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Peter St Onge

Daily videos on Economics and Freedom | Economist at Heritage | Fellow the Mises Institute | former MBA professor, ex-bartender | Videos & articles at

The Rich get Richer. Thanks to the Fed.

The Rich get Richer. Thanks to the Fed.

The Federal Reserve's pandemic-era policies have dramatically increased wealth inequality, enriching the top 1% to $45 trillion through extensive money printing and financial market support.

by Peter St Onge
Fiscal Collapse Accelerates

Fiscal Collapse Accelerates

The U.S. Treasury's accelerated debt issuance, reaching staggering levels reminiscent of the pandemic, signals a looming fiscal crisis.

by Peter St Onge
Will AI Cause Massive Deflation?

Will AI Cause Massive Deflation?

There is zero change we'll have durable deflation. Because the Fed will soak it up and then some. In fact, China's doing this as we speak, printing hand over fist to soak up its over-capacity-driven deflation.

by Peter St Onge
Inflation's Back. And it's Worldwide again.

Inflation's Back. And it's Worldwide again.

After months of mainstream victory laps – including Paul Krugman's famous "inflation is over. We won at at very little cost" – it turns out inflation's not dead after all. It's not even resting.

by Peter St Onge


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The Rich get Richer. Thanks to the Fed.

The Rich get Richer. Thanks to the Fed.

The Federal Reserve's pandemic-era policies have dramatically increased wealth inequality, enriching the top 1% to $45 trillion through extensive money printing and financial market support.

Apr 12, 2024
by Peter St Onge
Fed Admits Losing $114 Billion

Fed Admits Losing $114 Billion

The Federal Reserve reports an historic operating loss of $114 billion, the third largest bankruptcy event in U.S. history.

Apr 5, 2024
by Peter St Onge
Fiscal Collapse Accelerates

Fiscal Collapse Accelerates

The U.S. Treasury's accelerated debt issuance, reaching staggering levels reminiscent of the pandemic, signals a looming fiscal crisis.

Mar 29, 2024
by Peter St Onge
Will AI Cause Massive Deflation?

Will AI Cause Massive Deflation?

There is zero change we'll have durable deflation. Because the Fed will soak it up and then some. In fact, China's doing this as we speak, printing hand over fist to soak up its over-capacity-driven deflation.

Feb 2, 2024
by Peter St Onge
Inflation's Back. And it's Worldwide again.

Inflation's Back. And it's Worldwide again.

After months of mainstream victory laps – including Paul Krugman's famous "inflation is over. We won at at very little cost" – it turns out inflation's not dead after all. It's not even resting.

Jan 20, 2024
by Peter St Onge
What's the "Climate Crisis" Endgame?
climate hysteria

What's the "Climate Crisis" Endgame?

n sheer dollars, it rivals the military industrial complex, and second only to central banking. Trillions frittered away on green billionaires and their army of useful idiots who glue themselves to highways.

Jan 12, 2024
by Peter St Onge
Central Bankers Choose Inflation

Central Bankers Choose Inflation

In a dramatic pivot, central banks worldwide are following the Federal Reserve's lead in shifting from rate hikes to anticipated rate cuts, a move that has taken financial analysts and economists by surprise.

Dec 30, 2023
by Peter St Onge
"Four Pillars of Civilization" Under Attack

"Four Pillars of Civilization" Under Attack

In the grand scheme of history, we've only just begun to unravel our civilization. I'd date the start to the Progressive era a century ago, when totalitarian socialism gained the upper hand by making a devil's bargain with liberal democracy: give us control and we will let you sit on the throne.

Dec 10, 2023
by Peter St Onge
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