The documentary "MY TRUST IN YOU IS BROKEN" details BTCPay Server's origin during the Block Size Wars and its dedication to Bitcoin's decentralization ethos.
On May 22, 2024, in commemoration of Bitcoin Pizza Day, BTCPay Server released its documentary "MY TRUST IN YOU IS BROKEN" on YouTube. The documentary provides an in-depth look at the origins and development of the open-source bitcoin payment processor BTCPay Server, which arose during a tumultuous time in Bitcoin's history known as the Block Size Wars.
The feature-length documentary, directed by Parker Worthington, originally premiered at the Bitcoin Film Fest in Warsaw, Poland, on April 19. It explores the founding of BTCPay Server by Nicolas Dorier as a reaction to BitPay's controversial support for SegWit2x—a proposed but ultimately failed increase to Bitcoin's block size limit.
The film spans 42 minutes and delves into the technical and philosophical challenges that arose during the Block Size Wars of 2017. It highlights the risks associated with relying on third parties and underscores the importance of verifying transactions within the Bitcoin network. The documentary features interviews with BTCPay Server contributors and key moments from Bitcoin events, offering a comprehensive perspective on the platform's evolution.
In a Twitter announcement, BTCPay Server remarked, "Close out #Bitcoin Pizza Day 🍕 by watching the story of how our project arose from the ashes of Block size Wars." The documentary is also available for download on Pirate Bay.
BTCPay documentary #MYTRUSTINYOUISBROKEN is now live on YouTube!
— BTCPay Server (@BtcpayServer) May 23, 2024
Close out #Bitcoin Pizza Day 🍕 by watching the story of how our project arose from the ashes of Block size Wars.
If you also want a copy, search for torrent, it's on Pirate Bay as well ✊ pic.twitter.com/rnpHzPpVaF
The release of "MY TRUST IN YOU IS BROKEN" allows viewers to witness the journey of BTCPay Server from its inception to its current status as a community-driven platform celebrated for privacy and autonomy features. The documentary captures the essence of the Bitcoin community's resilience and commitment to decentralization.