How-To Guide: Setting Up and Using the Bitkey Hardware Wallet
Bitcoin made easy to use and hard to lose.
Bitcoin made easy to use and hard to lose.
Aqua Wallet is a versatile and user-friendly mobile Bitcoin wallet available for Android and iOS. It allows users to interact with Bitcoin through various networks, including on-chain, Lightning, and Liquid networks.
Creating and maintaining a positive mental attitude is essential for achieving success and happiness in life. The following guide, derived from a comprehensive discussion on the subject on the After Skool YouTube Channel, provides a step-by-step approach to help you cultivate a positive mindset.
Coinos is a user-friendly web wallet for bitcoin that provides a variety of payment options, including a merchant point-of-sale terminal.
This guide is a follow-up to a previous discussion on how monetary systems scale and is aimed at those already somewhat familiar with Bitcoin.
In this guide, we'll cover the essential steps and precautions you should take when using bitcoin hardware wallets, managing self-custody, and securing your recovery seeds.
If you're a Bitcoin holder and take custody of your funds, UTXOs is crucial to avoid hefty fees later on. This guide will help you understand and implement UTXO management to consolidate your Bitcoin holdings efficiently, balancing cost savings with privacy considerations.
This guide is based on Uncle Rockstar's video explaining how to enable and utilize Payjoin and CoinJoin functionalities in BTCPay Server. It's aimed at Bitcoin users who wish to increase the privacy of their transactions when withdrawing coins from exchanges or for other purposes.