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Foundry Announces New Bitcoin Mining Support Hardware

Foundry Announces New Bitcoin Mining Support Hardware

Jun 21, 2024
Bitcoin Mining

Foundry Announces New Bitcoin Mining Support Hardware

Bitcoin miner Foundry has announced the launch of a new business wing named Foundry Hardware, which will produce ancillary mining equipment. The new venture is set to offer proprietary power supply units, immersion optimization kits, and control boards aimed at optimizing mining systems and improving operational uptime efficiency, as detailed in a press release issued on June 21, 2024.

As reported by TheMinerMag, the senior vice president of mining services at Foundry, MK Sathya, emphasized the importance of the new product line, stating, "Our decision to enter the hardware market was driven by our desire to provide innovative products aimed at making miners' lives easier through simpler maintenance while continuing to focus on improving mining efficiency and uptime reliability." Sathya also highlighted the flexibility of the hardware, noting it is usable on multiple models of mining machines.

Foundry Hardware's launch comes in the wake of bitcoin's fourth halving event, which has seen a reduction in the hash price and fees for pool operators, making the efficiency of mining operations more critical than ever. Additionally, the slowing pace of efficiency improvements in bitcoin ASIC chips has heightened the value of ancillary software services and hardware equipment for maintaining optimal efficiency and stability.

The suite of products announced includes a Power Supply Unit (PSU) with a heavy-duty and versatile design supporting multiple mining models, an Immersion Optimization Kit tailored for immersion systems, and a Control Board that provides real-time tuning and miner performance optimization.

Foundry has disclosed plans to showcase its new products at the upcoming Mining Disrupt conference in Miami.

TheMinerMag Article

Foundry Press Release


Current Block Height

Current Mempool Size

Current Difficulty
