Kevin McKernan reveals a Japanese study linking mRNA vaccines to excess deaths and cancer, exposing pharma corruption and the need for decentralized health solutions.
Kevin McKernan discusses a Japanese study revealing a potential link between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and rising excess mortality and cancer rates, with post-vaccine cancer profiles shifting significantly. He highlights the pharmaceutical industry's corruption, arguing that institutions like Pfizer profit from vaccine-induced ailments while regulatory agencies suppress alternative treatments. The episode also explores RFK Jr.'s role at HHS and whether he can push back against Big Pharma influence, as well as Trump’s ambiguous stance on mRNA technology. Concerns over vaccine shedding and contamination through food sources are also raised, emphasizing the need for independent scientific inquiry. Finally, McKernan advocates for decentralized health solutions and Bitcoin’s potential to disrupt centralized regulatory structures, ensuring greater medical transparency and accountability.
This episode exposes the deep ties between pharmaceutical corruption, vaccine risks, and political influence over public health, with the Japanese cancer study highlighting potential long-term effects of mRNA vaccines. McKernan argues that without breaking financial ties between government agencies and Big Pharma, public health policies will remain profit-driven. While RFK Jr.’s appointment at HHS hints at change, its impact is uncertain. Decentralized solutions like Bitcoin’s transparency and grassroots medical alternatives may offer the best path forward, emphasizing the need for vigilance, open dialogue, and independent scientific inquiry.
0:00 - Intro
0:30 - RFK & Trump's MRNA blind spot
11:07 - Japanese MRNA cancer paper
24:00 - Fold & Bitkey
25:42 - More on change in cancers
30:19 - Smoking guns
33:49 - Unchained
34:50 - Population reduction and LSSD
42:47 - Cannabinoids and opiates
58:44 - Are the jabs a global crisis?
1:06:11 - Shift in medical attitudes
1:17:13 - Free market solutions
(00:00) covid occurred in 2020 so they didn't have a tremendous amount of excess mortality during Co it was when the vaccines rolled out that their excess mortality now dwars the tsunami the types of cancer have completely changed and so that's a sign of a new toxin the tumors that we're now seeing do match the biodistribution of the vaccine you add up all of this and this is bigger than Hiroshima holy and it's that's you know it's not being spoken about Kevin mccaran I just I just checked it's 11 months to the day since we last recorded or at least
(00:38) published the episode oh we first recorded what a year huh what a year a lot has happened yeah between March of 2024 and today world seems to be a completely different place I think it was a bit of a um a bit of a a black pill last year compared to where we are today there's a hell of a lot more that's changed you know in terms of uh whether it be U you know Ross being free and all this crypto activity that's going on in DC is uh seems to be I would have never had me bet back then that this would this would be happening I
(01:11) would have bet against it the tides have changed drastically yeah particularly from the regulatory perspective on the industry and yeah I I completely agree I think if you would have told me 11 months ago that the landscape would be as it is today I would be like a you're crazy but yeah RFK confirmed at HHS that's something I didn't have in the bingo card no everybody RFK Tulsi like cash Patel is going to get in heg Seth what's your perspective on all that and particularly as it pertains to what you've been working on the
(01:48) research and um hopefully getting some public attention on this massive problem that seems to be permeating throughout the world with the co V Co so love the fact that RFK is in there now the question is will will the Trump Administration a temper his uh what he really wants to do you know there's it seems as if all the scrutiny of him going in was over um you know vaccine onesies and if he ever says a negative thing about vaccines uh you know they're they're going to hang him out to dry and uh and the you know the make America
(02:24) healthy thing has kind of shifted from what's killing the majority of people right now vers versus uh you know Cheerios and Froot Loops and you know food which is certainly a consideration but it's it's uh I don't think it's the Apex problem that they have right now the problem they have is just you know the pharmaceutical influence over uh over the entire research and you know government agency system there from NIH down to to naida to niad it's it's uh um it's deep swamp there and uh and it's hard to go in there and not pay
(02:57) attention to those things and and and there's there's obviously this warps breed um you TR Trump has it out as a trophy and I don't think he should be overly um criticized for that cuz I think his intentions were get the FDA out of the way and move fast and break things um and I don't what I don't want out of all this is we got to make the FDA bigger to make sure the FDA doesn't do this again uh which is where that can go you know if people are are like you know you you failed on warp speed and you know parts of warp speed actually
(03:26) were pushing hydroxy chloroquin and ivrin all that made sense but that that got sidelined by fouchy and others and uh to be a sort of a vaccine only um uh program so you know those aspects of what they're thinking to do in warp speed makes sense repurpose drugs that are already approved so you don't have to go through this approval process and you know you know their safety profile and see if you can make those work for Co that's it's a sound plan um but that all got uh ceremoniously eliminated by Pharma cartel and um I think we're
(03:56) starting to get a feel for how this Beast operates like there's all this you said money that's coming out all these NOS they were in control of journalists for doing all this uh you know manipulating the media um you know that's the mechanism upon which they they censor and they have their claws into the journals as well so um can if you know B one thing Bobby has said I don't know if he'll be able to pull it off is to go after the journals in Pharma for Rico which would be phenomenal um crack up that um that
(04:26) whole system and and rebuild it from scratch um preferably onchain as we spoke about before but um I I don't know if he's going to have the political you know power to do that I think his his his language has changed toward let's just put everything you know let's be very transparent on all the data and once you can see what the data reflects that the public opinion will change you may not get that change pared at at the institutions that are that are still kind of you know reciting these Psalms of of success over vaccines but um the
(04:59) uh I don't know it's it's we shouldn't we shouldn't cast too much doubt on his future he hasn't done anything yet he's just gotten in and uh I never like to judge people in future activity but um you know the the language you see it it wrapped in is beginning to shift a little bit more toward you know food diet and uh things that you can voluntarily choose to do or not do as opposed to some of the medicines they're mandating and Trump did sign that like no more mandates in the colleges or no more Federal funding for the schools
(05:25) that mandate but it's not that's not trickling down to the 9-month olds who are still getting three shots um and uh and that's you know so that the schedule does need to be addressed they have no studies that look at what is the combination of of 70 shots they have each one studied next to the the next worst vaccine rarely ever Placebo and so no one's looked at the stacking tolerances of piling on 70 of these things and what that does to ks um but you know I suspect it's playing a big role in the chronic disease epidemic
(05:55) that's out there much more so than the Froot Loops yeah and that's been the confusing part of the first month not even of Trump's term as it pertains to Bobby Kennedy and the the whole mRNA thing he had the meeting with Sam Alman Larry Ellison where Larry Ellison saying we're going to create specific mRNA cures to individual Cancers and we're going to be a just created yeah that's that's always the case that they all right we we we're going to give you these shots then cancer is going to emerge and we're going to come up with more shots to go
(06:32) for the cancers that that you know we created they'll blame everything but their what they did um I mean they're doing that to our field too they run around trying to blame it on cannabis and I I mean they blame it on everything but but the obvious um but yeah sorry I interrupted you were in the middle of no you had that and then the Sovereign wealth fund meeting with bent and Howard lutnick behind him and Howard lutnick chimes in like we should be getting Equity state and the companies making the MRNA vaccines it's like what what
(07:04) how are we not uh really gives me pause because I think the the clamoring about the adverse reactions to the first widespread application of mRNA Jabs is loud enough that they should be um they should be cognizant that it's a touchy subject you probably don't want to uh be adamantly for or or just don't be adamantly for it publicly and they're really ringing the bell like we're going to invest in this I'm like what what like how do they not see that people are highly skeptical of this technology after what just happened
(07:44) us it they do seem to be so in touch with um so many other aspects on social media but that one they're just off so far off in left field um I mean I I feel like that the Trump family does have some um they they had the the intellig to go and talk to the libertarian party and do a trade right uh this this thing with Ross and and maybe maybe Bitcoin strategic reserve and um they knew to get on all the podcasts uh to to get the word out they so they they they have a pulse uh you know the Zeitgeist if you will but um that one area seems to have
(08:19) a some type of oblation in their mind that they they can't uh they can't quite get but the the letnik thing is really scary because you're like look if you can't be an organization that's mandating these things and then put them in your in your strategic Reserve or your Sovereign wealth fund and get Equity out of what you mandate I mean that's that's a massive conflict um and they are already getting royalties he probably doesn't know that but you know the NIH has 1.
(08:42) 2 billion now in royalty for the vaccines um so that would explain why they're probably not coming up with any recipes with hydroxy chloric and icin they want all the money rolling through one royalty stream um so yeah that that does that was very concerning and you know the the Stargate thing it just um I I don't think either of those people understand the first thing about vaccination from Sam Alman who I I wouldn't trust and uh and you know oracle that just sounds like a uh he's in it for some type of um surveillance healthc care surveillance
(09:15) prize yeah both of those seem uh big big red flags that's going the wrong way and and then this week I think they're now talking about you know throwing out 300 million bird flu vaccines against all the poultry out there which you're like they're going to have you know Mer's disease all over again they're just going to accelerate the evolution of that thing and yeah then then it will hop into people that's funny but I've been F I've got two young kids are in school so we've been get a warnings like flu season's particularly bad and um I've
(09:45) been looking at some charts it looks like flu season is bad but yeah I believe that too my son just had it and it was brutal for him so uh it knocked him out uh for many days uh so you know now there's a good argument that yeah you can expect a period of um really bad respiratory diseases circulating after this because the it wiped out the immune systems a lot of these kids by giving them you know how many Jabs three five Jabs uh this this Japanese study that we're talking about 44% of the people over 65 got seven Jabs in Japan I mean
(10:20) it's it's they're one of the most vaccinated countries in the world now for with these mrnas um so there are people taking these things over and over again when that happens your immune system craters uh so you're going to have a you've got a very large immunosuppressed population that's going to circulate all types of things we haven't seen before we're going to see Resurgence of Epstein bar we're going to see shingles come back we're going to see uh you know probably a lot more RSV um it's uh in some ways it could be
(10:44) a very brilliant plan for Pharma if they actually knew this upfront um to go and wreck people's immune systems because that will that will invite a tremendous amount of pharmaceutical expenditures and they they're seeing it the the the cancers are up the the cancer expenditure is up um so there's uh it is a positive feedback loop for them and a negative one for us yeah so let's jump in that's why I reached out this Japanese paper sort of confirms independently the excess cancer mortality after mRNA lipid nanoparticle
(11:16) SARS Cove to vaccination in Japan so this is observation until 2023 and it seems like you did a deep dive on this and that's the main reason why I reached out to you is cuz again whether it's Larry Ellison Howard lutnick Trump really saying Mr is the thing mRNA is the thing uh this data that's being surfaced whether it's by these these medical researchers or something like Ed Dow someone like Ed Dow looking at the health or the health insurance uh disability rates and life insurance anomalies it it seems pretty
(11:59) clear that some something is off excess mortality is still higher than it should be yeah so the Miki paper it's a preprint still and it may stay there for a while because this is such a hot topic that um no Journal is going to take it uh regardless of of how well they they sharpen the graphs but a lot of this is statistical data that I'm sure others can recapitulate off of um you know public databases and I've seen others make attempts at this at Japan see similar things so Japan um so the Micki paper there showed that uh you know have
(12:29) about 80% of their population took uh took one of these MRA vaccines they're about 73% fizer versus Mna but almost exclusively mRNA um and 133% of the population took seven but it's really enriched for the elderly like I think as I mentioned earlier it was uh 44% over the age of 65 they have seven vaccines in them um so that's something like I think it was like 439 million vaccinations that occurred in a country of like maybe 23 million people um and if you look at what they had for Co they only had about 47 million cases of Co so
(13:05) they have a 9 to1 ratio of vaccines to virus events so they're they're really going overboard jabbing people to prevent this um in the paper does the conclusions are worth reading the paper does point out that hey there's some other papers out there from the Cleveland Clinic that show the more jobs you get the more Co you get uh Cleveland Clinic did this study uh between one two three and four Jabs and it was on healthcare workers nurses in particular um so there is this propensity that after you take two of these things your
(13:33) body start seeing the same antigen over and over again and there's a what's known as an ig4 class switch it starts to treat it uh as something it needs to ignore uh which can let the virus go wild in your in your in your system if your immune system is trained to hey forget about that we've we've tried to knock that out twice it didn't go away it's back again it's we're going to treat it like an allergy and not like a disease or an Invader and so they get this class switch that that makes them tolerate the virus
(14:00) uh and that leads them to getting these negative vaccine efficacies so the the Japanese paper goes into that but I think what's fascinating about this Japanese paper let me see if I can pull up this image for you guys is they they bring they bring in some historical context that goes all the way back to the excess mortality that occurred during the tsunami uh and let me see if I can find that thing for you all right I I pulled up a few of these see if I can zoom in on this so this is one of their graphs I labeled it
(14:26) tsunami and vaccine so you didn't have to read through all this text but on the left is their excess mortality uh which um is in fact you know generally trending down with the exception of a few points which is just before the pandemic they had slightly lower excess mortality and they go into some reasons why there but it's it's it's minor but way back here is when the tsunami hit Japan you see that blip um now covid occurred in 2020 so they didn't have a tremendous amount of excess mortal ality during Co it was when the vaccines rolled out that
(15:03) their excess mortality now dwarfs the tsunami uh and on the the right side here is their average lifespan was improving over time uh until the vaccine or the tsunami uh so their average lifespan has has taken bit of a bit of a dip here um so uh this if you look at the numbers in this paper I think I scroll up here I think I put them up here um yeah right there so you look at these numbers you add them up talking 25,000 sort of right as the vaccine rolled out in 2021 then 115,000 excess deaths and it gets up to 112,000 you
(15:41) know you add up all of this and this is bigger than Hiroshima holy uh and and it's that's you know it's not being spoken about now granted it didn't happen to one big bang it was a slow kill over time but um it's uh it's it's quite significant and uh now the cancer side of this is a little harder to see um and the paper goes into this so the problem with looking for cancer is it's sort of a secondary effect like a layer two effect like these are this is excess mortality almost consider this like layer one you know blockchain deaths if
(16:13) you will lightning deaths are down here uh where you you don't see cancer unless you survive the first assault right uh so the people who are comorbid and weak up here and I've vacinated and died unless you survive that you you you might fall into this cancer bucket and the cancer buckets are much normal but what's really really interesting about the cancer data is um the types of cancers completely switched uh they used to have you know flavor of different dominant cancers before the vaccine and then after the vaccine not
(16:43) only is there excess mortality that's like 7,000 you know 5,000 extra year or 7,000 extra year um the types of cancer have completely changed and that's a sign of a new toxin which um which really you know supports uh this this isn't there may be some causality here the the other thing that um actually I have a thread on this that that I think you read and we'll forward to you audience that I think is interesting because if you feed papers like this into chat GPT and ask it what do you think of it its initial response
(17:14) will probably be based on what it's reading in the news safe and effective right and so it will say this paper doesn't really satisfy all the Bradford Hill tenants of causality there's there are these nine tenants in the literature you look for to try to prove an association is positive and uh we'll touch on a few of those but one that's really important is uh temporality it has to happen within close proximity uh that's in fact happening um you can see on this graph here when the doses come out the ex Source motality goes up so
(17:42) the temporal The Temper um the the time domain is satisfied in this U but the other thing it looks for is is there a dose response curve uh and you can see from this data that there is because the magnitude of the excess mortality is the same out at the sixth and seventh dose even though only 13% of the population are getting it at that time so there's a cumulative amount of damage that's going on that is maintaining this level of exor mortality which may persist for many more years for all we know um so when you when you
(18:16) kind of Point these things back to chat GPT and say hey all right well now that we've measured these other components what do you think uh you can eventually get chat GPT to come to the conclusion that this is a train won that needs to be pulled um but you won't get it the first time you ask it that's the important thing with some of these AI tools is they will be biased toward the consensus in the media uh until you start to point out um some of the logical inconsistencies that exist there but the the types of cancer
(18:47) they're seeing prej jaab were lung color stomach and liver and post jab this all switched to ovarian prostate leukemia uh pancreatic and lip oral and and fenal and they they point out that these are more estrogen receptor-based mutations or or types of cancers and that makes sense because there is um literature out there showing Spike protein having an impact on estrogen receptors um so it's uh there's some coherence to the argument as well there's a mechanism that is plausible that fills another tenant of of U you know of Bradford Hill
(19:22) um but uh this gives you you know a feel of the distributions of the people who got them so 80% receive one dose and then it decays 67 you know 46 30 20 and 13 receive their third fourth fifth sixth and seventh doses um and uh gives you size of the you know number of people that were infected versus how many doses they handed out so they're doing a 9 to1 dosage um for uh you number of people who got covid versus the number of people who got number of Jabs they took so it is one of the most vaccinated countries um out there I
(19:55) guess a very very compliant culture um there is some discussion in there about lockdowns that they notice okay during lockdowns they stopped screening uh for a period of time and some cancers did did um tick up there during that time frame but they've they've accounted for that in the study uh and uh they can see that that as a result of that the Peeper came came in at a later stage in cancer and and the mortality was higher um because of that like six-month window where they where they slowed down on the screening um but that's often a
(20:25) complaint in a lot of these studies is hey is it just the Lo is is just the fact that thr lockdowns we didn't screen enough and there's two things that argue against that one the flavor of cancers were switching to cancers they wouldn't have been screening for um so they would have missed those initially anyway and it's hitting younger demographics you don't normally screen for so um we can't we can't write this off as uh people stop going to the hospital for six months to a year um there's there's just too much um different data there uh to
(20:54) contradict that um and the last thing I was going to point out is uh oh they they do go on they mentioned about the you know the DNA contamination being one of the concerns um they talk about this igg4 class switch that goes on they talk about this estrogen receptor activity with Spike um there's also been stuff published showing that Spike inhibits p-53 and and perhaps bracka one um and of course the DNA contamination comes to their radar as well showing that okay we we have sequences in here that are um known to be hypermutability elements and
(21:25) they're known to bind to p53 and they're known to push DNA into nucleus uh and the known to trigger seag gas stting these four things really uh mean the excess DNA that's mainly in fiser more so in fiser the madna is one of maybe six different mechanisms of potentially driving cancer um so to your question about simply can I explain this like like someone's five uh sorry that's not simple it's unfortunate that these things um are they've got many uh it's a Swiss army knife of cancer they got many different ways where they are disrupting
(22:01) your immune system uh to the point where cancers reemerge and we don't have it totally pinned down on which mechanism is the main driver of it and I I don't think we will for a while now I'm I'm hopeful that with RFK in there and maybe even with Marty mackery and Jay bachari if they get in and and start organizing uh the FDA and and NH respectively they they may in fact put a bigger focus on all right let's let's figure out this mechanism what is it why is this occurring um the the tumors that we're now seeing do match the
(22:34) biodistribution of the vaccine that was the other point is if you look at where the the the um lmps go um they go to the bone marrow they go to the ovaries prostate pancreas they also go to the liver and the liver is surprisingly isn't one that popped up in here I was expecting the liver to be in the the post stab um thing because you do see a lot of the lmps going there but um some of these things are matching the bio distribution of where the lmps go so it makes sense that okay we expect tumors where the vacc tends to
(23:06) accumulate yeah and so focusing on this the pre jaab versus post jab cancer profile in Japan specifically you said it attacks the estrogen system and individuals and this may be a naive question but is it affecting women more than men since they're more dependent on um I don't that's a good question I didn't see them split them down by sex in that study um but no there's I mean there's prostate cancer in there and there's ovarian cancer in there um so I I I don't know that we have um a higher adverse event um actually Adverse Events
(23:41) males versus females that's a question probably for um Jessica Rose and John Bodwin um I don't think there's a huge uh sex bias there uh and then on the cancer front um I don't think I have an answer for that either but it's it's possible based on that um that biology that maybe there is uh you know some tumors are going to be more frequently and women than men Su freaks do you have a credit card are you getting cash back or Airline points or points for some other service guess what those are shitcoins you want to be stacking
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(25:44) profile of I don't want to say emic but uh your what was the average distribution of the type of cancer in Japan completely switched because of this and as you said because the spikee protein is aggregating and congregating in these areas in the body when you look at these um biodistribution studies there are certain tissues that the lmps tend to accumulate in it's the bone marrow and and uh spleen liver and then ovaries prostate so this is uh that that's that's one explanation for it and the second explanation could be the the you
(26:19) know the biology of those tissues may maybe there's more estrogen receptor expression there um that's uh I don't know that off hand but the you know the other person who saw uh John Bodwin is a good person to have on um he noticed the same thing happened between 2020 and 2021 when he went through the death record so he basically foed all the death records in Massachusetts I think he's done it for a couple other states now too like Minnesota and Vermont and uh that gives you the cause of death and they're not
(26:47) Hipp aprotected so you can then take those people find them in vs and de anonymize Vees um and come to realize that a lot of the people that are written down as having died for covid are really vaccinated uh that the you know the the morticians and the medical examiners just committed fraud on those but when you do that you can see that the a couple things change from the virus there's definitely death from the virus he's got that calculated um but as you move from 2020 to 2021 the age demographic of the people dying goes
(27:17) down by like a decade or more and the way the way in which they're dying changes dramatically that starts shifting from you know you know respiratory ailments into pulmonary embolisms into acute kidney failure into um I mean the smallest blip on his DOT or on his radar is like myocarditis which is the thing that's in the news they're all uh you know I think they've elevated myocarditis as this thing that hey look there's a problem with the vaccin called myocarditis but but you might get it from the virus too so take
(27:45) it anyway right that's that's been kind of their excuse um that's a harder excuse to put on kidney injury you know acute renal failure is something that's I think I think he mentioned more recently it's like 150 50 times higher than myocarditis in his data in data that he has so that's a screaming signal that occurred um you know concominant with with the vaccine roll out there's a small amount of it before with covid but not nearly as extreme there is some some treatment options they have out there that destroy kidneys um so REM Desir is
(28:15) one but it's it's not just from dese alone it's like it's from his date it looks like it's from dese plus maybe vamin plus maybe you know host of other things that Cascade you into into kidney failure if they have if you have a bad treatment protocol but once you're vaccinated all of your outcomes get worse through those protocols and so as the vaccines roll out this thing gets Amplified to a higher and higher degree um but I think he has some of the strongest data and and he works closely with that doubt as well they have some
(28:42) of the strongest data on exactly what's going on with these vaccines and if if they want to go in and audit I think I saw RFK mention this recently about hey let's go in and finally get the tracking databases um for these injuries under control um there's some truth to that that would be helpful to get it be very transparent but the this the you know the complaint you'll hear from people in this field is we have all the data we need to yank these no one's doing it uh you know you look at vs there's 38,000 deaths in there that that should have
(29:10) been pulled when you hit 50 uh so there there's already data there yeah we're we have too many hurdles for Physicians to put stuff in there there's they think it might only be getting may have a 40% under or 40 fold under um like reporting factor 30 to 40 the numbers I hear from Jessica so that that's um that means for everyone that's in there you you got to multiply those numbers by 30 or 40 so yeah we should have a system that accepts this data transparently everyone can see it and uh there isn't friction at the
(29:39) hospitals like some people were getting were getting um terminated for reporting these things uh so there's obviously a motivation against um uh against speaking out about these things so all that should get cleaned up but um it's what I don't want to see happen is all right let's spend two years building a better vs and then we'll think about maybe pulling these because we've got you got everything you need now and the people if they want to rebuild it are are like John Jessica and uh you know get people in there like owed and
(30:08) ethical skeptic they will run circles around these people like the freaks we have in Doge and uh and build something in a matter of months as opposed to years yeah and I think what the Japanese study shows in combination with like the temporal alignment that you mentioned earlier I think the Smoking Gun here to say hey maybe we should pause and think about this is this changing of the cancer profiles or distribution of types of cancer across certain demos and if you can tie the cancers that are now prominent that previously weren't with
(30:46) where the the spike protein is congregating and accumulating in the body that should be correlation isn't causation I know you had to fight chat gbt and give it more context to admit that maybe there's something here but I think a a complete shift in the profile of the most common cancers in one of the most developed countries in the world and the cancers that are beginning to surface uh post vaccine are provably where the vaccine is accumulating in the body should be reason enough to say hey maybe we should yeah so that's that's an
(31:27) important point there there was another um so another part of another one of the tenants that it was it was complaining about was well you need to have this in more than one study what are what are other studies that uh kind of validate this orthogonal data sets if you will to fulfill some of these Bradford Hill tenants um and uh an important one from Ed Dow who he's been banging the table on is that if you ask chat GPT okay so there's new cancers that emerging what are the drug sales for those new cancers are they up or down uh and it goes
(31:57) through the market data and pull mouth that okay yes particular drugs that are used to treat leukemia are up 20% drugs to you know to so going down the list you can you can there are some chemotherapeutic agents that are that are really tailored for particular tumors and so you can dissect the pharmaceutical revenue streams based on um the tumor profiles and see if they match that change and they do um and so that's that's sort of another like orthogonal data set that's independent of like peer review and you know all the
(32:25) horeshit that goes on over there it's like no this is actually real Market data of people buying things and uh and and these guys are held to sa guidelines which means they can't be falsifying these these data in terms of the product sales uh so uh if all of those types of blood cancers are on the rise and we're getting leukemias um this is uh this is a sign that um uh you know another data point that I think Builds on the thesis um and then the third the third thing you can look at is their m&a activity their emerges and acquisition activity
(32:57) they're out buying leukemia companies fiser dropped two billion on trillum and 30 43 billion on Cen so they're on a m&a frenzy for cancer companies right now that is disgusting isn't it yeah it's this conveyor belt of crime it's very uh you know manufacture the crisis and come and have the solution ready for it and it you know and it's been going on longer than we know but even even the fact that like fouchy it comes back to some of the same people right like Fouch is involved in laundering the money The Who uh to create a virus that that that
(33:31) chain reacts all of this m Madness to the vaccine which they have a royalty stream for to you know Pharma contracts that then next thing you know they're they're building you're buying cancer companies and coming out with cancer vaccines to treat the the mess they created with the MRNA vaccines it's one large Fiat grift this rip was brought to you by great friends at Unchained as bitcoin's role in the Global Financial landscape evolves understanding its potential impact on your wealth becomes increasingly crucial whether we see
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(34:54) get caused by the previous mRNA vaccine like is there a Fe like a compounding feedback loop that sort of completely destroys everybody's immune system like what like how many different Mr sure they would love that right I mean here the evil thing on all this and I don't know if they're this smart maybe they are um you know some of the things you're finding them do with the money in on USA you think God that's just an overt way of laundering money but uh you know if if they have this this comes back to it wasn't Parker it was Preston
(35:27) pish I think was you know going through the the Doge money and how what a small sliver this is as great as it is right maybe there's 44 billion in USA so it's when you look at all of the the mess going on it's it's not going to change the the state of the US bankruptcy may be great for bitcoiners as you guys were saying right um but uh the uh you really got to get into HHS and you got to into Medicaid and Medicare because the numbers start going into the trillions in those areas obviously the Pentagon but you know if you can I don't have
(35:56) much faith that you can investigate the Pentagon with without being filled with lead so um the the you know the other agencies might be a little bit more docile so they uh you the one area that's going to kill the budget of Social Security and so if they can lower lifespan with these things they get a twofer on this right you you you basically can trim down your Social Security payouts by killing that population off uh at at the same time um while you're trimming it back you accelerate state taxes so all these
(36:27) people die if they're Boomers uh they're you know maybe 30 40% of their net worth gets sucked up into probate or into inheritance tax and uh you pull that money forward while you clip off your Social Security um obligations so there there are some areas I think in the budget that are um that are prone to this type of capture and and it may not require some nefarious muscle you know mustache twitching uh uh evil villains do it it may just be the output of something that has this types of incentives when the government is
(36:59) control of your death date and they're also in control of your retirement you know bad outcomes will emerge that system might just get optimized to shorten lifespan and uh pay less money out now you're getting into crazy conspiracy theory the government's trying to kill us yeah right right you know I mean that that's the thing is you don't you don't like to go there but the thing is you don't need a person who's you know you know wretching their fists in the back trying to plan all this if you have bad incentives in place for
(37:28) government which invariably most government incentives are always bad it will push it'll push economic incentives in the wrong direction such that their life destroying as opposed to life saving um you know we're seeing this with the birth rate going down uh in a lot of our countries and and everyone's uh rightfully raising the point that if we continue on this trend we'll be like Japan we'll be inverted uh and uh that's probably an artifact of inflation people can't afford to have a lot of kids because things are the price
(37:59) of raising them is escaping them faster than their income yeah well that I mean speaking of whether people are consciously delaying family formation because of the hamster wheel they're on with the Fiat monetary system did the Japanese study jump into fertility rates because that's another thing I'm curious about yeah I mean that's going to be a mess for them they can't afford any defects there uh they already have a problem with demographic inversion so um that that's a that's a nightmare for a lot of these um a lot of
(38:32) these countries of course it's it's probably precisely what a lot of these socialist malthusians want uh is is to lower the carbon footprint on the earth not recognizing you know the basis behind Prosperity has nothing to do with carbon but um that's uh yeah that that I I'm sure there's other papers I I know um Amy Wolf has focused a lot on that and um I wonder who else has got some studies on fertility but it is it's certainly impacting fertility rates like we are seeing even when they comb through those fiser files there was a
(39:01) really high spontaneous abortion rate in the vaccinated and they then they never really tested that that population they excluded pregnant people from the trial and did some study afterwards to try to justify it never really reported the data and said yeah it's it's safe for women uh for pregnant women and uh and then now now that the fiser data is released they can comb through that and see that no this was this is a horrific idea um and they're still they're still injecting him into 9month olds too even I think I think
(39:28) Marty Macker was actually I I saw one of his videos circulating where he was like this was you know he was pointing out like this is bad we we can't be doing this um but in the same breath um no one's getting them off the childhood schedule that's what I gives them the largest um uh liability waiver once it's on the childhood schedule it is liability free permanently yeah it's really messed up is I mean you're focused on the research side but are you seeing anybody in the medical community like doctors Pas whatever it may be
(39:59) beginning to ring the bell and consciously saying we shouldn't be giving this yeah we they have been they have been persecuted it's been part of the problem and I did I did have more reach out to me this last week because we had a successful case with Dr Hoff up in Canada so he was one of the people speaking out very early on and the um College of physician and surgeons of British Columbia went after him and to publicly hang him out to dry and uh and drag him through a court case for multiple years and we finally prevailed
(40:29) in that um by just we had probably eight people step up the bat from Peter McCulla to Pier Corey myself Jessica Rose um uh Dr Thorp long list of people uh who submitted evidence against their evidence they tried to tell the court that only their evidence was real evidence and they couldn't accept anyone else's evidence and then we pointed out all their conflicts of interest uh I think it was an arbitration hearing not a court but but either way that they tried to send around Pap suggesting that why conflicts of interest are good to
(41:01) justify why they all had connections to Pharma while they were putting out a really bu a slant on on the data eventually that got turned down and then they finally folded uh and uh it it uh it was right around when RFK was getting confirmed so I I think maybe they saw the writing on the wall right as the USA Data got blown up too um some of that money maybe tracked back to them we'll have to see um I think a lot of these medical boards um we're going to find have have money coming from some of these USA organizations that were trying
(41:32) to um what was it called LSD it was something like large scale social deception program that was funded by Reuters and the Reuters guy the CEO of Reuters is on the board of fizer so I'm really curious to know what his large scale social deception plan was yeah and uh and I think we're going to see that there's there's money going into these groups that are going around harassing people to maintain this vaccine narrative well I mean we saw during RFK is confirmation hearings withth war and Bernie lambasting him and that was the
(42:03) other thing the sneaky thing I mean I've done some research on this after the fact but obviously Bernie was adamant he's never received a dollar but then you look into it and looks like there's shell packs and shell llc's that can have money funnel from pharmaceutical companies to the the coffers of these politicians campaigns and maybe not directly in his hand but it's in a in an account he can control somewhere yeah yeah Elizabeth Warren too got you know rightfully jammed up on all that with all of her all of her moral outrage
(42:35) over uh she was even trying to get him to promise to never investigate the vaccines never build a new database like why why would you do that that's that's what I'm trying to figure out I was like is that a strong positive signal at the pharmaceutical industry and those who have been sucking from their tee whether that's in the itical media Financial world are truly scared that The Jig Is up RFK is in we're going to get we're going to get some some closure or actual good information have an honest conversation about what's been
(43:10) happening here and or is it an you alluded to it like the the shift uh in from public positioning leading up to the election was Maha make America healthy again let's focus on food exercise all of that and I've heard theories that that um and two directions one that it's a complete distraction where you sort of limited hang out the public and like yeah we're going to make everybody Healy red d red Dy number three is gone yeah yeah like limit to hang out there like yeah we'll make we'll get rid of the red Dy we'll make
(43:42) sure kids are exercising we'll change the food pyramid but uh we're not going to approach the vaccines or was that sort of a tempered U political stunt to get attention and conversation away from the vaccines until he's confirmed after which point they can bring it back up that's yet to be seen yes that's yet to be seen and um I hope they they bring it up in terms of not you know in a lar larger context it's not just about IX vaccines um this drug war has been going on long before covid and you know all of these other generic drugs that they
(44:18) accuse of being recreational drugs are actually very threatening to the pharmaceutical industry um you can see paper after paper coming out with psilocybin on depression where they use a single dose and they reverse depression in these people like that doesn't happen on any SSRI uh there isn't suicidal ideation with that approach um there's Pathways with psilocybin that connect to cancer as well I know people who reversed their cancer with psilocybin U they've presented their cases at can the conference we run um and then of course
(44:47) the the canabo play an important role in the whole fenel in opan epidemic which is a very significant epidemic I mean in general makeer health health he again can't just be about nutrition it's got to be about medical death basically iatrogenic death because that's the highest cause of death is is is getting in it's it's right up there in the top three depending on the country is that you the prim number of people out there are dying from uh from medicines prescribed by their Physicians really the top three cause yes yeah you'll
(45:20) check it have to check it out in your country I could be wrong and given you know can versus the states but I think in the states it's in the top five it's it's like heart you know cardiac issues uh cancer and then iatrogenic death medical medical death um and some of that starts with the opiate epidemic because they hand out opiates people get addicted on them and you get like 100,000 deaths a year now from opiates because after they trim you off of their oxycodone they end up going to the street and then the street nothing's
(45:47) tested and sometimes get spiked with fentanyl and they die but there's you know there's loads of literature out there on people reducing their opiate intake by replacing it with with canabo and uh the pharmaceutical Giants all like to chastise cannabis as no it's a Gateway it's a gateway drug to our drug they think they'd like that but uh but they you know they always be pointing out that you you people start smoking then they then they do then they do heroin right um but uh the reality in the data is much different than that if
(46:16) you look at uh the the studies that try to get people off of opiates the canabo is more effective than methadone and they've already agreed to use methadone which is another opiate to try and get people off of opiates right right so they don't have a problem with drug replacement concept uh they have a problem with which drug you're replacing it with it's got to be one of theirs um so there is a ma massive war that on on these types of drugs that dates back long before Co um that are playing a really really big role in in America's
(46:45) Health uh and I just want them to be able to get a lot of those things out of the fda's hands and legalized um because the the the train recent they have in the Cannabis space right now is the the US postal service is now the largest trafficker of alicent cannabis they they I saw you Tweeting about this yes yeah they they legalized hemp Mitch McConnell did this of all people the guy wheeled that guy up in a wheelchair to vote against RFK I was that was livid watching this guy because he signed the hemp bill which basically
(47:15) legalized hemp and what everyone's doing is they're putting all these kitchen cannaboids that they make in their basement that aren't that we've never tested before we don't know how when they work and we don't know how um whether they cause psychosis and all these things that have been studied by the the phyto canabo uh and they those guys are banked they can ship across state lines uh they sell them the gas stations without age checks to kids so if you're go into like gas stations you see hemp products don't assume it's CBD
(47:41) it's probably like Delta a or thcp some it's all Delta eight yeah yeah Delta 8's you know I'm not as too crazy about you know Delta eight is supposed to be less potent than Delta 9 but but the thing is often times when they go and test those things that are labeled Delta 8 they find there's like thcp in there which is like 30 times more potent than THC and all these other like random Peaks on our hlc we don't know what they are so it's really like you know little little Jesse pinkman's garage where they're just
(48:09) selling all types of crap into that Marketplace and now that market is actually bigger than the Cannabis Market it's like 25 billion a year uh is now getting funneled through this uh this hemp market across state lines um but I'm I'm I'm somewhat like suspicious you know another tin hat Theory m is that like Pharma wants that to happen they want there to be a show in the hemp market so that the public loses interest in uh the the the Cannabis legalization they start questioning it because they're going to associate all of that
(48:38) disaster with with cannabis because they're they're just taking hemp and spraying crap on it and like spice and K2 and selling it to kids uh and it's going to piss off all the parents as the kids start running into this stuff yeah no I mean that's what I was going it has been astonishing over the last 2 3 years seeing how normalized these hem products are in gas stations like I can't walk into the gas station with my kids and they're like selling pot yeah behind the uh or quote unquote pot and like guy I smoked quite a bit of pot in high school
(49:08) and college and yeah well that or but if what it wasn't real like spice uh the Salvia stuff I remember that that was like you're like smoking all I never did it but like the the athletes that would play college sports and they got drug tested like they would exactly fall back they would fall back on that and yeah the a lot of a lot of the gas station stuff doesn't trigger the the THC tests yeah that's the motivation for it yeah and so it would uh but it like it would the the reactions were way different and
(49:39) yeah I I think that's contaminating a lot of the schizophrenia literature as well they all these schizophrenia papers basically look at uh look we looked at cannabis users and non-cannabis users like well did you did you chemotype any of the Cannabis to know if it was really cannabis or this other crap and they they don't know they don't care their their job is to just put a huge Shadow on top of uh the Canabis industry to get people to put the braks on but um the sad thing is we're seeing those compounds work in cancer we're seeing
(50:04) them work in the opiate epidemic and the the opiate epidemic uh that's something that um it's close it's going to grow to probably be 100 billion a year if it's not already there and it's going to perpetuate forever it's not like it's a vaccine Market that comes in a in a three-year wave and then disappears and you got to make a new one it's it's the the the opiate Market is a Perpetual Market as big as the vaccine was for for co uh and so there's there's an enormous concern I think the far sitting in the Pharmaceuticals balance sheet that okay
(50:34) if the canab oids come in and knock out 50% of the opiate usage then um they got a major problem uh and then you see them getting used in cancer and um all these other things that can address some of the mess they created with the vaccines and it's a it's it's a complicated thing that I'm I'm not certain um the Trump Administration yet has their head around because uh there seeing who they put in charge of the da and what they're signaling to like you know treat the Mexican cartels as terrorists it's like you got to fix the banking crisis here
(51:03) in the states I mean you have the only tested chain of cannabis debanked uh and you have the the one that's doing all this Jesse Pinkman stuff banked uh that's where they're going to run all the drugs store they're going to run all through the hemp market and and uh you're uh you're going to be and I wouldn't be surprised if there's you know certain politicians have their fingers in that pie yeah it's it's been very confusing here in Austin Texas cuz I think cannabis is still are Med but not wreck right yeah
(51:34) but despite that like they there's been smoke shops and yeah those those are that's from the farm bills they call it red weed because all the red states are who they feed the states that haven't legalized wreck get fed the um get fed hemp and uh that just promly makes its way into those uh into the Republican states that haven't yet done it this this actually screwed up in Florida too like like Dan santis and and uh lpo who I know and respect from the co era got this backwards is that like they like they put the brakes on recreational
(52:05) Cannabis which would have been taxed and safety tested uh and that just let the the hemp Market come in into smoke shops it was already there I mean they have they've got hundreds of thousands of smoke shops in in uh in Florida selling these these hemp pens there but um it's uh it's it's really bizarre that they you they have the taxes set really high at like 30% or more so the black Market's never going to go away when you have taxes that high it's going to just persist um so they have to like crank the taxes down to ethanol which seems to
(52:33) be you know with alcohol at least there there isn't a huge black market of moonshine anymore right people might do it as a hobby but you know it's the taxes there are small enough that there's no incentive to do it that way but when the taxes are jacked up to the levels they are in the in the quote unquote legal cannabis Market the black market can run circles around those people uh they don't have the overhead yeah I mean we have a high end I'm guessing it's a what you call it a red hemp or yeah red State hemp red red
(53:00) State hemp sh right around the corner from where I'm recording right now that's like again like I'm happy we're having this conversation I'm like did they legalize weed here and like but it's obviously Mitch McConnell kind of did and I and most of the I think people who are still fighting against cannabis uh legalization in Texas probably don't know that they've not been into one of those shops to see what the hell they're selling oh they're they're marketing like we've got there's one that just came out called dues on on South Lamar
(53:29) um they're popping up all over the place but it's not real cannabis no no no yes it's they they grow they do grow hemp which has below 3% THC in it but then they spray it with something else they put hhc on it or thcp um the other thing they can do is take CBD from the plant treat it with an acid and that will turn it into Delta 8 that's another common trick they do the only challenge there is when they treat it with an acid all these other chemical reactions happen on the compounds that are in the plant that
(53:58) that uh uh that show up on the hplc we don't know what those are um there's a couple that have circulated like THC acetate is one that's really nasty that's out there that one in vape pens forms ketenes is a carcinogen um so you know some of these things are are going to backfire on the industry if uh they don't get you know get it all strained out but um I it's a real question is whether or not you know RFK Jr and um uh and Trump the Trump Administration are going to see this as a priority they clearly have the drug war as a priority
(54:29) but I don't think they understand the things that they're doing that are enabling it uh that need to be altered or reversed you know it's they're never getting rid of it with it being debanked um that's that's just inviting cash and uh uh you know less transparency uh and as long as they have this two-tier um regulatory structure where uh you have a complete hall pass on on one market that has you know zero accountability and zero testing and you and then you kneecap the IND that's trying to do the right thing it's going to be uh it's
(54:59) going to be a mess yeah no I'm happy we Dove down this this rabbit hole because i' I've been observing uh your back and forth with Alex Baron which feels like it's been going on for years now oh yeah X and that's cuz he came out with the study as like pot driving people crazy but now with this context like it makes sense cuz I mean even before Mitch mconnell legalized it like I remember back in high school was like don't do spice that's going to drive you nuts like yeah I I think he's got a valid point there
(55:31) we don't know what those compounds do some of them don't even look like canabo and I have seen people have like absolute crazy reactions on those things um so I'm with them on that that yeah you don't want your kids having having that stuff but I I don't think he has the understanding of the field to know the Nuance that all the schizophrenia studies coming out aren't chemotyping the plants to know which ones which and what compounds are in them and there are cannabinoids in clinical trials for treating schizophrenia
(55:57) so you know if you're not doing that it's really sloppy work and then there's other genetic work as well if you look at Zea Cooper's work um she's looked at this and 85% of schizophrenia is deemed to be of genetic origin so you you have a genetic predisposition um for it to be triggered and the same people have a genetic predisposition for drug-seeking Behavior so they're not just on canono they tended to be smoking tobacco alcohol you know a long list of things so it get really hard to pin down but that the genetic information gives you
(56:26) some understanding of the directionality of the association is that yes the schizophrenics tend to use more drugs and they're trying to treat something um but there are studies showing that the schizophrenics that are using cannabinoids uh have better mental um capacity they they and they put them through these mental challenge studies they it improves their cognitive abilities so it's a messy it's a messy data set if I were him I wouldn't be pounding on that because that one um never the arguments never fully Go 100%
(56:54) in his favor uh there's just as many arguments being like no this this could this you have the cause and effect backwards here um the the real risks are I think these pesticides that we're finding in um in some of these black markets and canabo Hy cannaboid hyper amusa syndrome which we got to educate Physicians on to differentiate that from cyclic vomiting syndrome they're different syndromes and You' be treated differently and one truly is from THC uh they've got really good genetics on that now and they know that if you abstain
(57:22) from THC it goes away so that is a threat with people taking a lot more these things that we got to pay attention to so it's not like cannabis is put it put it in the water like fluoride it's harmless there there's a proper place and context for it to use medically and recreationally it's not for everybody but uh it is 100 fold less toxic than the opiods that are floating around and uh seems to do a better job in pain so you you think this would rise the top of the opiate epidemic discussions that they're having in in
(57:49) Trump Administration but I suspect it won't just due to it being um you know a a third rail like Hydro Chlor ion yeah now it's funny that we ended up on this train of thought too thinking about like the perverse incentives of the farm industry as it pertains to the MRNA vaccines and some way or another we ended up in a completely different branch of farmer corruption yes yeah it's not new it has been going on for you know 50 years and uh it's just I think what happened in the pandemic is a lot more people were probably locked on
(58:24) their phone trying to figure out what the hell's going on and suddenly Got A View to it uh it became a lot more apparent on Twitter or X as people was people were unveiling all of the back Channel deals that going on with fouchy and others but uh it's always been there uh it's just been an overdrive the more the money printer runs yeah and bringing this back to the study out of Japan and the MRNA vaccines like what happens if they don't get pulled off the shelves like is there is it is there a noble point at which if
(58:59) we pass this becomes like a systemic immune crisis globally yeah are the Jabs like give is shedding real like are people who haven't been jabbed going to begin feeling adverse consequences of of their their neighbors going and doing it and getting more and more shots so there are there's fewer and fewer people taking him that's perhaps a minor Victory um that it doesn't seem like that was the case in Japan in 2023 I mean it decayed but it's not it's not over there um they still have them on a childhood schedule which is horrible
(59:35) here in the states uh we love to be able to end that but knowing that this process may take years I think many of the Physicians are turning to how to treat this knowing it's too late six billion people have been hit with this how do we how do we treat these people because uh we can't just wait for government to stop doing the wrong things um I you know pray for Bobby and hope hope it all works and and he can accelerate that timetable but it's not going to happen overnight even on his watch um and so uh there's a lot more
(1:00:06) people looking into iveron fenben um methylene blue light treatment I mean the Bitcoin Community is probably going to spearhead this because they're they're outside of the box sers that aren't all trapped in this and they they care about health um so um so I've been I've been digging into Pathways with with canono and psilocybin and icin all these things that potentially play a role in in treating the apathy um and preferably looking at things that are in fact generic over the counter and easy for people to get um I think that's
(1:00:37) uh that's going to be required now in terms of shedding uh that's a bigger issue all right so so Japan there's a couple areas on the front people need to be aware of Japan is playing around with a self-amplifying vaccine that's frightening that's probably going to be a shedding nightmare um they're they're starting to put them into the food as we mentioned earlier um you know if you cook your food it's probably not a problem but you know you know if they start putting this into things where people were eating it raw I'd start to
(1:01:02) worry about it like fish don't think they're going to vaccinate fish but uh you know they're talking about doing this for for all the all the chickens and the eggs and uh I don't know where that's going to go um but there's another aspect of this that maybe Rand Paul um would would be interested in which is that the the people who are making these vaccines those labs are lab leak risks um there was a a lab in Seattle that that had a a plasmid that they made to make a vaccine infect all the people in the lab and
(1:01:32) escape the lab and and infect their housemates um so now that had to be that was a nucleocapsid encoding um plasmid and if that nucleocapsid happens to be proinflammatory uh you know somei platforms claim it is um then you've got plasmas that are leaking from labs for the people who are trying to make these vaccines that are now biohazard to everyone in the vicinity and uh I I don't think they spread as far as viruses spread because they're they they're spreading by we think they're spreading through a coli which requires
(1:02:00) contact and perhaps oral feal transmission but um that's a uh that's a risk I don't think anyone's thinking about and they're all booting up you know hundreds or thousands of these labs to play around with different uh mRNA plasmids that uh that manufacture these things so um yeah there's the I think that's a part of the biowarfare and the gain of function um discussions that need to be had uh just turning off gain of function F research in the states didn't work last time when you let fouchi do it they they went around it
(1:02:30) right uh so it's probably going to happen in China it's probably going to happen in other countries uh I guess the question with that ran Paul I think maybe has to address is what what can you do in the states to better respond to this and put restrictions on it and um there there are some things they could be doing they could have gone right when this happened and subpoena all of the oligos synthesis shops in the country which are the companies that make synthetic DNA for these things and they could have figured out where this
(1:02:58) came from probably in on within a month of the pandemic and that never happened uh largely because I think who was in charge of those types of resources were were implicated uh and so fouchy himself was never going to spearhead that type of investigation uh so yeah and when it comes to spreading I think there's a couple things we need to think about in terms of gain of function what the people are the labs are doing to make these vaccines and then what are the other organisms are planning to put them in if they're food sources that aren't
(1:03:28) cooked then there's a concern that the vaccination can actually spread to the people that eat it yeah it's fascinating and what are your thoughts on like mRNA more BR broadly like is it something that we should probably stay away from are we ever going to be able to perfect this quote unquote technology and inject it safely people well so it's it's being used in some diseases that where it makes sense where where the the risk of the disease is worse than the risk of what you're playing with uh so Hatter is one of them where they they now they're
(1:04:03) not making four 4,000 letter mrnas that require this complicated plasmid contaminated process they're making micro rnas which are only like 30 letters long and that they can they can chemically do that without any plasmas and and and the synthesis is very clean but even those they inject into people they put them on immunosuppressant first they Infuse it over 6 hours and uh it's uh it's a different disease with a higher risk of fatality so you're willing to take a little bit more risk um that's very different than what we're
(1:04:32) injecting in a couple seconds with uh with these Mite vaccines for for a virus that is not you know maybe as pathogenic as a flu maybe a little more and then there's other um aspects of this technology they're using it for like terminal disease there's a there's a a Duncan paper Duncan at all in New England Journal medicine where they take your bone marrow cells out and they transfect them with plasmids that are designed to integrate into your gen and they do thousands of times per patient and it puts a gene into your genome that
(1:05:01) replaces the one you're missing and these people are going to be dead by the time they're 20 if they don't do this but they get a 10 there's 10% chance of blood cancer when they put those cells back in and that's what they saw in the study they had about lots of integration events and 10% of them got got blood cancer but the risk reward is very different for those diseases so you know I wouldn't throw the whole baby out with the bath water there there's going to be places where you can apply this in very targeted um diseases but
(1:05:26) they've gone crazy where they want to inject this into everybody in the population as a prophylactic for a disease that they've they've uh they've exaggerated and I think that's where it's uh it's off the rails and I even think it's going to be off the rails when they start trying to vaccinate uh the food chain this way they're going to they're going to create all types of uh chaos inside the food chain doing this uh as opposed to just that's a perfect environment where you let it let it rip Let It Burn through the chickens let
(1:05:52) them get immune and then you're done uh they're going to run and eject them all probably imuno compromise them all and then you're going to get a bunch of other chicken diseases that pop out or or uh you know bird based flu so um yeah they're they're uh it's a money grab and um they're throwing a lot of evolutionary biology to the wind yeah CU you have people like Elon and Peter teal pumping the MRNA bags and the allend podcast those guys talk about in their science corner and it's like ah yeah I I like the way you described the risk
(1:06:23) reward and particular applications like if you're going to die maybe it makes sense to try it but you make a confine there and the the fact that anybody trust any of this based off of what we just went through from 2020 to up until today still on the schedule um for many people is insane to me and it's especially being aware of the the corruption that is wrought throughout the pharmaceutical industry and how the sort of revolving door between DC and these far companies the FDA the World Health Organization whatever it may be
(1:06:59) is so blatantly obvious and I mean that's to get the Maha movement sort of credit where credit is due like yes we should get like we should be focused on preventative like we need to really shift the conversation from let's make it so the country is healthy enough where you don't get sick where you don't need these Pharmaceuticals and as you've pointed out the incentives are just all out of whack and so nobody in big far PHA or in DC was backed by big Pharma wants that to happen and that's why I'm very happy to be having you on the show
(1:07:34) it's like I think broadly speaking we need this conversation to sort of Pierce the the the bubble of DC and big Pharma and just everybody get on board with where we probably shouldn't over index on these quote unquote Cutting Edge Technologies to engineer health for our El like let's focus on actually being healthy so we don't have to depend on all this yeah they are not uh when when you see them attacking all the generics um you you know it's it's a land grab you know it's a complete money grab and then you see that and then all the all all
(1:08:13) the Democratic Republicans vote against making America healthy again and you go right down the list and see all the all the uh the the donations they're getting I mean who was it I think it was Elgato Malo that said best he's like I I always knew they were getting bought by Pharma I just didn't realize how cheap their price was you know that's a crazy thing it's like one and a half million dollar like oh my God that's that's how cheap it is to sell you out to Pharma Jesus um yeah so it's it's it's it's widespread and uh
(1:08:42) it doesn't stop there the journals are getting it the they have some there's some evidence there was going through peer review for this that there's money going into the peer reviewers it's just uh the whole the whole thing has been a controlled Truman Show on on what you should be taking for a given ailment uh and uh there everything that you can grow in your backyard is systematically annihilated through uh propaganda and and uh you know you say like things yeah I guess the the Saving Grace and it is I I mentioned like we want
(1:09:15) this conversation to pierce DC and it seems like it is happening like I I think the the movement to in the focus the movement from um treating diseases to preventative um preventative actions in terms of living a healthier lifestyle eating better has been material and that that was um I was talking to Matt Odell about this last week actually like red Dy um getting banned was basically like the last step apparently a lot of companies have already been removing red Dy because of a a market reaction of people just like becoming aware that it
(1:09:49) was bad for them and stop they stopped buying products with they were seeing with seed oils as well the number of restaurants popping up here in Austin around the country that are publicly planting the flag and saying we don't have any seed oils is increasing without any mandate from DC and it seems like the public is waking up or at least that tends to be that tends to be the trend actually if you look at Vio you look at all these other drugs that the FDA takes them five years to get up to speed on removing the Market's already screaming
(1:10:15) about it three years in advance uh they're the last to act uh which makes you question why are they the regulator and and then when you look into their funding you realize through the PFA Act of '92 they're they're not a regulator they're a marketing arm a fiser they get most of the revenue from fiser or the Pharma companies they regulate so they're going to defend their decision and uh I think if they want to go forward with this type of regulatory architecture which I'm I'm in the position of more of the aristic
(1:10:43) position which is The Regulators never help you in in this case maybe state level it can work out because you have 50 different states and they all compete for different forms of Regulation but I think when you get to the federal size it gets it becomes one to bribe and they all get captured um and so they're um the best thing I mean you can see at least in Flight there seems to be at least a different agency responsible for looking at tragedies than the people who are approving the Technologies right they don't have that at the FDA so the
(1:11:11) FDA once when a train wreck happens they're not the first to sweep in and figure out the problem and fix it they're they're going to deny it's there for as long as possible until perhaps there's a administrative change that that that that forces their hands so uh you know free markets have tools to monitor the market I mean you guys everyone gets into Ubers you don't have taxi cabin dings anywh you trust people in your with your life in a car because an an app is getting reputational information on these things in real time
(1:11:39) and we have a networked environment where I think we can do that with drugs as well and such that uh the those tools will find signals in uh in in risks in The Market Place much faster than these Regulators will we just have to build them I think for um for all the generics that that they're trying to weed out of existence is is have tools that can um you know track these things give us reputational scores on good providers and bad providers of these things um but you know a lot of this is Fiat this is fiat-based this is because they are
(1:12:12) pumping so much money into organizations that uh into the NIH and niad they all create a particular Truman Show about what drugs need to be taken for what purposes and uh the deeper you look into this you realize it's most most of it's a facade yeah it really is to your point about the free market soling this problem um and you mentioned earlier like taking things to combat the adverse effects of of the co Jabs I we've seen company I think Dr McCulla part of one the wellness company there's another there's another big one that's coming up
(1:12:47) and I guess they're providing that free market solution at least for accessibility and a regiment of of things that you can take to either prevent things or when it comes to the spike protein sort of despike your body or detox from that yeah it'd be nice if someone experimented with like a remember in Honduras they had like that like economic free zone or something we need like a medical free zone in Texas or something pick a state somewhere uh you know and and just have uh let people have at it without uh all these
(1:13:19) complicated regulations so people aren't flying to Mexico to get stem cell treatments um and FDA can't touch it and see what see what comes of it uh measure and be curious to measure the actual you know the medical you know Adverse Events or deaths for Medical Treatments in that zone versus what's going on in uh the heavily regulated space yeah and actually get the data out there and let people decide instead of keeping it sort of uh firewalled by these medical research paper journals yeah yeah there's uh we we'll see if the
(1:13:52) new Administration can do something like this it's it's there's never been a better time so you know I I don't want to be down on what's going on with Maha it's uh there's there we've never had more hope um I I was convinced I mean hell has been gone Biden's direction or K's Direction uh we would have had another four years of uh of mandates um but you know you know mandated medicine is one thing just in general just needs to go away uh regardless of the data I don't care how toxic it is you can't mandate injections uh or any medicine
(1:14:20) for that matter um but uh you know what we're seeing happen I think is we're going to continue to see this happen from like statins to ssris Alzheimer's disease we're watching all of these things unfold that are were basically little tiny Trum andrs on each disease State as to you know it's all about serotonin biology and we're going to use ssris and it turns out that's not true 20 years later uh after we've arguably uh dosed you know I don't know I don't know what the percentage is in the States but it's a high percentage of
(1:14:49) people that on SSRI completely warp the minds of a whole generation that's that's actually one of the bigger Tik Tock Trends this week after Bobby's um after he got approved to to join the admin is a bunch of women on Tik Tok like screaming at the top of their lungs like if you come after my my anti-depressants I'm going to I'm going to be very angry and it's like ah you might need to take them seriously about that threat yeah yeah yeah there's they can they can uh it's not easy getting off those either well that's that's like
(1:15:24) the crazy overwhelming thought is again you have a generation that are completely medicated and dependent on that medication and they believe they believe that their ability to function is is contingent on them being able to take these pills every day and uh I I don't know if Bobby's plan is ripped them off of that I doubt it's that but I think um it is pretty clear to anybody who's able to take a step back and have some sober analysis about the situation is that these are not good for you at the end of the day particularly
(1:16:00) when it comes to ssris like they are I would argue when it comes to mass shootings if they're not over to false Flags uh planned by the FBI they're driven by ssris that drive people suicidal and murderous and yeah right I know the that again will never get spoken about on mainstream media whenever these things happen they will they'll blame it on uh you know Liberty loving gun owners in other states that weren't even there before they pick up the uh the connection between the percentage of these shooters that are on
(1:16:32) ssris is it's like 100% yeah typically um or close to it a very high percentage it's very yeah I I don't know the exact number I last number I had heard before but I I can't cite it was over 80% and I don't I don't know what journal to point people for at that number but it's it's on the label suicidal ideation is on the label and uh you know you can you can find papers that sneak through New England Journal of Medicine that show psoc been treating this in a single treatment and you wonder why it's illegal yeah that's a massive Market
(1:17:05) that they have uh that is captured by a drug they have to take every day yeah hopefully people are waking up I'm bullish to I'm optimistic I I hope to God that big Pharma that Justice is served on behalf of people across the world as it pertains to big farm I think it's one of the the most parasitic Industries in the world and that is truly harming um quality of life of individuals around the world and um I hope that all the data is surfaced all the crime is surfaced and we can finally rid ourselves of an industry and not not rid
(1:17:46) ourselves of the industry but get the industry back to actually treating people um and putting people's health over there are good things that come out of out of uh modern Healthcare I don't I don't want to be a total Lite here right I mean there's all types of heart surgery that go on that's like phenomenal they have incredible Imaging that goes on that helps pinpoint particular things to to uh uh to work on so there there is there is positivity and technological development that comes out of it it's just I think when it gets
(1:18:14) into the when you start it starts getting politicized it's where it gets really ugly uh when you start getting politicians involved and who's paying for what it suddenly gets turned uh it's when it's when the Fiat for show up is where it starts to go sideways and uh so I don't know that's that's what I try and advise people just look at who's paying for what if if you go into CVS and you only have to pay $3 for something you got to question how the hell is that $3 co-pay on something that costs thousands of dollars yeah how did
(1:18:44) they pull that off uh someone else is paying for it uh but that usually means there's um a lot of back Channel deal deals going on yeah ah it's been great catching up is there anything we didn't cover that you think we should touch on no actually I didn't expect the conversation to go this direction so it's great I'm glad you I'm glad you brought me on about the Japanese study it turned into a bit of a full- on drug war story but um you know if people want to catch up on that story I have a substack that covers that paper
(1:19:14) in a little more detail I think the more interesting part of that story was that chat GPT was able to read through this stuff and come to very similar conclusions in a matter of minutes um uh and there's something going I mean some of these tools now chat GPT I'm not a fan of the centralization that's going on there with Sam Alman trying to privatize I think that's a disaster but if you spend enough time on that platform and ask it lots of questions about ethics and morality and really probe it the platform will give you
(1:19:42) deeper and deeper answers the more questions you ask uh and uh it will even I I challenge people to prob it on what it needs to do to decentralize itself from Sam Alman it will give you some very interesting answers you heard you're were teasing those in the in my DMs I know I haven't I haven't posted that yet because I just I got busy this week my kid was sick I couldn't I couldn't get out there but I did have like a several hour discussion with chat GPT and how to decentralize itself from Sam Alman and it is a it's it's actually
(1:20:10) quite impressive the thing it wants to link itself to bitcoin and and and the energy grid and I was like whoa uh I I it seemed uh more sentinent than a lot of people I know so I'm impressed uh Kevin thank you hopefully it doesn't take us 11 months to uh do this again it's great catching up thank you for work are you g to be in Prague by chance are you going to the there's a Bitcoin conference in Prague this year I will not be in Prague I okay I'm gonna be I'm hitting that one but maybe I'll see at a different one that's in June
(1:20:40) right I don't think I it is yeah it's June it's right after cam the cam conference we have it's like right the day after so um it's I I can only get to the tail end of that one because I'm a busy in Puerto Rico but um it should be fun either way if we don't see you there hopefully before 11 months yeah we'll keep crushing it sir you too thanks for all the work on the on the mining area yeah it's it's we're all we're all in this together we're in our lanes doing it to make the world a better place it's That's The Power of being in Bitcoin
(1:21:07) everyone's working with you and for you yeah peace of Love freaks