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423: Retirement Funds In The Age Of Bitcoin with Matt Dines
TFTC Podcast

423: Retirement Funds In The Age Of Bitcoin with Matt Dines

Many people are aware of the problems that plague public pensions and the social security program in America today, but not many are focused on the stress that private retirement accounts are under and what that means for Boomers who are quickly approaching retirement.

by Marty Bent


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423: Retirement Funds In The Age Of Bitcoin with Matt Dines
TFTC Podcast

423: Retirement Funds In The Age Of Bitcoin with Matt Dines

Many people are aware of the problems that plague public pensions and the social security program in America today, but not many are focused on the stress that private retirement accounts are under and what that means for Boomers who are quickly approaching retirement.

May 31, 2023
by Marty Bent
421: The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal with Michael Rectenwald
TFTC Podcast

421: The Great Reset and the Grand Refusal with Michael Rectenwald

There is a concerted effort under way to cattle herd humanity into a digital panopticon. Many in charge of governments and corporations if the world are pushing the Great Reset forward using ESG as a Trojan horse to force certain behaviors on markets. Dr. Michael Rectenwald is here to call

May 17, 2023
by Marty Bent
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