Dr. Jack Kruse exposes how electromagnetic fields (EMF) and modern technology are allegedly being weaponized for population control, including the potential to extract Bitcoin seed phrases.
In a thought-provoking episode of TFTC, Marty Bent interviews neurosurgeon Dr. Jack Kruse on the intersection of Bitcoin, electromagnetic mind control, and centralized power. Kruse argues that modern control mechanisms extend beyond finance and politics to human biology itself, with DARPA allegedly using electromagnetic fields (EMF) to manipulate cognition and extract Bitcoin seed phrases. He draws connections between historical bio-weapons programs, vaccine contamination, and a long-standing agenda to control populations through technology, processed foods, and environmental manipulation. Citing the evolution of MKUltra into modern electromagnetic warfare, he warns that LED lighting, 5G networks, and everyday consumer devices may be weaponized for behavioral control. Kruse also expresses concerns over Bitcoin’s co-optation by institutional players like Michael Saylor and urges Bitcoiners to maintain strict self-custody. Ultimately, he argues that sovereignty—both financial and biological is under attack, and those who wish to remain free must resist the growing influence of a technocratic elite.
This episode of TFTC presents a stark warning about the erosion of financial and personal sovereignty in an increasingly controlled world. Whether or not one agrees with all of Dr. Kruse’s claims, his core message is clear: Bitcoiners must prioritize self-custody, be wary of how technology is used against them, and recognize the intersection of finance, medicine, and state power as part of a broader effort to centralize control. Sovereignty extends beyond money to health, cognition, and freedom of thought, making decentralization a fight for autonomy on all fronts. As Kruse emphasizes, resisting the rise of a technocratic order requires knowledge, vigilance, and first-principles thinking Bitcoin is not just an asset but a tool for true freedom.
0:00 - Intro
0:47 - Rick Rubin pod
4:23 - McKernan and SV40
8:18 - Cutter Event
11:33 - Fold & Bitkey
13:16 - Links to JFK shooting
25:05 - EMF mind control
41:34 - Unchained Announcement
42:04 - Elon’s role in the control system
47:31 - Message to Bitcoiners
53:58 - Limited hangouts
59:55 - Self custody
1:05:02 - Bitcoiners are the last line of defence
(00:00) recently in China they just targeted someone in the ethereum network that had $1.4 billion and got him to sell his money do you know why he was programmed to give his keys up I don't want any bitcoiner to remember their seed phrases ever again because now they have a way to get it Trump is showing the world that he's a shitcoin he knows that he has to replace all this usaid money with something else guys that are in and around Trump specifically bent lotnik Elon pet teal these are the guys that are all being used to actually change
(00:34) the Rockefeller raild empire into a technocratic control remember you don't need to control money when you can control people it's it's it's one of the one of the biggest problems of running a show is you do like a little pre-record conversation and it gets so fascinating I let you go on and we record 10 minutes of a podcast and have to stop and say let's hit record that just happened with Dr Jack Cruz uh welcome to the show it's been a long time coming and as we were talking about I think the conversation I had recently
(01:12) with Kevin mccar really um really was the impetus for me reaching out to you to get you on the show because I think you've been doing a lot of work in the same field um and what you're trying to highlight what you just described to me is that there is this missing connection that many people have particularly bitcoiners with the history of this biomedical industry that is um sort of emerged over the last century and culminated in Co the Jabs and I think everything that you just described really revolves around this sv40 this
(01:51) breaking of the the the gut barrier and um people being misled you were mentioning Bobby C not really understanding the the true gravity of the situation to you had a conversation with him and Rick Rubin a couple of years ago yeah I mean the the story really really started for me about two years ago you know when my nurse someone reached out to my nurse and it was Rick's people said look we want to do um something with Jack we want him get him and Andrew uberman together um and Rick really wanted me to teach Andrew the things that he was missing
(02:35) and I you know as Rick said in that podcast I didn't reach back out to him for six weeks I didn't want to talk about it and the reason I didn't want to talk about it is because I knew talking to a guy that's affiliated with the Stanford Research Institute potentially it puts a Target on my back the reason why um SRI is a big player in DARPA and I have been targeted by DARPA for a long time because of the things that I know and most of those things are around how electromagnetic pollution uh affects us okay that's a big part of what
(03:17) decentralized medicine's all about so I was reluctant to do it and I told Shantel at that time I said look if I do this we potentially could be open up Pandora's Box where many of the things that will come out or against the Paradigm that's present and it may not be the appropriate time for this to come out and what she did she convinced me that what we had just gone through in covid was the perfect time you know to open Pandora's Box because of you know all the things that happened with covid the lack of trust with doctors the lack
(03:51) of trust with you know fouchy gain of function baric the whole the whole shebang and that podcast when you saw uberman act the way he did and then has how he's acted for the last two years after it that he's pretty much ghosted me after I gave him Total Access to the stuff um that he needed to know so then Rick said okay we're going to take it up another level we're going to do a podcast with Bobby and this is where Kevin comes into the story um Kevin mckernan probably I'd say 6 months to 8 months before that you
(04:33) know magically winds up with some vaccine vials you know they were spent expired fiser vials and um he put them in the freezer in his company in in Massachusetts and eventually through some of his own work that he was doing in the Cannabis industry he needed uh a molecular tool he didn't have one available he said you know I got these fiser VES let me go use that he pulls it up does sequencing to get what he needs and then he notices boy this is weird there's an sv40 promoter in here so he does what any good scientist would do he
(05:11) talks to the people at his place and then he just decides to alert people on the internet so he goes on Twitter and you know that Kevin's part of not only what I would call Medical Twitter but he's also part of Bitcoin Twitter because he's a bitcoiner so this comes on there and you know how we all are we follow you know people that we follow and Kevin was one of the people that I followed because I thought he was a good actor and um he got into a big uh fight on Twitter with a guy named Philip buckolz and Philip buckolz is a guy that I would
(05:46) tell you is a foot soldier or was a foot soldier at that time for the fouches the barracks the bidens the trumps meaning he was a Paran scientist very wise molecular biologist from the University of South Carolina and he was very much a believer in the jab the MRNA platform he got sick and tired to listen to Kevin on Twitter so what did he do he decided to do the same test Kevin did on the fizer and guess what he wound up doing he wound up proving Kevin correct and the reason why this had huge weight is because here's a guy that wanted to
(06:22) stick his dirty socks in Kevin's mouth to shut him up and he winds up proving Kevin correct now both of these guys have their work now now repeated by multiple Labs okay just so you know and I think you already know this because you and Kevin did a good job on your podcast uh Kevin's article on this whole story is still in pre-print it's not been approved yet for peerreview literature Marty you know how bitcoiners we always say don't trust verify this should be a huge red flag for just about everybody because they're basically
(06:58) keeping the story under Act and I thought by going back to Rick um and having Bobby Kennedy's voice on this would be important why because I think all of us I maybe I'm making a bad assumption about bitcoiners all of my people read Bobby Kennedy's book about fouchy and it did a an exceptional job of talking about Fort Dietrich all the way to you know 2023 what it didn't do a good job of is talking Fort Dietrich backward and for those of you who are bitcoiners that don't know about this story I Unleashed that story on the Danny Jones podcast in
(07:40) December of 2024 so this is at the end of this two-year thing where I really let it all hang out I tell everybody the entire story but it turned out I told Bobby that day with Rick that the sv40 was in the co Jabs so what did that affect ly do to the world I just basically explained that Dara the dod the gain of function research is a span of 75 years for those of you who believe that the messeng r technology was new technology that is total [ __ ] [ __ ] this is the same problem that we had in the cutter event and the
(08:23) cutter event was when they used sv40 indiscriminately and I should say by accident um to develop the covid jobs why because this was in a pre-molecular biology time of medicine we didn't know DNA wasn't even discovered yet it was discovered in 53 by Watson and Crick when this incident happens it's 1951 and sulk could not get the polio Jabs to grow in humans so what did he do he used the next best thing which is primates and he used African green monkeys and he found out that on their kidney cells that he could grow you know
(08:59) his his version of the jab it turns out that Bernice Eddie who as I've said many times Kevin mckernan is the modern day Bernice Eddie uh Bernice Eddie did testing on socks vaccines before it went out to the world and she found out that some of the monkeys still died some of the monkeys still got polio she told her bosses her bosses you know completely um ignored her to be quite Frank with you and then what famously happens um a guy named Dr Alton Ashner who runs his own Hospital in New Orleans Louisiana it's on Jefferson Highway uh
(09:38) brings his granddaughter and grandchild into the medical Amphitheater and he injects both of them with the cutter sulk vaccine his grandson dies in 8 days and his granddaughter gets polio in her leg she doesn't die this is you know front page news in the time Pi UN in New Orleans it even shows up in the New York Times to this day you can search it for yourself to see it's true um ber Edie goes on to not only finding that the virus is still alive and it's not a good situation she's the one not Morris Helman of MC which is
(10:18) what big farm I wants you to believe she's the one that finds that sv40 and polyoma viruses are actually in there and for those of you who don't know what SV stands for it stands for Simi and virus and this was the 40th one but that means there was a whole bunch others that were in there and the government makes a decision to send this out to 350 million people at that time basically what happens is the United States government seeds the world the world's blood supply just about everything with this pathogen what happens when you look
(10:52) at it now from 2023 you see from the time of the cutter event to right about where Co inflects there's a 50-year history of these re this huge cancer Spike the reason why this story became very big is because Alton Ashner was known in my world in the medical world as the anti-cancer doctor in fact he was the the first uh head of the National Cancer Institute Nixon actually appointed him to that and when Nixon took over in 71 remember the war on cancer coincided with them opening up China and him going to visit breev in in
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(13:05) off tell them to pick up a big key go to bit key. world use the key tftc 20 at checkout for 20% off your order that's bit keyworld code tfc2 probably the biggest part of the story that people don't know is that Ashner was uh tied to Clay Shaw in a big way through the JFK assassination why after Ashner hires two doctors these are the these would be like two doctors that the way you should think about them yall all know the story of Oppenheimer you know the story of Einstein You know the story of how he built the bomb in about
(13:43) 9 to 12 months through Operation Paperclip bringing all the scientists over here to build it in the desert um the same thing happens with Asher and sv40 he hires um the smartest lady at the time her name is Dr Sarah Stewart from the University of Chicago she actually trained at the same place where Enrico fery is where they're actually doing stuff on the Manhattan Project she's an expert in viral causes of cancer okay she's been relatively lost to history the second lady hasn't been lost history she's the one that's probably the most
(14:19) interesting part of this story and how it ties eventually to Kevin and buckolz um Mary Sherman is an orthopedic surgeon who trained with en Rico fery she's an expert in radiation in fact her chops um at the University of Chicago were around a disease that's pretty rare it's called osteosarcoma it's a a tumor of the bone and she was using radiation techniques at the time to try to treat these turers the craziest part of the story is both of Sarah and Mary were classmates at the University of Chicago Medical School in 1936 so that's where
(14:59) this link comes in and um Sarah is kind of like I would I would tell you she was kind of like me she was actually the first person that ever linked viral uh infection to cancer causation prior to that everybody thought she was crazy but who didn't think she was crazy the forerunners Marty of what would eventually become DARPA okay and that's OSS and on and she was in that operation with Mary so what happens Asher hires both of them after this event where he kills his grandson and there modus operandi Ashner goes from being an FBI
(15:43) liaison for jayed gar Hoover Uh to a CIA asset some very prominent politicians that you probably have heard of one specific hail bogs who was part of the Warren Commission he was also part of the Congressional Delegation along with UE Long's son who was the senator of Louisiana at the time to appropriate a lot of money clandestine covertly to buy a linear accelerator and place it at the US public health hospital on Henry Clan Boulevard in New Orleans magically Sarah Stewart gets reassigned by the military to the US public health hospital at the
(16:23) same time and Mary Sherman is hired by Alton Ashner to work in the Department of Orthopedics at his new hospital on Jefferson Highway what happens then the first clandestine bio uh weapons lab forms in New Orleans it has multiple different places it's not one place you'll hear from other people that know parts of the story kind of like Whitney web Godwin I would tell you Judith very Baker Judith probably has the best information on the biologic side um but this is the that Whitney and and Mark don't really know a goddamn thing about
(17:03) how it fits this whole story who works these Labs Judith is the lab tech she's a um a young uh student from Florida who is fascinated by Sarah Stewart's work she wins a high school project about cancer and mice she gets uh evaluated by the people that Ashner has out there he brings her in and says we'll put you in a two- Lane man school if you decide to come and work in our lab you're going to be working under Mary Sherman uh the two guys who are what I would call the lab runners or lab techs of this clandestine lab Lee Harvey
(17:41) Oswald and David ferry so for any of you who think this is total [ __ ] um I can tell you you don't know this maybe about me but I worked at LSU I was a resident there in neuros surgery uh from the 80s into the '90s and magically one day I happened to go down into the basement of Ashner CU I spent two years of my residency there and I saw this nuclear weapon like looking thing laying down and that we use for targeting for brain tumors and it just dawned on me to say to the biophysicist that was there how in the
(18:19) hell does a small little Community Hospital have a $100 million piece of equipment I said we have trouble getting equipment for spine surgery here how do we get this and he said to me he goes well this above my pay grade he goes you probably need to go talk you know to some other people so I went to talk to my mentor in neurosurgery and he just chuckled at me he goes you don't know this story do you so he sits down and tells me bits and pieces and then uh I decide to go back and talk to the principles six months
(18:53) prior to me going to Ashner um I had a nurse that worked at me in the emergency room at Charity Hospital her name was Virginia Garrison you could probably guess whose daughter she was Jim's and she sat me down one day when we went out drinking to a place called St Charles Tavern and as she got more loopy I got more truth and she just warned me she goes I know you're at Ashner now she goes but you need to be really careful with these people because the truth be told is that family was involved with Clay Shaw with the J JFK
(19:30) assassination the craziest part of the story Marty first year of my residency guess who's filming JFK in the basement of Charity Hospital Oliver Stone so the girl that you contacted today to set this podcast up Shantel she runs into Oliver Stone and gets a Wendy's smoothie spilled all over her true story so you can fact check this so this whole story is going on and if you go and watch the movie I'm going to tell you there's two key points that tied to this story I'm laying out to you that you need to remember there's two scenes
(20:07) where Oliver Stone shows mice and rats but doesn't talk about them at all okay it's there but doesn't talk about then the last thing is the last picture in the movie is the one that you and I were chatting about right before you hit the record button Richard Helms the head of the CIA admitted in 1979 that Clay Shaw was in fact a CIA asset just so you know the federal government specifically the FBI and at this time now DARPA did everything they could to make sure that that linkage was never made for Garrison because the
(20:47) government was very concerned that Garrison was going to pull Dr Asher into this story most people in New Orleans probably would have a huge problem if Asner is on trial or being brought why because he's looked at as you know one of the most successful doctors in the history of New Orleans he was actually king of Migra believe it or not at one time and the other you know real big problem is that he employed a lot of people in the city of Nashville so it would be really hard to link him to this story and get a fair trial you know in
(21:26) New Orleans but I'm going to tell you to this day I think was Garrison's biggest mistake if he would have put Ashner on trial then we would have found out exactly how Mary Sherman was killed she was killed six months after JFK was killed and magically she was found in her house her whole arm was disintegrated half her thorax was disintegrated why because someone I'll guess I'll let you guess who that someone is uh took the grounding cables off the linac she's the one that had to go back and make the concoction that they were
(22:07) eventually going to give to Jack Ruby why because after JFK was killed H Oswald was killed by Ruby Judith Ferry Baker ran back to Florida because she was scared shitless and uh David Ferry uh was absolutely um he was on the Run Okay where did this story plop in right here to me and Rick ruin on the podcast I knew that Bobby Kennedy would not listen to me about the sv40 story until I told him a key thing that no one would ever know so what did I drop on that podcast if you go back and watch it and see Bobby's face when I
(22:46) said it I said Bobby you remember the day that David Ferry got killed and Jim Garrison was at the the death scene I said you know that he found Sarah Stewart's part of Sarah Stewarts uh viral thesis in David Ferry's apartment right I said didn't you answer the phone Garrison was looking to talk to your father but wasn't it you that answered the phone and he looked at me and he's like how the [ __ ] did you know that so I was trying to signal to him because the next thing I told him was the story of Kevin mckernan I wanted him to know that sv40
(23:31) Spann 75 years the bioweapons lab that we're talking about was in New Orleans at the US public health hospital on Magazine Street and in St Charles Avenue it had three locations Sarah Stewart was the one that was running the one on Magazine Street Judith FY Baker was the one that was on St Charles Avenue at Lee Harvey Oswald and Ferry and then the US public health hospitals the other so why didn't Philip buckolz or Kevin mckernan understand functionally this whole story about sv40 and the co Jabs pretty simple
(24:06) Marty it's a clandestine operation it was never put into literature ever in fact if you go back and look at the NIH website everybody from 1951 to 1959 this story is whitewashed it's pulled off so I would tell you this is probably the primordial version of AI they censored all the information so you can do it so you know who was the person that let the cat out of the bag 1955 New York Academy ass science meeting ber edti gets up and at the end of her talk casually drops oh and by the way all the polio Jabs are filled with
(24:49) sv40 and dude her career literally is over that day they even took her phone away okay um she's the first doctor that's effectively cancelled by the industrial military complex the story that I have been trying to tell for a long time is the reason why Robert Ocker gets cancelled by the same group of people why because he's doing work on non-native EMF electr pollution for the US Navy and the story that people don't really understand is how this ties to the progression that I made in the Danny Jones podcast this is MK Ultra
(25:35) graduates to Sri Stanford Research Institute then magically under Obama in 2013 you have the brain health initiative all of a sudden everything goes to Central and South America so I would have thought in some of these podcasts you know ones I did with Danny ones I've done with Adrien Deo ones I did with bullar but the last one the big one was when breed love came down here for 4 days and interviewed me told them bits and pieces and no one's asked me the real question why in the [ __ ] did this thing morph Well turns out another guy a part of
(26:15) this program is a guy named Allan fry in the late 60s he takes the work of Jose Delgado the guy that everybody knows about the bull and the wires in the head and then I told Nanny at the end of this process they found out they didn't need wires they didn't need chips they could do it with light and he goes what that is the last part of the story that nobody seems to understand so they begin to realize that they can use light frequencies to destroy the leptin melanocortin Pathways in the brain to control people they don't need LSD they
(26:51) don't need musculine they don't need anything else okay and the reason why this program gets changed is during its Evolution they find out that people that have heavily melanated skin are the most difficult to control okay so there's another Dara program that you may have heard about I'm sure Whitney Webb and Mark Godwin have heard about it but have never linked it to this story it's called the targeted individual program in other words how you control people you utilizing remote technology well who's the guy that
(27:32) actually really discovered this whole thing Allan fry Allan fry is looked at a good guy in my world why he's the first guy that showed that when you zap a brain with any type of electromagnetic radiation it opens the bloodb brain barrier so you can take bad [ __ ] and get it in what magically happens in the United States at that time people start making processed food what also magically happens drugs start to come on market and they have a lot of fillers and preservatives in them guess what all those fillers and preservatives and all
(28:06) the fake process [ __ ] was really about it was about figuring out how to get toxins from your gut into your brain so that you could electromagnetically Target them that is actually what happens between MK Ultra into Sri what do they find out in Sri where where does the program stall 2008 2009 2010 20 that's magically when Obama says we're going to get rid of incandescent bulbs we're going to go to LEDs what do they find out because LED bulbs remove UV and red light have a huge blue spike it turns out the blue Spike can actually be
(28:43) used to control people through the dopamine pathway how does that work if you go back and listen carefully to what I said to Danny and he clearly didn't get it even though he's done podcasts with people that told him this in the past dopamine I should say melanin breaks down into dopamine if you open the blood brain barrier dopamine floods the brain and it causes brain damage anybody who's a health care practitioner I guarantee when Kevin listens to this he'll understand it knows that when we use dopamine in an ICU setting we have
(29:15) to be extremely careful with it you know when we're trying to elevate their blood pressure because a low dose a medium dose or high dose can kill you when people are in the ICU they're around electromagnetic devices this is the reason why because we're flooding their brain with dopamine we're flooding their brain with serotonin there's even something called the serotonin syndrome that yall can look up and fact Jack Uncle Jack this is the key things that Allen fry finds out for DARPA then what does DARPA originally do not only are
(29:46) they using directed energy weapons to try to control this they are now checking this at scale in the United States so what two things happen at the uh end of Obama's term that you guys may remember that's tied to this story there is uh two things that happened the first thing is uh a young African-American attorney who went to Florida State named myON May goes into the Florida State library with a gun shoots the library up doesn't shoot anybody else and what does he do he sends 10 people a package with the story of what I'm
(30:27) telling you right now and he says I know they're targeting me but I don't know why um how did this all start it's a very interesting story when you delve into it he's uh comes from a poor background had no medical problems he had a Fitzpatrick score four he wasn't like Nairobi Kenyan but pretty dark um he starts to date a pediatrition from New Mexico and um magically after dating for a while he starts to complain of horrible back pain around his kidney and adrenal gland he starts telling her I think I need to go to the doctor she goes no
(31:08) just treat it this way that way he goes to see a doctor in New Mexico who's a known entity in the darer program he gets prescribed medications for ADHD the pediatrician goes why in the hell would they put you on something like this what happens from there he goes back back to Florida his be Behavior becomes more bizarre he's telling people that he hears voices in his head he has horrible pain in his chest and he doesn't know why ultimately something happens to him where he figures out that somebody from the outside is actually targeting him
(31:47) for a reason and he doesn't know why here's the key part of the story Marty turns out when you have a lot of melanin both inside and outside your body this direct Target in device is bidirectional see when you don't have a lot of melanin when they shoot it into you you actually become a zombie an obedient idiot but when you're highly melanated because what does melanin do it absorbs massive amounts of radiation for those of you who don't believe this you can actually go look at um the tests that we did on the hydrogen bomb okay on the
(32:28) tolls in the South Pacific you you may be shocked to hear this but when we did that test the United States military didn't even know what the thermonuclear capability of the bomb was that they were going to set off turned out they thought it was going to be about 7 half megatons it turned out reality the test it was 15 megatons that means that the blast area went into areas where regular people from the South Pacific lived there's pictures that show these people lost their melanin in certain places on their body you know why cuz that melanin
(33:03) absorbed the radiation Blast for them okay that's documented out there so the government begins to realize that if they're going to use these devices as a weapon of war that they've got to test it at scale on different folks turned out all the stuff that you hear about the ti people that are out there these are people that are the random rized control clinical trial of DARPA on their own people before this weapon is ready for prime time just so you know Marty you may be asking well the Russians had the same technology us why
(33:42) why don't we see the same program there well the Russians try to warn us and this is where Becker's research comes in do you know and you can look this up there used to be something called the Woodpecker frequency that Amed from Ukraine that went all the way around the globe at a specific latitude this was an EMF device that the Russians put out to warn the United States that if you guys don't change what you're doing in terms of adopting electromagnetic radiation through cell technology you're going to create a huge problem for people and
(34:16) then when the United States military didn't listen to him what did Russia do this is where the Moscow Embassy event happens remember you probably heard as a young man about Havana syndrome where where all these guys in Cuba got zapped right you don't you probably don't remember learning anything about what happened in the Moscow Embassy the Russians took a pulse microwave device and pointed it at the US Embassy in Moscow from 1967 all the way to 1973 in that time frame they had more diagnosis of ten tenis maner syndrome voices
(34:52) Mental Illness but here's the big one we had three straight ambassadors develop blood cancers okay turns on 1973 Henry Kissinger secretary of state has to give Hazard pay to anybody who is in the embassy at that time do you know how they solved the problem you want to know where the idea of tinfoil Hots came from my friend they put tinf foil all up in the US Embassy when they found out what the Russians were doing and what did the Russians tell them we're trying to warn you that what you're about to do is going to be a big problem 1973 Marty
(35:27) guess what else happens in 1973 beckard does the key paper on the sanguin antenna to use RF radiation post to check all the trid in submarines all over and he finds out through his work that this is a huge problem so the secretary Navy and the other parts of DARPA know that this is a big issue because they're working on both parts of this story so Becker gets so frustrated from 73 to 77 kind of like Kevin was about his story that you've been documenting with him every time you have him on and he goes on 60 Minutes and tells the
(36:04) world the truth guess what happens to him he gets [ __ ] Bernice eded literally they take all his money away how do you how do you censor a scientist you just take their money away and basically a guy that's twice nominated for the Nobel Prize for his work in tissue regeneration UTI utilizing you know bio electricity Gets Zapped why also the government continue this Dara program that then gets morphed in 2008 first to get rid of incandescent and then to put LEDs then then it gets even more nefarious Obama says we need
(36:42) to figure out how to get brown people more controlled so they pick Central and South America why they've got a good mix of Fitzpatrick's twos threes and fours they go down there and they start to perfect the targeting what are they using to deliver the targets they're using processed food they're using Jabs they're using um geoengineering Things fall from the sky and you may be saying well how does this really work Jack like what's the the mechanism that's tied to it this is where you don't get any of the Whitney
(37:24) web Mark Godwin people understanding when you open someone's blin brain uh blood barrier and you open up their gut barrier that means that big toxins higher atomic mass than a hydrogen proton goes into places that it's not supposed to be so Marty you're a smart guy I think you know that Intel and AMD when they make semiconductors they have clean rooms right they don't want anything in there turns out your brain works on the same mechanism how do we know that guess what Becker's work was on he's the one that proves that our
(37:56) body works by semic induction they already took his research out so what did the government do they take high atomic mass elements and deliver them in ways that you can't imagine how does this work Marty you have places in your body called the circumventricular organs and remember I'm a Bitcoin but what's my day job I'm a brain surgeon so I know a little bit something about the brain the circum ventricular organs sit around your hypothalamus and your thalmus these are areas where you never have a blame a a bloodb brain Bearer these become the
(38:30) target of DARPA they start to deliver these things do you want to know why geoengineering really is a problem not only does it block the Sun but when this [ __ ] falls down in the ground those elements wind up going through places where you don't have a blood brain barrier and if they can convince you to use those earphones that Apple sells then they can really get you because it lets tons of stuff in so all the keto snacks that all the food gurs want to sell you has nothing to do with the food it has to do with all the [ __ ] that they put in
(39:01) there that's manufactured that has an higher atomic weight then should what's the issue with drugs everybody knows the story about Coline and every other school shooter but you've never put it together it's not the srsri drug it's the fillers and preservatives in it that are a problem here comes the big one Marty this is something Kevin didn't find out but I'm going to tell you we find out that every jab not just the fizer one every single one out there including the one that was used in China has 51 to 55 elements that are not
(39:34) supposed to be in there you want to find out the really interesting part all Jabs have 100% chromium in them do you know why they pick chromium has a plus six o oxidation state what does that mean negative to positive3 that means it's a much more tunable atom when it interacts with electromagnetic radiation want to hear something even crazier chromium isn't found in every single drug that big Pharma makes did you know that I did not right so it gets better you remember Aaron Brockovich remember the story about pg& what was the element that
(40:14) caused cancer in the people out there around their power lines in that place hexavalent chromium hm ain't that interesting huh Marty so you got the story of these biatomic elements with non-native EMF and it's always associated with these unusual diseases that humans are getting this is the collateral effects of the bioweapons program but it turns out what Dara finds out is that the people that have the darkest skin are difficult to control so why did I have to be careful with uberman did you know that huberman's father was a condensed
(40:56) matter physicist at Stanford you know what that means he studies things like melanin I was concerned that Uber's father was part of this program and that's the reason I really didn't want to go and talk to him you know what else uberman is famous for studying seapods you know what sods used to get away ink you know what the ink is made out of melanin I didn't know if uberman knew more than I thought he did I found out that he's a [ __ ] idiot Okay so that was a good thing but he never put two and two together suff freaks Bitcoin is the
(41:34) ultimate scarce asset join Bitcoin macro expert Nick baa at a live online event on March 17th for death taxes and 21 million learn how to Shield your wealth leverage tax advantaged accounts and secure your Bitcoin for future Generations your financial adviser accountant or attorney might not be up to speed on bitcoin so invite them to join too register now at unch ch.
(41:59) com tftc that's unchain dcom tftc March 17th be there basically what happens is they go down to Central and South America and they figured out the mix that they can use to control people do you remember the last year under Biden that mayorcas and Biden opened the borders and that people were being bust to certain places mhm those were the people that were heavily melanated that they put in places so they could control them and how would they do that through altering frequencies on LED bulbs and the cell towers that were
(42:38) around them guess who else was eventually part of this program that Whitney web and Mark Godwin haven't figured out yet that's where Elon Musk comes in Elon Musk will be the useful idiot 10 years from now why because everything will go from a terrestrial ground base level to above your head why they're going to do the same thing that they did in the' 60s figure out how to do it utilizing harp arrays they're going to figure out how to do it using satellites through targeting okay this is the reason why you see people like
(43:09) Calli and Casey means in the Maha movement Casey and Calli are tied to making sure that Bobby can't act in other words you've heard how sailor uses the term oifc well C CI and Casey are OIC on this other side so that Bobby never gets to this story they're going to let Bobby fix the food they're going to let Bobby fix this fix that but they have figured out in Central and South America that all they need is the messenger RNA platform to continue to deler these things in and these papers out there Marty they're out there that
(43:45) show you the Jabs have these atoms in them when you ask yourself the question you you listen to the functional medicine guys why is it that the vaccine schedule is given to children well what's the other protection system that we found in MK Ultra that we found in Sri and that we found in brain health initiative milin not melanin myin the outside electrical insulator of the brain doesn't show up in people till they're 25 years old so if you wanted to create billions of useful idiots to control wouldn't it be smart for you to
(44:23) get your technology in them before their brain was melinated or their skins or Interiors were melanated so this is the reason why from 1986 to right now we went from six vaccines to 72 because the more of that you get in it's like having an A Team a double a team or a AA a team got it y that's what's going on so to give you some more juice for this before my and may did his little maneuver at Florida State do you remember the guy that went into the Navy yards in in Virginia and Baltimore do you remember the key thing that is very
(45:06) hard for people to find now he had three letters carved into the rifle that he used to kill the people EF you know what eelf stands for extreme low frequency radiation that's exactly what they're using and it turns out the fry effect that most of you can go study this is pulse microwaves that's what they used in Cuba but it turns out that you can use pul RF that's what they were testing in the people in the United States and it turns out RF is much more difficult with people that have melanin did you know that that Navy shooter was
(45:43) also an African-American now he killed 13 people but he killed the people that he thought were targeting him got it they have now for the last 10 years think they have a handle on how now to Target these people so now they're bringing people that have brown and black skin into the United States into places where they think militarily they will need it and when they need them they'll turn it on let's get back to Elon Musk go look at any post from Elon Musk and nerick you know what he says you know what's on Twitter
(46:23) hey we took this guy that's paralyzed and we put our device in him and now we can make him walk isn't that great so that's the utopian side of the technocrat but you know what you know why they're start with the paraplegics that's the uh that's how they but do you know why it's no you can laugh but I don't want you to laugh because I'm not laughing do you know why they picked them no because people that are paralyzed have an open bloodb Brain barrier ah ah people that have neurologic damage have an open bloodb
(46:54) Brain barrier so guess what they're the ideal people to treat do you think Elon Musk knows this no I don't think he does but I think they do in fact Elon Musk just came out in the last three months and said non-native EMF has no effect that's how I know he's the useful idiot if anybody should know that it has an effect it's Elon Musk he's a [ __ ] engineer but guess what he doesn't know anything about Becker's work either why just like Bernice Eddie it was whitewashed that's the reason why Kevin mckernan didn't know anything about it
(47:26) why Buck hols didn't know anything about it so what am I telling you right now why' I go to Prague Bitcoin Prague to warn all you [ __ ] that have Bitcoin that they're going to do the same thing to you and if you think I'm lying to you Marty you can do your homework on this one recently in China they just targeted someone uh in the ethereum network that had $1.
(47:53) 4 billion and got him to sell his money do you know why he was program to give his keys up so here's why I really want to talk to Marty bet I don't want any bitcoiner to remember their seed phrases ever again because now they have a way to get it got it that's my message that is really my take-home message for guys like you because guess what they killed Satoshi okay they know they can't control it now they're trying to figure out ways they can get to it so the SV 40 as I said in the Danny Jones podcast is to taper the Ponzi
(48:37) scheme it's to kill a lot of people that are do money when I told Kevin that he was stunned Kevin gets where I'm going with all of this but this part of the story that nobody is really asked me about like how do all these things fit why are they all there I decided Marty bent was the right place to drop the nuclear weapon why you're a bitcoiner you've had Kevin on multiple times you've talked to Whitney web you've talked to Godwin you've talked to all these people but you know what Uncle Jack's getting really [ __ ] frustrated
(49:13) sitting here in El Salvador with you guys mentally masturbating not putting everything together why because I'm worried about you Marty I'm worried about big horners we have made the correct decision the biggest criminals in the world are in Washington DC but they're in the Pentagon and they are controlling the idiots that people keep voting for The reason we keep voting for idiots has a lot to do with this story that I'm telling you right now and the fact that Elon has uncovered through Doge how the whole program is working this is a good
(49:49) thing but that's why I'm telling you I think he's not a nefarious guy yet he's being groomed as a useful idiot this is exact what general Gro did in the mahad project he didn't let opener know everything he didn't let teller know everything he didn't let Einstein or bore know everything why the architects of the whole plan they're the only ones that knew everything and right now guys that are in and around Trump specifically bent lotnik Elon Peter teal these are the guys that are all being used to actually changed the Rockefeller
(50:29) raild empire into a technocratic control remember you don't need to control money when you can control people that's the Meer Lansky idea they've now taken it through technology global scale so when I see you at a Bitcoin meeting and I see you wearing those airpods and I tell you please take those out of your head I'm not doing it to be a [ __ ] I'm actually trying to protect you from from somebody taking your Bitcoin everybody in Bitcoin knows about Sim swap attacks and things like that this is the biologic swims uh Sim uh attack I want
(51:08) you to know that the people that we're dealing with these are the most nefarious people on the planet they cannot be trusted at all I I'll go I'm I'm going to say something here first time probably publicly on a podcast this is the reason I no longer trust Michael sailor it's also the reason I no longer trust Cynthia Lumis Cynthia Lumis most of the things that she's saying she tells us the things we want to hear but she's keeping guys like a16z and Mark andreon in the game so and and the jackasses from Ripple so that they can
(51:41) keep getting their pack money that's really what the goal is that's what the whole stockpile Reserve bullshit's about this is the reason why Trump is you know showing the world that he's a [ __ ] coiner because he is he knows that he has to replace all the usaid money with something else and that's the game plan I think's going on and I think the thing that worries me about sailor the last year he's done a lot of good things for us but the one bad thing is he keeps harping on this store of value and not you know using it in as currency I'm
(52:16) just going to tell you that that is a very slick way to get people to realize the most important part of Bitcoin is a Loy deal title it means self custody self- custody is a Loy deal title and if you allow somebody to take a Loy deal title away from you you are a [ __ ] idiot and I think we're being conditioned right now by this big corporation that owns 500,000 Bitcoin to be okay with letting Scott bent and coinbase Kraken even you know the one person I trust right now is Caitlyn long because she's the one you know 2018 2019
(52:58) started warning people hey this whole thing about Banks cussing Bitcoin is probably not a good idea and then she's the only person I know that's pointed out why Larry thinkink and lutnick came together about the ETFs why the ETFs are another way for which them to try to control the Bitcoin Market you know in nefarious ways and I think when you see this whole story laid out and where it started the biologic side the biologic side is so incredibly important in this story Marty and that's the reason why I'm very very happy you know
(53:36) that you have highlighted Kevin Kevin is in involved in this he understands you know the 5D warfare that's really going on here I want everybody to know stay and be a decentralized Savage but you need to be way more Vigilant than you think yeah that um yeah you are connecting a lot of Dots here too particularly bringing it back to Kevin and what's happened over the last six months like RFK specifically I mean you ra maau on the Danny Jones podcast and really called it out like it's almost like a limited hangout we're shifting from focus on the
(54:17) Jabs to uh preventative health which everybody knows is a good thing but it has been odd that the focus on uh what I would deem to be a a crime against humanity has been swept under the rug and then even Kevin he's been attacked by people in that sphere Alex baronson specifically who is part of the Twitter files and it seems like anybody is trying to get this information out either gets co-opted or but there's another one Sasha lapa she's uh also a spook um and she has been trying to undercut Kevin for a while Uh Kevin is
(54:52) too nice a guy he's not going to call call it out but you you you probably know from my Twitter uh my mouth's not of [ __ ] Bakery I'm going to go after people when I think they're doing the fairest things to Savages and I look at anybody who owns Bitcoin as a Savage you may not be wise about the mitochondrial Health side of things but I look at it like um I'm that old bitcoiner that's lived through a lot of this stuff and know how this process has been put together I can tell you that I was brought into Bitcoin by somebody
(55:26) who's was being harmed by this DARPA system uh that knew a lot more than you think he he knows and sold it to somebody who now is the modern-day Lee Harvey Oswalt I want people to know really what's going on because I've just made a lot of predictions to you Marty you're going to be able to now follow and track this a lot of things that are going to happen are going to make sense maybe now you can begin to understand why um Larry pagee and lotnik were in the Oval Office with Trump and said hey I think we should start selling warrants
(56:06) you know on vaccines and things we use and we should make money off that I want you to think about how such a shitcoin idea that is when you actually think about it and you know just so you know I made sure I I told people in Bitcoin Clubhouse specifically American hodle and one of the guys working on you know lumus is built Zach Shapiro I said I'm just telling you [ __ ] lutnick is absolutely someone you need to avoid he is a huge problem and when Trump moved him from treasury to uh to Commerce I was like okay still a problem and then when he
(56:44) brings brth in I'm liking dude this guy's chops he's a Fabian he's tied to Allen dullas he's tied to the world economic Forum I like some of the stuff he's talking about with tariffs and things like that and going back to a time you know before the Federal Reserve Act but remember what I told you Marty what's the the real game plan the game plan here is we're going to destroy the rochal Rockefeller control system and we're going to install the technocrats but I want to make sure you know who the technocrats are it's DARPA
(57:16) okay Peter teal works for DARPA Donald Trump works for DARPA JD Vance is DARPA who right that's who's running this game and the more we use technology the worse it is the only like I'll give you another one the salari part chick she's always talking [ __ ] about Bitcoin she doesn't understand that Bitcoin is not like all the other cryptos okay Bitcoin is the only out for this system even if we have technocratic control because it's fully decentralized you can get out but you have to self- custody you can not allow your Bitcoin to be in
(57:59) someone else's hands I I can't stress this enough that the message that is just started to Ooze from sailor mouth for the last year is a problem and maybe now some of you who know dorsy is a good friend of mine why he showed that video on Twitter with Michael becoming an xrp coin now you understand why we are warning you this is the same idea that that big Pharma does with you when you go to the pediatrician and you're sick you expect a pediatrician to write you a prescription we have made that the norm in centralized medicine and I believe
(58:37) what's happening from the people on the inside of Bitcoin is they are trying to make the norm that you're okay calling up the guys from Unchained Capital say ah [ __ ] it let me just put my money with Fidelity or Schwab I don't want you to do that I'm telling you it's a huge risk and you don't real realiz the risk because you don't realize that Dar now has the ability to get your seed phrases and many people I guarantee you Marty when you release this they're going to hear this and go this Jack Cruz is crazy he's this and that go search
(59:15) the guy in in ethereum that just gave up $1.4 billion and and posted he signed a message yeah you got it he posted that he did it I'm going to tell you even something crazy I probably shouldn't say this but I'm going to I'm going to make another prediction for the Marty B podcast within 2 or 3 years you will find out that someone in the ethereum foundation is supporting with huge amounts of money summon in the messenger RNA platform supporting their research mark my words they're not your friends either yeah the uh the narrative is
(59:56) pretty it's funny that we're talking about self- custody and I think The Narrative of Bitcoin is digital real estate it's digital property doesn't compete with the dollar it's been completely misguided I was on stage last week sticking up for Bitcoin as a medium exchange currency that you should self custody going to record with Parker Lewis either layers today or tomorrow on his most recent paper but I I too agree do me a favor do me a favor when you talk to Parker before you hit the record button ask Parker about the last meeting that him
(1:00:27) and I had face to face ask him specifically about it and why I'm asking you to ask I think you'll be very interested because it probably will start some interesting discussions between you and Parker on that podcast yeah the uh I might I might even wait till he's he might be right outside right now I might ask him but go that's beautiful yeah the it is it does feel like we're at this inflection point where at least in the Bitcoin space it seems like Bitcoin has been identified as a threat and people are being placed to sort of
(1:01:01) co-opt and control the threat and I guess my question to you is in your mind what is I mean the best outcome besides people really internalizing that they need to self- custody and not give up their keys like what does an ultimate win in this battle look like against these people trying to force us into this p i i I think the the number one thing uh the way I look at it um and I'm I'm going to take the biologic lens there was a time in Earth's history after we evolved that the human population got down to 70 to 100,000 for
(1:01:38) a variety of different reasons from that 70 to 100,000 we now turned into 8 billion I look at the Bitcoin Community as that 70 to 100,000 doesn't mean the rest of people are going to die they're just going to be the economic slaves okay they're going to be the people that CLA Schwab and DARPA are trying to create and what I'm saying is that if we all stick together and watch each other's backs I look at this Marty you have eyes Parker has eyes dorsy has eyes you are expert at seeing things that Uncle Jack doesn't see but I happen to be expert at
(1:02:16) seeing things that you guys don't see and I think that when we get together and do podcasts like this I think when we get together and we share each other's tweets I think when we sit down on say stages together and we have discussions like this to me this is the stuff that we should be talking about in Bitcoin meetings that nobody wants to talk about because we are our own country without a border and I think we proved the world that when we got Trump elected we were the ones that pushed him over the line the problem is if if we're being honest
(1:02:57) a lot of the [ __ ] coiners helped us that's why the [ __ ] coiners got David Sachs that's why they've co-opted lumus that's why they've got a seat at the table and I don't think as Maxis we can be upset with that why because remember we're the Predators they're the prey Predators always need prey we actually need the [ __ ] coiners to do stuff like this so I look at this new Society building that we are the Masters and the [ __ ] coiners are our cows and we are going to use them to build a new world that we live in if
(1:03:37) other people want to come into it the price of admission is simple just buy Bitcoin that's all you need to do we're not asking you to do anything else but once you come into the tribe and you understand what we're about that we're about sovereignty freedom and that we take it to the end degree we even go past what's in the Second Amendment and the things that I'm worried about the Second Amendment is meant to protect yourself from cute lead toxicity what I'm trying to tell you now Marty is that they're not coming after us with
(1:04:10) guns because they know we'd shoot them they're coming after us with needles to kill us and they're using electromagnetic radiation to do this silently so that we have no earthly idea what's really going on and I'm going to tell you the big risk that I see with bitcoiners all of you [ __ ] are addicted to technology like I can't tell you how sick to my stomach I get when I see all the Apple things in your ears and all the other [ __ ] look I I told Matias coocher is you know the head of Prague last year when I got on the stage
(1:04:45) I said dude this stage will kill anybody with all the light you got on it so I'm going back there this year so is Kevin me and Kevin are going to be speaking in Prague and I told Matias when me and Kevin come on you make sure that it's all red light you put red light on the stage and I said then we'll be AOK okay why because really Marty the message that I want to get to people is actually the message that I'm delivering to you on this podcast I want every bit corn to know you don't have to like me I just want want to make sure that you have
(1:05:15) Windex on your glass eyes and you know who the enemies really are I want to make sure that you are an informed individual I look at this podcast and delivering it to you I'm doing my informed consent with you I look at you as my patient why because you own Bitcoin Bitcoin is the money of decentralized medicine and you potentially are a future client of the doctors that I'm training and I am trying to protect a flock that I think is the most valuable flock on the planet why because you are first principal thinkers you're decentralized ized I
(1:05:57) just need to get you decentralized everywhere and I want people to to know that the reason I'm a hard ass even on people that are doing good things I mean you know that I've gone after Whitney and I've gone after Mark in several places the reason why is half truths always lead to full Lies We need to understand our enemy dude just look at Sun Zoo's book about The Art of War everything I've told you in this podcast is actually about that book you don't know what this enemy is capable of doing and they are using an angle of attack
(1:06:40) that none of you are prepared for not one of you in fact most of you are walking right into their hands because all of you are addicted to what the technocrats are selling you yeah and I can I can see a lot of people listening to this like it's crazy but to me it's like they've literally going back to Havana syndrome that was somewhat of a quote unquote conspiracy theory for the longest times and and then it was made apparent like yes this is happening then in the defense Tech startup world I mean Joe Lonsdale has talked about this
(1:07:12) pretty openly on CNBC like they're actively building microwave technology to do things I mean they Market it as we're going to shoot down drones and um sort of fry people well that's the utopian side of it but the dystopian side you need to know how it works so like I just wrote a Blog yesterday cuz I knew I was coming on with you um I decided to write this blog right before I'm getting ready to talk to a group of um older bitcoiners that have a lot of money tomorrow and they asked me many of them are involved in the defense industry
(1:07:47) they're like we want to know we know that we've worked on this project but we want to know exactly how it works so you brought up the the issue with Vana syndrome I'm going to explain to you exactly how this works and why the tech is so ingenious inside your ca you have a melanin sheet sounds crazy to you it's inside a bone that you use for hearing tied to the endolymphatic sack what you don't know it also is a place that doesn't have a bloodb brain barrier so when they use puls electromagnetic radiation depending on the frequency
(1:08:22) that depends on what you get this sleep what is the ultimate end point in your brain it causes a traumatic brain injury why because this isn't the way the system was evolved to work it was evolved to work differently but they have now disconnected your antenna your GPS system in your brain how did they do that by putting these heavy Atomic elements inside your CSF what does that do it ruins the Fidelity of the antenna system if you think that this is crazy just so you understand your Thalamus in the center of your brain is known as
(1:08:57) where all the five senses come in your Thalamus is actually what allows you to connect to the Sun and the Earth to create biologic rhythms you've heard of those called the circadian rhythms do you know what the emission of the thalamus is 7.83 Hertz you know what that is that's the Schuman Resonance of the Earth where does that come from Marty that's when the solar wind hits our ionosphere you make an aurora electricity comes down in lightning the ionosphere that we live in on this tectonic surface is like the inside of a
(1:09:30) guitar every time electricity hits the planet it creates a waveform that waveform is 7.83 Hertz your brain every living thing let me be clear about this every living thing on the planet emits this Alpha wave what what did MK Ultra SRI and the brain health initiative teach DARPA that if you disconnect people from that signal you can take over the controls of the brain so what did they do then once they take that away then they start using directed energy weapons to Target different senses in you and what's the ultimate
(1:10:08) effect they started to do this at scale in the Iraq War do you want to know why all these guys came back in the theater with PTSD that's the reason why now I'm not going to tell you this but I left my practice in Nashville because I knew this was going on I've never told anybody this I went to Mississippi specifically to work at the Hattisburg Clinic do you know why I went Hattisburg Clinic had uh a government contract with the military where people would come and go from the theater you know what that allowed me to do it allowed me to
(1:10:41) examine people pre and post for these injuries got it and then when I left there where did I go opened up a TBI clinic in New Orleans so if you don't think that Uncle Jack has been working on this for a long time you're out your [ __ ] mind and then how was I able to do all this Marty I wasn't connected to the system I don't give a [ __ ] about your Fiat money Bitcoin is what allowed me to stay outside this system and do this that's the key and that's what you need to understand that's the reason why I actually care about you guys more
(1:11:24) than I care about my Fiat friends my Fiat friends have made a decision to stay plugged into the system that is going to taper the Ponzi scheme Marty I've tried to tell them in no uncertain terms I can tell you I've told Rick Ruben this story Jack dorsy his orange pilled Rick we've been telling him and telling him and telling him it's hard for people to Fathom that this stuff's going on there but guess what when you look up fry syndrome or microwave syndrome you'll find out that I'm exactly right that they can use
(1:12:01) pulse microwave to make voices in your head and you know what the irony is when you talk to people who have had this problem I've talked to so many solders with this problem they have actually heard people voices coming from the center of their head do you know why because that's where the phalus is emitting the antenna signals so guess what the people that have melanin in their brain they're the ones that actually can harm the government the government does they want to stay completely clandestine and convert
(1:12:35) that's the reason why people need to upgrade their melanin systems it makes you more resistant at this so if you want to keep your seed phrases clean 30 years from now if you're the one of those people that keeps it in your head then you better make sure that you live inside the tropics and that you're outside like a rotisserie chicken uh I'm going to tell you the people that have to worry the most are people that lived in geoengineered cities if you want to know the reason why the cities are being geoengineered remember if you don't use
(1:13:08) processed food if you don't use supplements if you don't use drugs what's the next way to get you geoengineer it the [ __ ] falls out of the sky and goes right in the ethmoid sinus in the roof of your nose where your pituitary has no blood brain barrier dude they have thought of it all they're that good and some of these people that came back from the theater at this military base I used to take CSF samples from them and I would send them to a place not to do an MRI of their brain I do nuclear magnetic resonance of their
(1:13:44) CSF to look for those atoms guess what I didn't see one person that came back with PTSD that didn't have those atoms in their CSF so Marty you want to take a guess now why Uncle Jack lives in El Salvador increase that melanin you want to take a guess why the FBI CIA and DARPA has been to visit uncle jack a lot in the last 10 or 12 years they wanted to know exactly what I told you in this podcast they wanted to know how much I knew well guess what now you know why I didn't want to go talk to Rick and uberman because when you allow this [ __ ]
(1:14:22) to come out dude this this it's not a good place to be remember what voler said when you start to talk against the people in power it's a huge issue and am I worried about it yeah now I know that the globalists the people in DARPA are now come in El Salvador you don't believe it remember the adopting Bitcoin uh meeting that we had here in November MH Sergey Bren magically turned my feed off I was the only person that got turned off from the stage did you know that I did not know that on YouTube ask ask Nico Nico
(1:15:01) and his partner they couldn't believe it everybody else Max and Stacy had no problem but Uncle Jack the internet got turned off in El saladar H that is fascinating the because I've seen this too like Cody Cody Wilson from defense distributed he's described it the same way where he was 24 the volair quote really made me think of it um where he was just naive interested in the stuff and passionate about it and then they went and dragged him through the mud for better part of a decade and he's still fighting but this
(1:15:37) uh this death athletic this athletic death that individuals really end up having to having to produce to get this information out there is um well I have to put all almost all of my stuff behind a pay wall why because you you mentioned before about the c means Danny Jones and Mary T Bowen podcast I just want make sure you you understand I think Mary is one of those people that bitcoiners are going to hire but remember what happened to her she still plugged into the Fiat side she doesn't understand Bitcoin yet she just
(1:16:15) had to pay $266,000 to protect herself from the Texas Medical Board MH Dar is weaponizing medical boards and Hospital bylaws against doctors who fall out of line if you want to know the truth that's really what's going on with Mary but Mary doesn't know it I want you guys to know it because guess what Mary is going to be a good guy she's trying to help you guys avoid the problems as much as I hate a guy like Peter McCormack because I do I don't like him at all I think he's a real problem Peter took a couple of Jabs so he could go all over the
(1:16:50) world and talk Peter needs Mary tally Bowen more than you can know she's trying to make Ivor meon over the counter everywhere in the world Peter's never going to get the drugs that he needs because he took those jobs and he has no idea what his real risk is and I told you I don't like him but remember Marty he part of our family you know what that means that means I have a duty to make sure because he's got a big mouth maybe he can save some of those communist bastards in the EU by getting them to buy Bitcoin and get off their
(1:17:21) Fiat I mean it's the truth and we need we need to look at ourselves as a decentralized army because that's really what we are and we we are aligned because we have our Loy deal title what I want is I need to keep you guys as healthy as healthy can be what am I most interested in in bitcoiners head up okay I I want you to guys to be so freaking smart and become first principal thinkers because I'm just going to tell you it's it's just not good enough to be intelligent you you have to realize that first principle thinking is decentralized
(1:18:06) thinking it's it's the thing that will keep you out of making mistakes in your life like why you won't take affiliate codes why you won't you know sell supplements to hurt somebody this is the reason why I do things that are crazy like people ask me all the time Jack why don't you tell people who's got the best red light cuz the best red light's the [ __ ] Sun okay that's the reason why Jack why don't you let us advertise on you know different things on your site you know with you know our paleo snacks or our carnivore snacks because you're
(1:18:39) [ __ ] I've put in an MRI scanner and it's got [ __ ] bad [ __ ] in it and I know that almost every bitcoiner out there uses Apple iPods I don't want you guys [ __ ] using this stuff but you know it sounds crazy when I come out against Peter AA Ronda Patrick and I say the things that I say or even uberman they have no idea why I'm telling you what I'm telling you because I have had to be clandestine that's why most of my stuff is behind patreon when you guys go read my Quantum engineering series and you're a
(1:19:11) bitcoiner you may not know a lot of science but you know what you're going to do after you hear this podcast you're going to go Jack just taught us absolutely everything that we're going to need to know for the next 50 years how to avoid this technocratic system that's replacing the rils and Rockefellers because I got news you you wonder how much power this system has you know the guys that put their fingers on the nuclear codes they're worthless too nuclear weapons are worthless in this Jason Jason Lowry hasn't even gone far
(1:19:43) enough his his book he ain't where I'm at why because if you can control the people that control the nuclear codes what good are the bombs you can use them anytime you can have somebody who's not even in the tight Circle start the whole mix so like the story of what's going on in Ukraine right now the story that's what's going on in Russia bro one of the things that Trump has done that I think is good uh I don't think Russia is our enemy I think the people in Ukraine the people in the Middle East and at Desert those are the
(1:20:21) people that are our enemy those are the people we need to be really careful with and those are the people that keep pushing us to all these wars we need to stay out of Wars we need to focus on building our country back but the Savages that are in that country need to understand they need to build build citadels to protect themselves from the people that are in Washington DC and the Pentagon why Thomas Jefferson John Adams all those dudes in the Federalist paper they were right it's the bankers now the technocrats I'm going to tell
(1:20:57) you when we come together at Bitcoin meetings we need to have a continental congress but it needs to be filled with bitcoiners Parker Lewis is one of the perfect people I think for you to talk to after talking to me because Parker gets this Parker understands um I think he he really gets that we need to get a Core group of bitcoiners to understand that our biggest risk right now isn't the people that I think think the old Cipher punks were worried about the bankers are are now Small Potatoes the guys that are in the
(1:21:33) Pentagon are the ones we got to worry about yeah I completely agree on the getting immersed in wars in Ukraine or Israel is what I tweeted out last night it's her true policy to steer clear permanent alliance with any po portion of the foreign world was George Washington in his farewell speech we need to get out that's why I love coming on and talk to you because look I follow your tweets I know you and I you can tell the the people out here you and I have never met we've never talked but we kind of have we both have
(1:22:07) an ambient awareness of who each other is and the ethos that you put in that tweet is exactly where I come from George Washington easily could have been a monarch for what he did in the American Revolution but what did he do he said no he goes I don't want to become what I just replaced he goes if we're going to do this we need to do it right the documents are out there let's follow the documents and what I'm saying I guess to you very clearly and as I told you before my mouth's not a bakery our founding document is that white paper
(1:22:43) don't forget it and make sure that the people that are around you that you trust the most that they see it that way too and those are the people that we build our world around we can still have our world in the middle of this Fiat [ __ ] storm I I don't need the government to have an spr I don't need the government to own Bitcoin why I need [ __ ] Savages to own Bitcoin and I need Savages to know that they have to perform Supreme self- custody I mean you ask Parker Lewis I've probably sent him more people than you can imagine in in
(1:23:19) Nashville one of his guys came up to me said Jack we'd like to do something for you you know off the cuff you know what I told him said [ __ ] that I'm I'm not interested you take care of these Savages that's all I want you to do these are our people these are the people that we're going to build this world around and dude I believe that like it's it's part of my DNA it's part of the reason that I've said publicly that Kevin mckernan he doesn't need a Nobel Prize because the Nobel Prize isn't good enough for him he needs a decentralized
(1:23:56) Nobel Prize we in Bitcoin need to come up with a prize for people like Kevin maybe we all chip in and it's one Bitcoin a year that we give to somebody who represents what we want that way we can resonate out to the Fiat cucks out there what we're about I completely agree own the frame own the award own the narrative I think uh I think this this conversation is going to be big for the narrative and hopefully it's the first of many because I think uh the the noise is only going to increase from here as things accelerate and like you
(1:24:40) were saying on the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve that my newsletter this morning was the real strategic Bitcoin Reserve is the Bitcoin held in wallets of the public um individuals that make up that public that's the true and now I totally agree with that I'm glad you know this is more proof that Quantum biology is acting through this global electric Network you write that and then I come on here and we talk about it but neither one of us talked about it beforehand that's quantum entanglement my friend it's just like the story you know that I
(1:25:12) told um uberman and Rick and I told breed love about the kid with uh that got killed and whose heart was in someone else about the french fries it's exactly the same thing people don't are saying that brains can be yolked together and it turns out DARPA figured this out and they're trying to steal that connection they are trying to come in and control Us in ways that you guys can only uh um you can't even fathom and as long as we keep our connection strong and we keep resonating with each other we're all like tuning Forks that are out
(1:25:46) there um and I don't expect everybody to know the hardcore science you want to learn it I will teach it to you on patreon but I think the single most important part of the story is for people to listen to the what you and I have been talking about for an hour and a half that you don't have to like somebody to still be in battle with them and that's how I look at bit Corners you know just like your family you know you got a brother-in-law you can't [ __ ] stand or a mother-in-law you can't stand doesn't mean when the
(1:26:17) chips are down you know you're going to throw him in a wood shipper you just may talk [ __ ] about him at you know Thanksgiving but I feel the same way about some of my patients you know I treat them like drill sergeant why I'm trying to get them ready for the battle that's coming that most of them don't understand you know what the Art of War that DARPA can use against us and once you're aware of what your enemy is capable of then guess what they can't hurt you because you'll know how to counter their moves and here's the crazy
(1:26:52) thing Marty what I learned in studying MK Ultra SRI and the brain health initiative that all one needs to do is make like the Sphinx and eat like a great white shark it's the simplest decentralized message you could ever imagine ground every morning look to the Sun and make sure you get enough Sun so that you can absorb anything they throw at you and I mean that literally and figuratively if you do got you're good I think a lot of people at least in my circle and Bin are take have been taking your advice to Heart Sun steel
(1:27:34) stay away from Big Pharma eat eat Pure Foods that's it's certainly affecting my life I'm gonna say one more thing that I think I need to say and I don't this could be a rhetorical question or you can get into it tell you one of my big concerns one of my big concerns is when we get our meetings and we come together I think we're becoming fish in a barrel for them I think we need to start thinking about doing our meetings from now on in a decentralized fashion I think we need to do it like this um online only uh and I
(1:28:09) think we need to separate up just like the federal government doesn't keep everybody together on inauguration day um I think we need to be a little bit smarter about that I completely agree and uh David Bailey's probably gonna hate this but sorry Dr Cruz thank you Jack Uncle Jack start calling you Uncle Jack thank you for this again hopefully the first of many um I've got a lot to digest here but I think uh I'm picking up what you're putting down good I'm glad to hear it the um yeah a lot of information freaks what
(1:28:50) I what I would say is take it in don't be openly skeptical and no I want you to be skeptical I want you to be a bitcoiner but just remember for for the new bitcoiners that maybe haven't heard me before maybe I'm the first time they're hearing for me is because it's your audience I gave you a lot of things that you can go and look and fact check Uncle Jack you're going to find out there's one thing you'll find out about me I do my homework I do it a lot better than you think and um when I connect the dots for
(1:29:21) you and trust me have I have I delivered this message to the highest levels of government yes I have do I trust any politician no I do not now I'm watching that I've injected the chaos into them to see what they do we'll see how it goes but right now I don't trust any of them yeah correct phrase be skeptical but also have an open mind Dr Jack Cruz thank you so much no problem anytime Mario it's pleasure my pleasure peace and love freaks than do