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Bitcoin Defines Digital Property: A Paradigm Shift with Parker Lewis & Will Cole

Mar 21, 2024

Bitcoin Defines Digital Property: A Paradigm Shift with Parker Lewis & Will Cole

Bitcoin Defines Digital Property:  A Paradigm Shift with Parker Lewis & Will Cole

Key Takeaways

In Preston Pysh's latest podcast episode with Parker Lewis & Will Cole, the conversation revolves around the essence of money, the relationship between property and money, and the inherent risks of emerging digital assets, particularly NFTs and associated scams. The hosts discuss the importance of Bitcoin as a unique form of property that also functions as money because of its ease of transfer and its ability to facilitate transactions of any size, from small everyday purchases to large asset acquisitions.

The discussion also touches upon the psychology behind investing in Bitcoin, highlighting how fear of missing out and a lack of understanding can lead people to fall prey to scams. The hosts emphasize the need for educating oneself about Bitcoin, drawing parallels between the learning curve associated with Bitcoin and that of learning to drive a car.

Moreover, the episode delves into the market dynamics of Bitcoin, its adoption curve, and its potential future valuation. The hosts scrutinize the notion of Bitcoin's market cap in relation to the global monetary supply and credit systems, suggesting that Bitcoin's current valuation is minuscule when compared to the total global credit market, and thus, we are still early in its adoption phase.

Finally, the podcast covers the complexities surrounding Bitcoin mining and its impact on energy prices and the economy. The hosts challenge the common misconception that Bitcoin mining is detrimental to the environment, instead arguing that it incentivizes the development of more efficient energy infrastructure and could potentially reduce electricity costs.

Best Quotes

  1. "Money is property, but not all property is money." This quote demystifies the common confusion between property and money, explaining that while all money must have the properties of a good asset, not all assets can serve as money due to their lack of liquidity and ease of transfer.
  2. "Bitcoin is hard to understand. And on top of it being hard to understand, people feel late. And then if they're told a story about art or digital, it's easier for their mind to map to it, then they can try to play catch up." This quote highlights the cognitive challenges people face when trying to grasp the concept of Bitcoin and the psychological traps that can lead to poor investment decisions.
  3. "If an adoption wave of Bitcoin happens and say ten X, the number of people start demanding Bitcoin as property or money, and you can't create any more of it... then you have to bid the price up in order to deliver value to an existing holder of the currency to then get your fixed percentage of the pie." This quote provides insight into the supply and demand dynamics that drive Bitcoin's price and its deflationary nature.
  4. "It's not rocket science. It really isn't. And it's pick up a book... Bitcoin is not the most complex thing in the world. It's also not easy to understand. It just needs some dedicated attention and intentionality." This quote encourages listeners to educate themselves about Bitcoin, asserting that while it may seem complex, it is accessible to those who make the effort to understand it.
  5. "Bitcoin's interplay into the energy markets is actually one that to date, and probably for the foreseeable future, will be drastically lowering the price of electricity." This quote challenges the narrative that Bitcoin mining is energy-intensive and harmful, arguing instead that it contributes to the stabilization and cost reduction of energy grids.


In conclusion, the podcast episode presents a nuanced exploration of Bitcoin's role as both property and money, its place in the current financial system, and its potential for future growth. The hosts call for a deeper understanding of Bitcoin's principles and advocate for education to avoid the pitfalls of scams. They also provide a counter-narrative to the environmental concerns associated with Bitcoin mining, suggesting that it could lead to more sustainable energy practices. The overarching message is clear: Bitcoin presents a paradigm shift in the way we perceive and use money, and despite its growing pains, it offers a vision of a more secure and efficient financial future for all. As we continue to witness Bitcoin's evolution, the discussions on its implications, benefits, and challenges will undoubtedly shape our collective financial literacy and decision-making.


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