to filtering the information on on these social media feeds like I my Bitcoin feed my economics feed oil and gas barcal Sports whatever it may be like I need that delineation between the different subjects and themes that I'm following and it's it's a bit limited on X but it's like two- part like is this like is what is happening on X and all this focus on X actually
(46:42) good for Noster in the long run because it gives it some breathing room like it actually sort of reminds me of uh bitcoin's experience with Wikileaks when Satoshi was still around and people were saying when Wikileaks got uh cut off from PayPal and other payment providers U many on the Bitcoin talk Forum were like hey we should go to Julian Assange and Wikileaks and Satoshi Fame he said let's not kick the Hornets Nest we're not ready for it yet like do you not that there's a hornets nest that's getting kicked by the Noster protocol
(47:13) and the the development Community around it right now but like is this sort of focus on X as this new Bastion of free speech this platform of free speech actually beneficial for Noster in the long run because you're able to put your head down and focus and had the confidence that um years from now the protocol will be uh extremely robust antifragile efficient and the features will be so rich that um you'll be able to pop your head up and be like oh it's just simply a better product I think that's a fair comparison
(47:45) and I think the moment that you that you outlined there with the Wikileaks do you remember the year was it 2012 or something like that Satoshi was still around so it's 2011 2012 somewhere yeah uh so so yeah so we might be at a similar stage in Noster development as Bitcoin was in 2011 2012 that that's a fair comparison and I think the protocol itself is robust but the infrastructure that's been stood up on top of this protocol is still in its early days so it's like a fair comparison and um I would say of course
(48:22) given the trajectory of development of this whole ecosystem there's a lot to be kind of op istic about uh but just like going back and uh you know uh for for anyone out there who thinks oh problem solved enen is going to give everyone free speech of course like uh if you really think this through that nothing is really solved right the world uh needs an like a global open Town Square uh and uh the question is who should be in control of it and the correct answer is no one should have that power right and currently uh you
(49:02) know we have one company or a handful of companies that can be leaned on by many powerful actors and we've seen that what happened let's say in Brazil recently where if you have the power to decide who can speak uh you will be made to use that power even if it's against your will and even someone as sort of pro free speech and and and uh and powerful actor like Elon was had to kind of bend the knee in the end uh so the correct answer here is that we need an open protocol that's not in control by anyone uh that gives every user of the protocol
(49:42) the sovereignty and the agency to use the protocol in the way they wish uh for when it comes to money that protocol is Bitcoin when it comes to speech and internet content and Publishing in my view that that is Noster well perfect segue to what I wanted to talk about next is the intersection of Noster and Bitcoin this open- Source monetary protocol open source Communications protocol and there's layers to it too is you have um the intersection obviously zaps exist it's creating it's arguably one of the only true Bitcoin circular
(50:22) economies that exist in the world I posted uh a video a note right before we we went live I'm not sure you probably didn't see yet it happened right before you hopped on here but Jerome pal was um getting interviewed by Andrew Ros sorin at some event I believe in New York earlier today and he was asked about Bitcoin uh and he he it seems like he's in the bargaining stage of grief where he's like yeah Bitcoin it's it's like gold people are going to use it as a speculative asset but that's all it is um right now my note was essentially
(50:56) like like drone pal people like him who are trotting out this Trope that Bitcoin is simply this speculative asset can say that but the there the the um Corpus of uh of uh data that points in the other direction is is overwhelming and it's only getting larger each day millions of people are using Bitcoin as their as their savings technology and millions more or not Millions more like millions of people are also using it as a payments Network and Noster is proof putting of this it's it is a Bitcoin circular economy and it's
(51:38) funny right before we hit record I saw somebody replied to that a bit of a troll like it's not a circular economy I'm sorry it's still a speculative asset and I haven't been able to reply to him but using Primal my Primal wallet like I I believe I bought $5 worth a Bitcoin just to test out the Apple pay um use case when I first when when you guys first launched that feature but since then I've not added a single Satoshi to my Primal wallet it's all been via zaps and then I have the ability to zap people from that wallet and for me I'm
(52:11) just n of one there's n of thousands hundreds of thousands at this point that are proof that it is a circular economy like I literally with my Primal wallet have amassed a balance and distributed a lot of that balance within the Noster protocol solely and sometimes I actually and outside the Noster protocol I've been at Bitcoin Park having to pay for coffee or drink at the BTC pay terminal and use my nostril wallet to pay so that that is truly circular I didn't buy that Bitcoin um I didn't I didn't send it from another wallet it was all from the
(52:49) accumulation of zaps that that I've that I've gotten over the years yeah it's wild and what a great uh combination these two protocols you know they each of them stands on its own uh obviously Bitcoin doesn't need Noster to S succeed or survive um Noster functions without Bitcoin as well but they are very symbiotic in the sense that each makes the other one better uh so obviously Noster gets a lot of benefits from having the monetary Network kind of a global permissionless monetary Network built right into the protocol as an
(53:27) extension of the protocol so uh we get get this uh ability to monetize content to to Signal uh on the Noster Network regarding what content we find valuable or interesting so it's very very uh valuable um and then uh Bitcoin actually uh what's what's less understood Maybe by bitcoiners out there is how Noster helps Bitcoin so as you mentioned this is the first time that we've seen uh some sort of like uh Global circular economy kind of get bootstrap at scale uh and it's happening on the noer network there are so many thousands of
(54:10) zaps are flying around every day um you have people who like you said who post something interesting on AER or simply should post on AER get a bunch of zaps and they're able to get coffee or a meal with that it completely blows people's minds when they do this especially new users actually those who aren't bitcoiners those who didn't get into an AER through Bitcoin there's like a subset of nostres that uh were not at all exposed to bitcoin previously so when they post something and they get money and and they're able to buy
(54:46) something with it their minds explode um I don't know if you heard the story that Jack MERS told on stage he was on stage with me yes yes so his best friend's girlfriend get got basically orange pilled through Noster even though he was trying to orange pill her for years so you can imagine how resilient that person is withstanding those kind of orange pilling attempts by Jack MERS but anyway she wasn't interested in you know fighting like defending from inflation or you know self- sovereignty or any of those things that we bitcoiners care
(55:25) about but but uh when she downloaded Primal and posted something uh personal online she got a bunch of zaps from people and it just clicked for her her brain exploded everything clicked for her she was like okay I get it all and then from that point on she actually went down the Bitcoin rabbit hole and read the Bitcoin standard and kind of became a full-on bitcoiner so I think um Noster will end up onboarding this is kind of my old prediction Noster will end up onboarding more people onto Bitcoin than all other methods combined
(56:04) because people will get onboarded through bit to bitcoin by using their uh kind of everyday applications like social media applications video streaming applications I think every application will be Bitcoin enabled because we'll will make sure that those that are not Bitcoin enabled are essentially inferior to the ones there are that are and again you can see the Bitcoin Game Theory playing out there uh through Noster and I think it's going to be glorious to see and this is how we onboard billions of people I think onto
(56:39) Bitcoin yeah and it even though the the uis of some of these clients are a bit clunky uh and don't have feature parody with the the incumbent applications I'm thinking of zap. stream like zap. stream we've been live streaming to YouTube and the whole process we've been live streaming to YouTube for for years now since Co so for four years more than four years almost five and the we've never enabled super chats cuz like the clunkiness of enabling it hooking up a bank account and then like asking the live chat to send us Fiat from their
(57:20) accounts that are connected to YouTube like the the the friction involved with that use case um was was simply too much and it just felt a little too weird but with zap. stream we live stream to the Noster Network now as well and the rabbit hole recap account has an Ln address associated with it and people can hop in the live stream on zap.
(57:42) stream and zap us and the amount of we've been doing podcasting 2.0 for years and I think the average amount that we're getting Zapped on the live stream is beginning to surpass the the Boost that we get from people listening to um the podcast on apps like Fountain which is now Nostra client as well which is even crazier to think um and it is a superior way to do this and what you're thinking of Matt and I we own Rabbit Hole recap 50/50 the ease of use of having the rabbit hole recap Len address it's very transparent I can see uh how
(58:22) many zaps have come in per stream and my Ellen address is is in my Primal account and when the episode's over and all the apps are accounted for Matt simply just does the split and it's there there's nothing I don't have to give him a bank account I don't have to give him uh a cash tag there's no interaction on my part he just gets my address from my Primal feed and boom sends it it's that is a far superior user experience particularly on the content creation side for something like a super chat or uh anything else particularly for a show
(58:55) with with multiple hosts that that share the revenue it's automatic how about that and you no longer need to squint to see where all this is going so in just your little recap there you you mentioned zap stream which is let's say a YouTube competitor like when it comes to live streaming it isn't in in any case you uh mention Fountain which is a podcasting app you mention Primal so imagine like you no longer need to squint to see what it would look like when let's say Twitter Facebook Spotify uh you know uh YouTube etc etc
(59:41) were all of these were on the same network interoperable kind of uh working with the same set of identities you kind of log in using your Noster identity and any of those you see all your connections there and you um you kind of monetize your your content and you participate in the local economy using Bitcoin in all of these apps so we're already there where we see some of this is functional and given the trajectory of improvement this all becomes awesome over the next one or two years which again attracts more content creators
(1:00:20) which again attracts more users and then there kind of the the amount of gravity to the network increases with every passing day it's hard not to be bullish about this and I I'm totally convinced that Noster takes over everything yeah and I I think to lean into that example particularly Fountain and Primal and how they interact for years Primal or Fountain announced at nosta that they officially transition to a Noster client and it's been fascinating to see since then for years we've been using Fountain um to read the Boost from the episodes
(1:00:55) of rabbit ho hold recap which is involved in podcasting 2.0 we have a lightning Pub Key in our RSS feed and people can boost there and they can still do that even over Noster but historically up until the beginning of this year or excuse me the beginning of this fall um till earlier like three or four months ago uh people had to boost um from the podcasting 2.
(1:01:21) 0 apps and that's how we would we would see the top four boost that we would read each week but now most people are like I see the boost for the rabbit hole recap particularly if I get tagged in it um in my Primal notifications and then I go to Fountain to read the top four boosts and it's there as well so like that in two clients showing the same content um produced by the individual boosting us like the interoperability I don't think is appreciated by by Outsiders yet it's all the same Network and it's all the
(1:01:57) lines are blurring and again we can have many examp we already today have many examples of this and this only gets better over time so substack versus Twitter is another example of this where it's like it's appropriate to say substack versus Twitter because they are kind of competitors uh Elon famously blocked linking to substack from Twitter right um and that was disastrous for substack because Twitter uh feeds were their top of funnel that's how that was the discovery layer uh for their content so uh contrast that with Noster
(1:02:39) where you have these social media micro blogging feeds that exist on the same network as the long form textual uh content and um when you um interact with the content you kind of you can see it in any client that supports that content type so Primal with 2.0 we've added this ability to uh to uh browse and interact with long form textual content using the top level reads tab so um when you browse articles on on Primal and you go ahead and let's say highlight something within an article that highlight that user action the artifact that gets
(1:03:22) created by that highlight uh doesn't exist with Within Primal only it gets published to the Noster Network and it becomes available to everyone so uh contrast that with what happens on let's say medium uh medium probably decades ago they've been wrong for a long time uh introduced the Highlight feature but when you highlight something on medium that artifact stays within their Silo it's not available anywhere else and even though they have the capability to kind of um uh deliver some sort of uh collaboration around that artifact you
(1:04:01) can comment on a highlight and so forth there isn't a lot of uh traffic there you you don't see kind of lively comments around highlights that much on medium uh as as far as I can tell whereas this is extremely Lively on Noster uh where you know you highlight something and then you can select that highlight do some comments and then uh when you browse this later on you can see that many users are interacting with this and probably from a bunch of different clients and then client developers get to decide how they want
(1:04:40) to put all of this this diverse set of uh kind of artifact types that exist on Noster you can put them together in completely new ways and offer new experiences that were not possible before uh just because you have access to all of this on an open network and um there's nowhere there to stop you it's it's sort of the the level of experimentation even though we're just like our our budgets as Noster devs are like orders of magnitude smaller than these big companies uh paradoxically we can experiment way more we can try a
(1:05:16) bunch of uh different things way more than any big company can afford to experiment and we can we we we play with this type of stuff out in the public we launch it we see what sticks we lean into the stuff that works we throw away the stuff that doesn't every good idea gets replicated etc etc so this is how Noster this is why Noster is becoming so much better uh on on a relatively short timeline what are what is the one or couple or few of the things on the horizon that you are particularly excited for whether that's for Primal
(1:05:57) specifically or Noster more generally so kind of just as a theme um I would say that everything needs to be implemented on top of Noster so everything that you see on on open Web currently every web application out there every web service everything will get implemented over Noster and rather than kind of zeroing in on a specific use case I I think this kind of uh the uh openness of the network and every the proliferation of use cases and artifact types as a whole is what's exciting to me this is why I think Noster wins more
(1:06:42) more so than let's say the the fundamental features like censorship resistance and user sovereignty and all of those I think um most people out there don't really care that much about those aspect ects we do we Noster developers we care about it bitcoiners care about this but we're in a minority the majority of the people out there care about high quality apps and good quality content and I think we will get both of those things due to the openness of the network and will be vastly superior in both of these categories the
(1:07:18) apps will be much richer and more sophisticated and the content uh will be uh more diverse and and probably of higher quality because of the different uh feed algorithms and curation methods and so forth so basically in a nutshell I would say openness of the protocol is the killer feature and the sum of all of these parts is going to be insane I had a oh moment last night um scrolling through my Primal feed and I think this is the culmination of what Alex gleon and Rob Rabel have been working on particularly I think
(1:07:58) Alex specifically has been working to bridge content from the fety verse of Mastadon to Noster and last night of scrolling down the feed and I saw Matt Blaze on the feed and I was like he has been on Twitter in a while I don't think I didn't know he was on Noster and rabble retweeted him and I had I was like oh this is coming from the fetty verse it was like the first note from Matt blae I've seen in years I don't think he's been on Twitter and it was about um and then uh encryption and the fact that governments are like oh you
(1:08:29) should probably use this and he was joking about it but that was like oh that that was I I believe if I'm if I was reading the the source of the content correctly that he was posting that on the fety verse but due to the bridge that Alex gleon has built it was it was showing up on Noster as well and I was like oh wow you don't even need people to adopt Noster to get that content now that's true uh I is doing great work there he's bringing in a bunch of content from these kind of adjacent networks uh for me I find that less
(1:09:04) exciting than Noster native content because of all of these types of things that we talked about you know you can you you participate in the zapping economy you if you truly build a Noster application that application is creating Noster events natively that other developers can use and so forth and I think the game theory of Noster is such that this will happen um over time but in the meantime for sure it's it's uh it's fun to see other kind of content being brought in because that's uh you know that's doable and people are doing
(1:09:40) that work so might as well bring that content in well maybe it's a catalyst to because that's the other thing that many people in Noster have talked about and I don't think most people realize is that all these incumbent platforms could adopt Noster backend infrastructure keep keep the UI or a similar UI and simply just Port their back end with the Noster protocol and I could see that particularly for the fediverse being like Oh like all these people Noster are liking this content like weighing the decision do we just keep it Silo to the
(1:10:11) fediverse and um or do we do we adopt the nosta protocol is it better I can see it happening in the fediverse um because it's a more diverse kind of set of players there some of them will will realize that this is in their best interest and this will happen when it comes to the big Legacy players I think they will be the last ones to adopt aser it's just there in you know they are jealously guarding the their wall Gardens and they're doing it in a way where kind of uh the walls are getting taller it's harder to get in and
(1:10:50) without being logged in and so forth uh they see that as their competitive advantage and I think they are correct in the short run but they are wrong in the long run and uh an open network like Noster is ultimately going to eat their lunch but it's going to be too late I think we've seen this happen time and again you know the Kodak moment with digital cameras etc etc I think the same thing will happen with uh the Legacy social media networks yeah it's fast it is exciting to be around actually maybe this probably something we should touch
(1:11:32) on cuz it feels like uh for certainly up until this point in time uh there's been waves of hype around not only hype but adoption it's sort of like Bitcoin adoption where like you have like something like nria everybody was excited the activity on the network and the growth of the network during that conference um was massive and then you have these troughs I don't want to say of disillusionment but of lack of hype for for lack of a better term um and then I'm sure we'll have another wave in the future as somebody building on the
(1:12:09) protocol building a company on the protocol mentally how do you how do you stomach those waves or how do you how do you think through them what's the psychology that goes into weathering the storm and continuously building um and basically I think the mindset of a lot of nosters if you build it they will come and it's having that confidence and that belief that that's going to be true in the long run yeah I think it's similar to bitcoin waves of adoption uh we've had like prior to Ria this earlier this year uh
(1:12:44) we had like a mini Noster bear Market it was adorable some people were some people were thinking oh Noster is over you know and then we had this like massive kind of wave of growth of new users and then uh I think it's it's reasonable to expect that it will be Noster will continue to grow in waves like this and I think um you know there will be different catalysts that initiate the different waves um so uh as a Noster developer I think our job is just to make sure that to keep improving to keep making sure that uh the uh product we uh ship is
(1:13:28) more sophisticated every time so that users you know with every subsequent touch Point get surprised by how how much more versatile the whole platform is and the network itself um I think um it's fair to say that the current cohort of users on Noster are very kind of Bitcoin Centric um and if you were to bootstrap uh kind of a censorship resistant self- Sovereign content Network like this um this is exactly what it would look like I think the bitcoiners are exactly the right type of people to a bootstrap Network like this because we understand
(1:14:13) the value of of true decentralization we have the culture of for example running nodes uh of holding our keys etc etc and uh there are direct parallels to nost relays and kind of Noster keare identities and so forth so um you would expect that a a network like this would be seed by bitcoiners and for the network to truly be resilient it needs to be kind of seeded by this intolerant minority of the guys who are not ride or Dies who are not going away regardless of what happens and who are willing to um kind of respond to to any attacks to
(1:14:56) the network um so I think we're kind of past this initial stage we we have something here already uh and I think um since Noster is not centrally controlled there's no Central planning there's no uh road map of how we're going to how this is going to evolve or how the network is going to be grown um it's actually all of our all of the participants of the network that uh kind of play their role um so you have of course the user base you have uh number of projects that are building on aser every project can decide how to grow
(1:15:38) their own user base and in doing so they grow the network itself for me personally it makes sense to lean into the Bitcoin or group even more and to get to to ensure that we have even more high quality and high signal Bitcoin content there I think uh long form content like essays and blogs and so forth are quite uh important there um we I think we've seen I don't know if you would agree Marty uh since we launched Primal 2.
(1:16:12) 0 uh I think there's a quite a bit more traffic in that long form uh kind of uh area of Noster would you there is I was I was on it earlier today and I noticed um I don't know if it was officially from the Bitcoin policy Institute but like a really good article by the Bitcoin policy Institute was like the top article for me yeah yeah and and articles that do get published get a lot more traction they get a lot more zaps comments highlights things like that so things are kind of expanding there I really like I'm bullish on this long
(1:16:44) form textual long form content because unlike the social media content where really the network is the feature the network is useless unless everyone's there when it comes to long form content that's not the case because the moment that one interesting author shows up there and starts publishing content there there's reason to go there uh so uh your question regarding how the network will grow and uh I think it makes sense to um kind of cater features and content to bitcoiners and then Bitcoin adjacent communities like Financial Twitter let's
(1:17:23) say or you know health and fitness or I don't know philosophy economics etc etc where we have people who are uh kind of active both in Bitcoin and these other fields who can bring their audiences over for example yeah I'm looking at my most recent bent U that I posted to Naser and just like going through the highlights it's like really cool to see what people are getting value out of in each individual article like the recent one I wrote on Bitcoin as the apex predator of Treasury assets there's like one section that was highlighted by by
(1:18:02) two people so it's like oh maybe I should lean into this topic maybe write about that in the future and uh it is from a ux perspective too like I told you this when you first gave me access to the long reads um beta on Primal it's just like the way the content pops open how fast it is and like the ability to highight and Note and um see the comments and the zaps it's far superior to Twitter articles which I don't even bother using because it's just such a clunky experience and that's another perfect a perfect example of interoperability like
(1:18:39) I go to oa. news I post a long I use their publisher to post the long form content I post it and then I open up Primal it's there already long reads it's pretty crazy yeah I mean it it's one of those examples where kind of put putting these different content types together in a meaningful way enables us to build experiences that are surpassing the ux level of the uh incumbents like that's a great example I think if we look at Twitter substack medium if we compare let's say the ux you get on Primal when it comes to both
(1:19:17) browsing and reading through the long form content as well as Discovery uh capabilities within your kind of social media feeds where you can highlight something and post a comment to your regular feed and then the feed renders the comment the highlight and the link to the article um I'm I'm obviously super biased here but I think we've surpassed the level of ux that any of these big companies have when it when it comes to that particular segment yeah and again it's been built they will come do you view Primal
(1:19:52) particularly Primal 2.0 as major Catalyst for the vble cup moment is that cuz I I know I'm not going to ask a leading question because we've talked about this many times like your intention has been to make it so that anybody can go into their app store download Primal be on Noster and have user experience that that blows them away Yes actually I do view Primal 2.
(1:20:17) 0 is that Catalyst especially when it comes to long form textual content because we wanted to get to the point where content creators many of whom are actual uh fans of Noster and all of the ideals that Noster stands for um we want to make it make sure that content creators can invite Their audience over to nost with a straight face and say download this app and uh you'll be able to access my content and it will be a great experience um so a year ago that wasn't the case many of many clients were not or probably no client was quite there
(1:20:57) yet on AER but now with Primal and others uh we are getting there so uh yeah I think uh this is like an important milone yeah I'm pumped for you that's the uh and it's it's so close you said you can squit it's there from the publisher side the content creator side zap. stream completely easy you just put the RM TP token into restream hit push boom we're publishing there on the long form written side this is not the primalist is anybody out there building the Publishers and if somebody did this for themes on ghost somebody just Fork ghost
(1:21:39) publisher and make it so I can easily embed videos links tweets whatever it may be notes notes are already easily embeddable but like other content that I put in the newsletter that that like when it for abla and highlighter it's like it's back to you're going back to Myspace days where you have to do all the HTML and CSS to actually embed a lot of the stuff um I think people are going to be very pleasantly surprised by highlighter um I'm kind of very bullish on highlighter as a content creator Tool uh that's
(1:22:14) being built by Pablo so yeah let's go let's go and again you know all you need to do is just like take a snapshot look at where content where where all of nster was a year ago look at where we're at today and now try we're kind of near approaching the end of 2024 and project that out you even one year out um and I would say now we have the momentum as well so we just continue cracking this stuff out um I think this gets wild yeah how how fast are we approaching the suddenly moment like what uh prediction prediction for 2025
(1:22:57) prediction for 2025 what is your nost Primal prediction do this okay yes I am um and then you got to give a bitcoin price prediction I'm kidding um interestingly aner actually um there isn't that much uh banter about price it people discuss different topics lots of bitcoiners but uh you it's no nowhere near as pumpy as bit coin Twitter is uh am I am I wrong like is that your impression too the the content seems more authentic and more uh there's more signal to it than just like oh we're going to pump or what whatnot
(1:23:40) would you say that I would agree with that yeah yeah I would agree with that it's mainly focused um for my observation on um how to push adoption forward without a focus on price and like the integration of technology I mean the biggest Bitcoin chatter on Nostra these days is like the intersection of eash and Noster at least that I'm following which I think is massive as well exactly so that's like high signal extremely highly relevant type of topics for long-term Bitcoin adoption as opposed to is price going to pump today or not uh
(1:24:19) but to not completely evade your question uh you you wanted a prediction for 2025 um okay I'll make one I think we do get a suddenly moment at one point in 2025 for no that's my only prediction any any inclination on what the Catalyst will be I think it will be one or more big content creators deciding to kind of lean into Noster or just deciding to show up on Noster that's enough yeah uh and kind of encourage Their audience to follow along this has been great if you're listening uh disclaimer 1031 is an investor in Primal
(1:25:06) but we invested for a reason it's because it's the best client on Noster it's my go too it's getting better if you're out there you're Nostra curious and you haven't set up a a Nostra public private public key pair yet go to your app store search Primal download it test it out get in the game it it's time you want to get in before it it would be cool to be in before the suddenly moment after the suddenly moment it's oh yeah no D you're on Noster you want to be able to say I was in and using Noster and on Primal before the suddenly moment
(1:25:40) that's what absolutely you want to be a primal Legend you too on Primal we on every profile page we kind of list the date when that um account joined Noster and we know that by a a single publish action so let's say if you create your Noster account all you need to do is just like a uh trigger one like you don't even need to post anything but the the moment you create you create an Noster event an Noster action that's your kind of that's the date that's marked as your kind of join Noster at such such uh date and time so um yeah if
(1:26:20) you haven't done that yet go for it definitely when it comes to primal premium actually you mentioned Primal Legends when it comes to Primal premium we also Mark different kind of groups of users who uh subscribe to Primal premium and those who subscribe in 2024 are marked as Primal ogs because they will uh you know they will be the like among the first kind of one month of of users that signed up for our service so we want to recognize them we got 20 25 days for you so I'm trying to see where can I see when I joined Noster in
(1:26:59) Primal let me look it up for you so I don't know if we list it on the mobile apps but we do it on the web app so let me look it up for you I can pull that up now July 2622 wow you're you're five months ahead of me Marty I was on before you oh yeah totally uh I hadn't even discovered Noster when you already had your account look at this oh that's great uh I joined on uh Christmas day uh 2022 what a great Christmas present I know yeah I looked at it later I was like oh interesting I guess you know what I was up to on Christmas
(1:27:40) day uh I'm excited this is very optimistic and I think it's important um especially ju supposed to the fervor around X which I think is warranted to a certain degree Free Speech back like great however you don't want Central planners or Central points of failure I think more accurately describes um the the problems that exist in incumbent platforms you want an uncontrollable protocol and that is what everybody is building over at Noster and whether you realize it now or later that is most likely what's going to win out in the
(1:28:20) day because as we know uh things may seem Rosy now but uh power does change hands and who knows maybe even at some point the Trump Administration wants to censor people for some reason I don't think that's going to happen but it's certainly possible and if that ever does arise you want to be making sure that you're posting content and leveraging a protocol that's uncensorable and distributed and doesn't have the central point of failure that can be leaned on to to censor you well also bitcoiners shouldn't let
(1:28:49) someone else hold the keys to their speech simply yeah we'll end it there peace and love freaks