Issue #1345: Mike Green still doesn't get it
No amount of collaboration with the government and the Federal Reserve would result in a digital currency that respected liberty and kept central planners away from the levers of control.
No amount of collaboration with the government and the Federal Reserve would result in a digital currency that respected liberty and kept central planners away from the levers of control.
Keep telling the truth. It's going to pay off massively for you as the fiat system crumbles.
It is time for our generation to come to grips with reality.
Luckily for us, bitcoin is here to de-fang their ability to debase our savings and self-fund their sadistic war mongering across the world.
Each individual making these decisions independently, at the same time, all across the world. It really is a beautiful thing. Truly free markets for block space with real-time, dynamic pricing signals.
Everywhere one looks things look absolutely terrible for the US financial system. This feels like the endgame.
To any of the freedom hating governments out there reading this on our dirty corner of the internet, good luck!
Bhutan going public with their bitcoin accumulation strategy is a data point that lends credence to the belief that hyperbitcoinization is likely to start at the edges.
No amount of collaboration with the government and the Federal Reserve would result in a digital currency that respected liberty and kept central planners away from the levers of control.
Keep telling the truth. It's going to pay off massively for you as the fiat system crumbles.
It is time for our generation to come to grips with reality.
Luckily for us, bitcoin is here to de-fang their ability to debase our savings and self-fund their sadistic war mongering across the world.
Each individual making these decisions independently, at the same time, all across the world. It really is a beautiful thing. Truly free markets for block space with real-time, dynamic pricing signals.
Everywhere one looks things look absolutely terrible for the US financial system. This feels like the endgame.
To any of the freedom hating governments out there reading this on our dirty corner of the internet, good luck!
Bhutan going public with their bitcoin accumulation strategy is a data point that lends credence to the belief that hyperbitcoinization is likely to start at the edges.
"Fed speak" is something that is taken very seriously.
This comment from the Bank of England may seem like an overt acknowledgement that a central bank has complete control over your purchasing power, because it is.
Bitcoin is a forcing function for accountability.
Do not bend the knee. Ridicule the Maoists and do it with pride.
The United States federal government may be a lost cause, but many of us Americans have a lot left to give in terms of innovation, productivity and prosperity.