With runaway debt, massive amounts of unrealized losses on the balance sheets of banks, and sticky inflation it hasn't impossible to think that we are well on the way toward a hyperinflationary event in the US.
Catch up with everything that happened this week in the bitcoin mining industry.
Could a recently disclosed CVE bug on the lightning network prove to be too much to overcome?
It’s not just another asset – in the digital age, it’s the Last Trade that investors will ever need to make.
Will we avoid a future driven by AI-powered tyranny or will people wake up and start using freedom tech to remove themselves from the chess board?
The future of bitcoin will be built on multisig quorums with risk distributed among different institutions.
We discuss the pressing issue of crypto fees, how to think about L2 designs for Bitcoin, criticisms of BIP 300/301 and why Bitcoin miners arn’t more involved in Bitcoin governance.
Today we are joined by Tatum and Matt to talk about Lancium and Foreman’s on-going litigation around demand response, Inscribing WikiLeaks documents on Bitcoin, BitVMs potential for mining and the NY Times latest Bitcoin mining slander against Chinese Bitcoin miners.
If bitcoin adoption is going to increase the tools that allow people and businesses to receive bitcoin in return for goods and services need to improve dramatically.
Steve and Daniel joined the show to explain how UTXOracle works, what it could potentially enable, and other awe inspiring aspects of the bitcoin network.
Bitcoin money market funds could provide a robust alternative to these markets due to the nature of the scarcity of bitcoin and the distributed network it runs on.
Jessica joined us in the studio to discuss the documentary about the saga, Death Athletic: A Dissident Architecture, the importance of the battles that Cody Wilson and Defense Distributed fought, how the battle still wages on, and the very essence of freedom in the digital age.
Godfrey joins the show to discuss the ills of central banking and the increasing encroachments on civil liberties by the governments of the United Kingdom and the United States