This Week in Bitcoin.
Thought of the week from Marty Bent:
Three letter agencies are enemies of the American people.
Thought of the week from ODELL:
It is great that many are skeptical of Binance. Users should not trust custodians and should withdraw bitcoin from all custodians ASAP. That said, do not let Binance concerns distract us from the fact that Barry Silbert still owes Gemini users $900M. Gemini Earn withdrawals have been frozen for over a month.
Gemini is one of the most regulated exchanges in the world. Digital Currency Group is one of the most regulated bitcoin holding companies in the world. Retail was told they were the safe option. Meanwhile, withdrawals remain frozen for Gemini Earn users and Barry Silbert still owes them $900M.
The cause of these issues is not lack of regulation but rather lack of user education. Bitcoin held on exchanges are often frozen, lost, or stolen. Learn how to hold bitcoin yourself.