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Human Rights Foundation Grants 10 BTC to 13 Bitcoin Projects

Human Rights Foundation Grants 10 BTC to 13 Bitcoin Projects

Jun 5, 2024

Human Rights Foundation Grants 10 BTC to 13 Bitcoin Projects

The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) has donated 10 Bitcoin to 13 different projects across the world through its Bitcoin Development Fund. This round of funding underscores HRF's commitment to fostering education, privacy, development of the Lightning Network, decentralized communications, and financial autonomy, particularly in regions under authoritarian rule.

The grants are poised to make significant impacts in Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, with a keen focus on initiatives that provide human rights groups and nonprofits with the tools for financial freedom.

Among the recipients, RoboSats stands out as a privacy-centric, KYC-free platform that facilitates the exchange of Bitcoin for national currencies via the Lightning Network. This Tor-only system is particularly beneficial for users in oppressive regimes. The funding will aid its further development, including the creation of an Android app and the enhancement of its social media presence.

In India, the Bitshala Internship Program is set to receive support for its efforts in educating Bitcoin developers. This grassroots initiative is crucial in a country grappling with financial restraint, providing mentorship and resources to students. The grant will help establish a community center in Bangalore, reminiscent of Bitcoin Park and Chaincode Labs.

Ideas Beyond Borders' initiative, Building Bridges to Bitcoin, aims to empower the youth in the Middle East and North Africa with Bitcoin knowledge through Arabic educational materials. The grant will assist in the translation and publication of these resources, as well as cover management expenses.

The Caribbean-focused Flash project is developing a Nostr-enabled Lightning wallet to connect island economies. This historically underbanked region will benefit from improved access to global markets and Bitcoin liquidity. Support from HRF will advance Flash's development and local business integration.

Bitcoin Seoul is a conference designed to deepen the understanding of Bitcoin in Korea. Funding will contribute to open-source projects and provide a meeting point for North Korean defectors and Bitcoin developers to discuss human rights in the DPRK.

The HRF grant will also support Margot Paez’s research into the intersection of Bitcoin mining, human rights, and sovereignty, examining the potential for mining to support civil liberties by reducing energy system corruption and providing electricity to those in need.

Validating Lightning Signer (VLS) is an open-source initiative aimed at bolstering the security of the Lightning Network. The funding will hire a full-time Rust developer to enhance this project, which facilitates financial autonomy by allowing users to run their own Lightning nodes more securely.

Other beneficiaries include OpenSats, a 501(c)(3) charity that funds open-source projects and research; The Core, a Kenyan non-profit offering Bitcoin education; Terry Yiu, working on Nostr-related projects; Paulo Sacramento, exploring the implications of Brazil's Pix system for Bitcoin uptake; Blockchain Commons, developing the FROST security protocol; and Summer of Bitcoin, a global internship program for university students.

The distribution of these grants by HRF demonstrates a significant investment in the global Bitcoin ecosystem, promoting education, development, and adoption of Bitcoin as a tool for financial freedom and human rights, especially in regions afflicted by authoritarian rule. The initiative is expected to have a ripple effect, empowering individuals and organizations worldwide to harness the benefits of Bitcoin.

HRF Announcement


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